Situations Vacant AN OPPORTUNITY IF YOU have a few hours to spare each week and the desire to earn extra money for Christmas, then join our happy group of ladies selling our exciting range of jewellery and gift lines on the party plan. For further details, please write to Cardon Fashion Jewellery, 25 Walmsley Road. St Hellers. Auckland. APPRENTICESHIPS FOUNDRY PATTERN MAKING AND MOULDING R. BUCHANAN AND SONS. LTD Iron Foundry at Maces Road, Bromley have two vacancies for young persons seeking a career in the Foundry Industry. Our modern mechanical foundry provides facility for a comprehensive training in both jobbing and production work. A minimum acceptable education attainment to enable complete masting of the training study requirements, would be Technical Drawing, Core mathematics, and English, but University Entrance in the tool subjects could be an added recommendation. In the first instance apply by letter including a resume of personal details addressed to: The Employment Officer ANDREWS SBEAVEN LIMITED Private Bag. Christchurch. ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT WE require an assistant accountant. The position would suit a partly or newly qualified person in tne 22 to 25 age group. With some costing and financial experience and some ability in office management. Salary negotiable to the right person. For a confidential Interview PHONE 65-744. ,i we specialise in placing Accountants." New Zealand Electricity ASSISTANT HOSTEL MANAGER AN Assistant Manager is required for our new 45 Bed Hostel at Meremere. Applicants should have had management experience in the catering field. Duties will include provision of three meals a day for Hostel members, ordering of supplies and the supervision of Hostel staff and the cleaning of the dining room and dormitory block. Normal Public Service conditions of employment apply. Assistant may be given to a married appointee required to move household. Further details may be obtained from Mrs M. Finlay. Station Administration Officer, Electricity Division. Ministry of Energy, Meremere Power Station. Private Bag. Meremere, Phone: Mercer 804 collect. Applications close on September 16. 1981, with the Staff Officer, Electricity Division, Ministry of Energy, Private Bag, Wellington. Applicants should use form P.S. 17A which Ls obtainable from Post Offices, and quote vacancy number 5126. Only copies of testimonials should be enclosed. BRJGHTSIDE HOSPITAL 3 BRIGHTSIDE RD. EPSOM. AUCKLAND ISISTER in charge for theatre required for the above hospital. Apply in writing to: Principal Nurse. Miss A. Millen. Cabinetmakers Machinists TRADESMEN Machinists required. Apply in person to: R. A. and C. R. DAVIES, LTD, 530 Blenheim Road. CALVARY CLINIC REGISTERED PSYCHIATRIC/ COMPREHENSIVE NURSE REQUIRED FULL time position. Monday to Friday. 9 a.m. to 5-30 Apply: Sister in Charge. Monday, phone 64-131. CAPABLE SINGLE SHEPHERD WITH good dogs and own transport for mustering run in Wanaka area, starting Ist October. Phone after 7 p.m. C.M. BURDON, Mt Burke Station, 3 R.D. Cromwell. Phone 200 Wanaka. CARPENTER WANTED for variety of work. Suit person looking fur part time employment. Phone 519-167. EXPERIENCED PERSON TO splice nylon rope, able to work irum home. PP<-"’E 63-599.
Page 46 Advertisements Column 4
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 46
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