KAIAPOI. $59,900 buys this beautifully presented 3 and a half year old Summerhill stone 3 genuine dble bdrm home. Large lounge. 24 x 14 Mexicana doors to elegant dining area. Hostess appointed kitchen with walk in pantry, up to the minute decorations through this house and delightful chattels. 24 prch landscaped section. Dble garage.’Ph. Kai 8968 or a.h. Russell Allfrey 6432 Anstice Real Estate MRERINZ. KAIAPOI. $62,000 olde English charm. Cape Cod in every respect. Open plan living, lounge dining (open fire). Three genuine dble bdrms. 2 bathrooms. 3 toilets. Also attached granny flat. This property is ideally suited for large family and is situated on 810 sq mm section. Close to all town facilities. Ph. now Kaiapoi 8968 or a.h. 6432 Anstice Real Estate MREINZ. KAIKOURA, 2 storey house, can be used as 2 units or one large family home, upstairs contains lounge, kitchen/ family room, pantry. 3 bedrooms, study, bathroom etc. Built for the'sun and outdoor living. Ground floor contains 4 bedrooms, kitchen/livingroom, utility room, lounge and garage.' Rural view at northern end of town. Price $70600. Ph. Greymouth 5033. LEESTON: Sound perm, material home on 3038 sq. m ( i acre), zoned Service 3. Outbuildings include sound workshop/warehouse and large area is well sheltered and fenced. Dwelling is well maintained and comprises lounge, dining room, 3 bedrooms and all amenities. Property is situated adjacent to the business centre and suited to a variety of business useage or as residential. Price $545,000. Contact Ron Skews, N.Z. Farmers’ Co-op. Assn, MREINZ. Phone Leeston 809 or a.h. Irwell 705. LINWOOD: Feeling cramped? Try this 2 storey colonial beauty for size. Features included 45 foot long lounge. 7 • bdrms. 2 sunrooms, sep. dining room. 2 garages and workshop. Well maintained and priced at only $49,950. Ph. Drewerys Estate Agency. MREINZ, 799-6-16, a.h. John Timoney 67-627. LINWOOD, Mathesons Rd, 2 for $23,000. Two houses on 1 title, both facing street, total land area just under '< acre. Neat and tidy, ideal letting proposition’. Phone Ron Dineen. 62-538, a.h. 8.56-044. Pasley Real Estate, MREINZ. LINWOOD, $22,500. Very comfortable family home situated near buses and shops. This 3 bdrm character home has a large section, and gets maximum sunshine. Very good buying as this property has plenty of extras, like dble garage, workshop etc. Ph. Betty McAllister, 62-105 (any time), Beasley Packard and Chamberlain, Ltd. LINWOOD, $24,950. Nice early bungalow of 2 bdrms, lounge, sep. living room and kitchen. Nicely decorated and carpeted and situated on sunny corner section. Large garage. Ph. Rex Mercer 278-044. or 66-917, Mercer Real Estate. MREINZ. LINWOOD. Country living, city style on this 50 perch section in two titles with 3 double bedroom perm, material home, spacious sunny lounge, sep. shower, double garage. $47,000. Roger Greenaway. Drewerys Estate Agency. MREINZ. Ph. 799646. a.h. 886-283. LITTLE RAKAIA: Surrounded by mature trees and shrubs on 3569 sq. m (•< acre) this sunny 3 bedroom open plan living home features all the attributes for modern living, plus a large area set out in bulbs, lilies, fruit trees, etc. Being on the doorstep of a fisherman’s paradise, this property would suit those with these interests or those who want to enjoy the quiet of rural living. Priced at only $48,500 Phone N.Z. Farmers' Real Estate, MREINZ, Leeston 809 or Chch 795-040. LOOKI Just listed by sole agents. On elevated shrub studded garden section in quiet cul-de-sac off Locksley Ave. Catching all the sun this very well presented brick home has 3 good size bdrms, sunroom, spacious lounge, sep. dining room, modern kitchen with auto stove, rannge hood, dishmaster. excellent quality carpets, and drapes, double garage and rumpus room, plus built in swimming pool. For only $72,000! Simes and Co. Ltd. MREINZ. 790-604, a.h. Arthur Ainsworth 893-153. LOWER CASHMERE. A superb 3 bedroom permanent material home in truly immac. condition. A property for the most discerning buyer as the quality and taste of presentation can't be faulted. See today's auction column. Cedric King, of Geo. . Anderson. Smiths City Market, Ltd. MREINZ. 64-205 or 66-979. LOWER CASHMERE, Spreydon. We have to offer a 3 bdrm weatherboard, Summerhill stone home with street appeal and set on a large 40 perch section, a gardener's delight. Spacious lounge with large windows and pleasant view, sep. dining, immac. panelling. 2 fires. A great family home. $45,000. Peter Wilson. Ltd. Suzanne Davison, ph. 325-994 office. 889-680 a.h. MREINZ. ■ ■ ■ ■ LOWER CASHMERE, first time offered. Immac. 2 bdrm perm. mat. home. Situated on established low maintenance section. Features spacious sunny lounge opening on to patio, sep. dining. Well appointed kitchen. Tastefully decorated throughout. Quality carpets. Dual hot water. $4’9.000. Sole agents Dalgely N.Z.. Ltd. MREINZ. ph.798-200 a.h. Bruce Street 62-305.
Page 43 Advertisements Column 5
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 43
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