Situations Vacant Situations Vacant CHATHAM ISLANDS COUNTY COUNCIL GRADER DRIVER APPLICATIONS are invited for the position of grader driver. Housing is available at reasonable rental. Wages negotiable. Interested persons should contact Mr Dacombe at Christchurch 798-437 on Sunday or Monday. ' WAITANGI, M. O. DACOMBE. September 10, 1981. County Clerk.
CHRISTCHURCH COOL STORES, LTD STOREMAN CHRISTCHURCH COOL STORES LTD, require an energetic and reliable person to train as a Storeman. This is a permanent position. Must have aptitude for figures. Please phone 487-014 after 9-30 a.m. Monday for an interview appointment.
CLERICAL POSITION SITUATION-Central Office WORK-Hotel Related QUALIFICATIONS: Experience in Accounts Payable Wages and P.A.Y.E. Bank Reconciliations Typing not essential but an advantage AGE: 19 to 30 years Remuneration negotiable Apply in writing to: - Box 1602 Christchurch. (Include contact phone no.)
CONRON PRODUCTS LIMITED Requires 2 tradesmen and one general purpose factory hand, for formica and laminex fabrication. Top wages and conditions. Apply in person: 185 Bower Ave or phone 885-853.
CREDIT MANAGER WE ARE A RAPIDLY EXPANDING Group of Companies, involved in television, stereo and home applicance retailing, renting and servicing and we seek to engage a person experienced in consumer credit control and hire purchase, to take charge of this sector of our business. Current turnover is at a level of $l2 million per annum with plans for further substantial expansion being presently under action. Existing techniques encompass a variety of computerised and manual systems and we seek a person with credit control experience who can contribute to the continuing review and development of effective control procedures. Our Group is pursuing a very positive approach to existing and potential business opportunities. We also believe that we have a- very realistic policy in respect of the remuneration of employees who effectively contribute, as part of our management team, to the continuing success of our Group. If you feel that you have the experience and ability that is required for this senior position, then please write to us in the strictest confidence giving details of your age, work history, copies of any available references, and other relevant personal information. Applications should be addressed to: — "CREDIT MANAGER.” NOEL LEEMING TELEVISION, LTD. P.O. BOX 8278, CHRISTCHURCH. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE SOCIAL WORKER FOR INTENSIVE FOSTER CARE SCHEME THE CHRISTCHURCH District office of the Department of Social Welfare requires a case worker for their Intensive Foster Care pilot project — caseload of 10 children enabling a worker to offer intensive support to these foster placements. QUALIFICATIONS DESIRED: Preference will be given to a person holding a social work qualification and/or who has had expedience in work with families and adolescents. Duties include involvement in the selectioin aand training of foster parents; casework with families aand children. Applications close on September 10, with the Assistant Director, Social Work, Department of Social Welfare, Private Bag, Christchurch. Applicants should use P.S. 17A available from Post offices aand quote vacancy number 4729. Copies of testimonials should be enclosed.
Page 46 Advertisements Column 7
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 46
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