Television IF HIRE OR BUYI !§WITHIN AN f* PHILIPS • SANYO || NATIONAL • PYE ||.FROM 56.23 Coal, Coke, Firewood A bag dry manuka, gum. coke, fast or heater coals. Trailers Bin pine from $9.60. Mill waste from $4.80. 114 Sawyers Arras Rd. Mon.-Sat.. 9-5. A better deal at Kenroll Services. open 7 days, week-days 8 - 4.30. Saturday 8.30 - 4. Sunday 1 - 4. for bags and bulkwood. Good supply ot split blue gum and miicrocarpa for log fire, and split pine. Bulk or bag domestic coals, and industrial coal ex yard or delivered to Christchurch and country areas. Phone for delivery in your area today. Directions: follow signboards from Europa Garage, Rolleston. Ph. 478382 a.h. 478-579. WFS ABSOLUTELY bone dry split pine, also bluegum. 10 bags S2O. Cords also. Prompt delivery. phone 857-088. A dry split pine $45. 3.5 cu. metres. Dry split blue gum. $65. Prompt delivery. Phone 557-235. ANTIGUA Fire Supplies, have good stocks of dry split bluegum, pine and macrocarpa. ideal for open fires, log fires or space heaters. We sell it in trailer, boot or sack loads all at reasonable rates bags delivered. $3.50 each, minimum 4 bags, so call down to 92 Antigua Street. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 10.30 lo 4 p.m. Sunday 10.30 to 2 p.m. or phone 557-116.WHFS. AT mill. Wood. coal. coke. 114 Sawyers Arms Rd. 6 days. 9-5. D BARK and sawdust. Delivered by bag or trailer load. Ph. 528-552. BLUEGUM blocks $5O; split $6O: Pine blocks $4O; split $5O. Ph. 599-143. MWFS R ffl ■ B BONE dry bags, or macrocarpa or pine, $2.50 delivered minimum 5 bags, immediate delivery. Phone 557-116. CASH firewood. Free 25 kg bag of coal with orders of $3O. Bags S 3 delivered, $2.50 from yard. Split pine $5O a cord, unsplit $4O a cord. Split bluegum $75 a cord delivered. $55 unsplit. Or get your own from $2O a trailer load. Apply 31 Ely Street, (off Salisbury Street). Ph. 886-5160 r 325-907. COAL, firewood, macro, and pine blocks. 125 Maces Road. Open 6 days. MWS DAY, split Macrocarpa blocks. $35 average trailer. Ph. 159 K Dunsandel. B ■ Q E 9 DRY seasoned macracapa blocks, $5O per full cord, delivered next day. Buy now at this year’s prices. Ph. Antigua Fire Supply's Ltd. 557-116. DRY short lengths of slabwood $5 trailer load. Drv split pine $lO trailer load. Ph. 429-773. DRY spilt pine. $lB per trailer load. Ph. 799-298 for delivery. DRY unsplit pine blocks, $3B cord, split $45 cord. Free, prompt delivery, Kaiapoi, Rangiora areas. Ph. Kaiapoi 7415. C O D. FIREWOOD, dry willow blocks. $45 .cord, delivered. Phone Belfast 7202. FIREWOOD FIREWOOD AGAIN selling at Broughs Road. opp. Waimairi Dump, trailer loads from $l2. boot loads from $3.50. Also all timber lines stocked. Open daily and Saturday. 7.30 to 12 noon. P. G. MORRISON. LIMITED. ' Broughs Road. FIREWOOD for sale average trailer $l5. boot loads $5 to SB, sacks $2, 161 Pages Rd, next to Stadium Motors. FIREWOOD, sell. Dry poplar, cut your own. Phone 23-8572. FIREWOOD. Cut up limber. $8 average trailer. Gate C, Truscotts Rd. Sats and Suns. FIREWOOD. Cut your own. Saturday/Sunday. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at Grana Park. S.I.Z.S. project. FIREWOOD. 10.6 cu. metre loads, only $BO. Immediate delivery. • Sawdust $l2 truck load. Pegasus Sawmilling Company. Ph. 599-323. a.h. 524-599. D FIREWOOD 10.5 cu metre loads, from $B5. prompt delivery assured. Ph. Kevin McAllister, bus 63-559. a.h. 497-280. D MACROCARPA, delivered by the cord. $6O. C.O.D. Ph. 498-431. MANUKA $BO. Split pine $45. Pine blocks $3B. Blue gum split $65. Blue gum blocks $5B. A cord (3.5 metres). Bags of ■ above avail. Ph. 487-635 for delivery or drive into our yard for trailers or bags. Maddens and Richards 1979 Ltd, 42 Blenheim Rd, Chch 1. Also open Sunday morning. PINE blocks, dry or green. 3.6 metres $4O. Cut to suit log fires. Slock up now for next winter. Prompt delivery. Ph. 596-247. PINE blocks $4O. Split $5O. Immediate delivery. Ph. 895-655. 893-258. PROMPT delivery: 3.6 cu. m split pine. $47, and unsplit pine $42: macrocarpa. manuka. $BO. Reasonably priced. Ph. 39-977. d SLAB wood, sawmill wants to make contact with wood merchant to buy slab wood, no cut to lengths. Ph. 8009 Bel. WOOD. Summer price $2 bag. Immediate deliver). Phone 528-552. A COSY’ COAL FIRE IS YOURS CALL in for your coal, coke and firewood. Open 8 a.m.-5.30 p.m. week-days. Also 8 a.m.-12 noon Saturday mornings. Burnwell Coal and Hardware, drive-through coal depot. 314 Waterloo Rd, Islington (next to Hornby-Islington Garden Centre). Ph. 497-498. FS COAL, COKE, WOOD OPEN SATURDAY 8.30 a.m.-4.30 p.m. IMMEDIATE DELIVERYDRY SLAB WOOD PAPANUI COAL CO.. Farquhars Road. REDWOOD Telephone 528-552.
Page 41 Advertisements Column 8
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 41
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