INVESTMENT Armagh Street. $2..000. Large house in four flats. Low returns at present but capital gain and rent increase is assured with redecoration. Could return over 20 per cent. Be quick. Ph. John Hobson. 427-116 or 62-972. Wing Real Estate. MREINZ. INVESTMENT Attractive architecturally designed Office warehouse complex for sale located near Town hall with ample all street car parking leased to a substantial tenant with regular rent reviews. Price $90,000. Phone sole agents, M. B. Cook and Co., MREINZ. ph. 68-334 or a.h. 558-278. INVESTMENT central City. Warehouse, offices and showroom. Leased to National tenant for long period. Ratos, insurance and internal maintenance, tenants responsibility. The building is near new condition. well located with ample car parks. Returning $28,000 p.a. Priced to sell at $265,000 or near offer. Ph. P. Mangos, 791-100. Pacific Real Estate. Ltd. INVESTMENT, commercial. An outstanding opportunity for a discerning buyer of a prestige commercial building in the heart of the ChCh business centre. Leased on a long term basis to a nationally known company and showing the investor a return in excess of 10.5 per cent, at a selling price of $320,000. Ph. Patrick Johnston. 849-232. for further details. Kent Prier Real Estate. Ltd. MREINZ. INVESTMENT factory showing 12 per cent return on purchase price of $125,000 with new lease for 9 years. Ph. Gerald Connolly. Dalgely New Zealand, Limited. MREINZ. 798-200. INVESTMENT Flats. Block of 6. perm. mats. 2 bdrm. 2 storey units, built’ to the sun. handy to city. 3000 m. Reduced to $135,000 for quick sale. A.H. Whalan 894-787. Sole Agents. ■ Beltons Real Estate (Chch) Ltd., MREINZ. 595-600. INVESTMENT flats. Upper Riccarton. Excellent letting area. 5 2-bdrm flats. 7 year old built in permanent materials with aluminium window joinery. $150,000. Ford and Hadfield Ltd, MREINZ. 797-830, a.h. 849-486. Warren Fiebig. INVESTMENT flats and shop. Flats only 6 years old and each comprises 2 bdrms, and large living area, all in excellent order. Adjoining retail shopin a good locality. Returning $l4O p.w. asking $65,000. Ph. Warwick Todd Ltd. MREINZ. 556-135, a.h. Michael Gibbon 554-439. INVESTMENT 1.3. warehouse showroom offices. Fitzgerald Avenue, valuable commercial property of 5854 sq. ft. Rare opportunity, price $150,000. Ph. Bill Bedford at Colliers International Property Consultants. MREINZ. 796-521. a.h. 327-590. INVESTMENT, new industrial warehouse Wickham Street Bromley featuring high stud, container door, office and cafeteria. 5000 sq ft. Price $90,000. Phone BUI Bedford at Colliers International Propertv Consultants MREINZ 796-521 a.h. 327-590. INVESTMENT New Brighton. Home in 3 flats, great letting potential. Big section. $29,950. Ph. sole agents. St Albans Real Estate Ltd. MREINZ. Wendy Halliday, 799-896 any time. INVESTMENT opportunity. Seaside cottage 50 miles from Chch. All services installed. Cash sale of $16,000 is G.V. and also includes furniture and carpets. Write to P.O. Box 4154. Chch. INVESTMENT, retail shops plus 9 flats, handy to city, returning 12 per cent on asking price of $266,000. Details from Ford and Hadfield Ltd, MREINZ. 797-830. a.h. 849-486 or 427-992.
BUILDERS OF FINEST FAMILY HOMES HIGHSTEAD ROAD: Three bedroom unit on large sunny section complete with garage, concrete drive, paths, etc. WARATAH STREET: Three bedroom unit on corner section, separate entrance for each unit. CLYDESDALE STREET: Very nice 3 bedroom home all large rooms set on very sunny section. CLYDESDALE STREET: Three bedroom home unit on rear section.,Very well appointed. BOWER AVENUE: Three bedroom home unit complete with fencing. concrete drive, etc. These last 3 properties can be purchased on easy terms, very reasonable second mortgage, money available, easy repayments. Our office staff are happy at all times to give advice and welcome inquiries. PHONE ‘ 889-377 business. ' 518-429 after hours. 886-466 after hours. 858-133 after hours.
Page 43 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 43
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