i Situations Vacant Situations Vacant i— =——— =— • —- i ENGINEERING SUPERVISOR CHRISTCHURCH BRANCH | APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED for the position of : Engineering Supervisor at the Christchurch I Branch of J. Wattie Canneries. Limited. Reporting to the Chief Engineer, the EngineerI ing Supervisor is responsible for: • Supervising and organising the work of subordinate engineering staff in his area of responsibility. • Ensuring that safe practices are observed in accordance with Company safety rules and conditions laid down by the Factories Act. i • Effecting urgent repair work to minimise machine down-time due to mechanical failure. • Planning and initiating maintenance of plant to fit in with seasonal demands, ensuring that the work is completed prior to the commencement of processing. • Authorising issues of parts from engineers store and accounting for their use. • Reporting to the Chief Engineer on any matters which could disrupt the smooth running of the engineering department. This is a senior appointment within the Branch, offering challenge and prospects. The salary will relate to qualifications and experience. Applications, which close on September 28,1981, must be in writing setting out qualifications, experience and personal data, addressed to: The Industrial Relations Manager, J. WATTIE CANNERIES, LIMITED, P.O. Box 439. Hastings. ENGINEERING MECHANICAL DRAUGHTING/DESIGN/ DEVELOPMENT AGRICULTURAL SEEDING AND TILLAGE IMPLEMENTS FOR NEW ZEALAND AND EXPORT. WE ARE SEEKING a capable person to take charge of our small drawing office, carry out new design work, assist with development projects and be prepared to help with practical work as required. Good drawing office experience, practical engineering design ability and manufacturing knowledge are the main qualifications required for the job. Previous experience in agricultural engineering is not necessary, but applicants should have an interest in learning and becoming actively involved in this field of work. Applications are invited in writing giving a summary of experience and qualifications to: MR D. BURT. Research and Development Engineer. P. AND D. DUNCAN. LTD. P.O. Box 124. CHRISTCHURCH. - LTFAf-U.U NT vCUtjli'’' I i—JZ-jIg"! ANU INDUSTFIAI RLSFARC’H : ENTOMOLGOY DIVISION LINCOLN RESEARCH CENTRE TECHNICIAN THE ENTOMOLOGY DIVISION of the D.S.I.R. at Lincoln requires a technician for work on insect/ pasture plant relationships. The job includes planting and maintenance of field plots and glass-house trials, devising methods for and rearing insects on different host plants in the field, glasshouse and labortory. and making accurate observations and quantitative recording of effects of host plants on aspects of the biology of insects. Training on the job will be provided. The successful applicant will be a careful and meticulous person with interests in biology and engineering. Minimum qualification is U.E. with passes in science subjects, or relevant experience. An appointee without tertiary education should be prepared to undertake further study toward an appropriate qualification. Applicants should apply in their own handwriting. supplying full details of education, previous experience, interests and any other relevant information. on form PSI7A (obtainable from any Post Office) to The Administration Officer. Entomology Division. D.5.1.R.. Private Bag. Christchurch. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS An opportunity in Industrial Relations exists at N.Z. Forest Products Limited, a I major company with branches and subsidiary companies throughout N.Z. The I position offered is at our Kinleith Pulp I paper and sawmilling complex, an . operation employing 4500 people. 1 Kinleith is situated in close proximity to the Central North Island town of Tokoroa. We require a well qualified and experienced person to join our Industrial Relations team which is required to provide Management with appropriate advice and assistance to facilitate the i smooth running of the operation. The position inherently requires good negotiating skills and the successful applicant will be required to act as the Company's advocate on a regular basis. The applicant will probably have gained r this competence from knowledge and e I experience gained from working within a I large company although experience with other employer service organisations would be welcomed. In addition to the attractive salary other i benefits including home ownership schemes will be discussed at the interview. Applications covering full personal details, qualifications and experience should be addressed to:Z'TX Personnel Superintendent f fA A N.Z. Forest Products Limited I AL J Private Bag n XjZ' TOKOROA.
Page 47 Advertisements Column 3
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 47
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