Businesses For Sale ENGINEERING business for sale as going concern. 2 acres freehold land with 1900 sq ft engineers’ shop, complete with lathe and all necessary plant and stock. Owner selling for family reasons. Situated 20 miles from Rangiora. Apply Devlins Real Estate, MREINZ. Ph. 8829 any time. FISH and Chips, new business on main road in busy suburb, excel, lease and plant, great potential and no competition. Owner transfering. will leave $15,000 in to suitable purchaser. $41,500 0.n.0. Ph. sole agents, Kent Prier Real Estate. Ltd, MREINZ, 794-120. a.h. Cindy Bercusson 556-278. FISH and Chip Shop. Wet and fried fish and chip shop, in N.W. suburb with sales averaging $2500 plus p.w. Good premises with excellent plant. Good lease at reasonable rental with R.O.R. for 5 years. Price $40,000 for quick sale includes stock and plant, truck and goodwill. Wrightson NMA, Ltd. MREINZ. Ph. 796-460. a.h. Peter 899-630. FISH, chips and burgers. Short hours. Urgent sale. $3500. Walk-in walk-out. Ph. 70R Akaroa. FISH, $25,000. Superior fresh and cooked fish and chips in township north of Chch. Central busy position. No opposition near. Top quality shop plant and equipment. Last years balance sheets available showing very good profits. Price $25,000 plus S and P. Full particulars ph. 790-940 John Robinson, a.h. 427-625. Whittle Knight and Boatwood, MREINZ. FOOD distribution. fully equipped truck with large range of products, short hours with good returns, $22,000 0.n.0. Phone 793-262. FOOD Distributing Business, short hours, good returns. Ph. 525-038 (evenings). FOOD Fast takeaway. Industrial area, good location and lease. Excellent plant has facilities to do own baking. Ideal for chef. T.O. $lBOO plus. Further details phone 791000. a.h. 489-587, Pacific Real Estate, Ltd. MREINZ. FRIED fish shop, situated thriving Nth Canty township. Tremendous opportunity to purchase this business. T.O. exceeds $2,500 per week with very high profit. This modern shop has the latest plant and fittings and sound lease. Complete at $40,000. Beattie Real Estate, MREINZ. Ph. Belfast 7191 or 7317. FRUIT and dairy, prime location, main road, lock up, good lease. Great potential. For further information phone 884-029. GARAGE, 2 men, no pumps, 50 per cent of turnover in specialised cliffy work. Good connections. Call St Albans Rea! Estate, Ltd. MREINZ. Haiiday, 799-896 any time. GENERAL carrying, owner operated 1 man business, pfione 39-806. GIFT and souvenir shop with attractive layout situated in modern city mall. Turnover increasing, good stock lines, long lease. Ingoing approx. $15,000. Graeme Hoare, Drewerys ■ Estate Agency, MREINZ. 799-646. a.h. 486-430. GIFT Shop, all in price $6OOO. W.1.W.0 urgent sale. Ph 888905 or 890-384. GROCERY. 5 day. Would make good 7 day, T.O. $2700. G.W. $6OOO, Stock and plant at valuation approx $17,000. Cash deposit approx $15,000. balance finance arranged. Ph. 388-900. HAIRDRESSING salon, central city. One of Chch’s top salons now for sale. $BOOO, long lease.' Phone 31-936. INVESTMENT. New Brighton. Prime block of shops in sought after location. Good long term leases. Prize. $200,000. Ph. Sale Agents, M. B. Cook and Co. MREINZ. Ph. 68-334, or a.h. 558-278. JEWELLERY and high classed gift store. Chch Central City location. Excel, lease. Fixtures and fittings $15,000. Goodwill at $lO,OOO. Stock $20,000 approx. Can be negotiable, genuine reason for selling. Ph. a.h. 517-712 or write R.D. Wilkinson P.O. Box 1967 Chch. MOST lucrative part time bread round available. Ph. 238-610. MOST lucrative bread round available, 4 hours work. For details Phone 238-610. MOTELS, $250,000. Set in large private landscaped grounds, 6 spacious units and excel. 3 bdrm home. Excel, t.o. Some vendor finance available. Ph. owner's agent, Warner, St Albans Real Estate, Ltd MREINZ 799-896 any time. MOTELS. At present we can offer two excel, units, one in rural township and one on outskirts of Chch, both reasonably priced. For further particulars contact N.Z. Farmers’ Co-op. Assn, Ltd, MREINZ, ph. 795-040. MOTELS. Comprehensive selection of first class complexes. City, main outlets and other areas to offer. See us for advice if contemplating buying. Rathie James, MREINZ, ph. 799-596, a.h. 881-047. M ■ ■ ■ SB MOTELS. St Albans Real Estate Ltd, MREINZ. Christchurch leading Motel and Hotel Brokers have the largest selection of motels from $150,000 to $900,000. For details on financing, leasing or outright purchasing phone Clutha Halliday, 799896 any time. STC PART-TIME model and hobby accessories manufacturing business. Excellent returns and established outlets. Ph. 555-367. QUICK lunch, 5-day. industrial area, main highway, excel. T.O. $20,000 plus stock. 522, "Press."
A VERY POPULAR AND SPECIALISED FOOD BUSINESS IN NELSON EASILY 45 HOURS, VERY CLEAN, 5 DAYS A WEEK work pattern can be managed single handed or with just one staff while you supervise about 10 hours a week - showing excellent returns and lot of potential. Very tidy 2 bedroom fiat also attached to shop. First time on the market for sale since established 5 years ago due to owners moving to another city. Some finance can be arranged — walk in, walk out, cash price $36,000, optional freehold including above premises and a dairy and a shearing shed above average return $59,500. For further details call Jindi Pujji Phone NN83095 or write 584 Evening Mail Office, c/- P.O. Box 244, Nelson. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS FOR SALE A CHRISTCHURCH based business manufacturing garments and accessories is available for purchase. This long established business is soundly based and its products are marketed throughout the country. Assets include land and buildings, plant, slock etc. Some import licences are held. Confidential enquiries to: “Manufacturer” c/- Mr P. A. Cox Wilkinson Wilberfoss, P.O. Box 2091, Christchurch.