Machinery Buy LATHE screw cutting with gap bed buy. Ph. 857-823. MtG-WELDER wanted. Please contact Darfleld 88-289. PIPE, galvanised or black wanted, all sizes. Ph. Aabaas Bros. 497-859. STC PORTABLE electric single shearing plant Ph. 488-160. POST peeler, skillings No. 1, excellent condition, new bearings, knives and head. Contact J. Tiffen, phone Makikihi 841. PRESSURE tank and pump wanted, must be good cond. Phone Belfast 8965. ROTARY hoe. Howard 24 inch, buy. Ph. 64-656. ROTARY hoe wanted. 50 or 60in. Ph. Belfast 8433. SHEET metal treadle notcher wanted. Phone Chch 856-797. SPRAY boom, stainless, 18ft. Ph. 478-045. STAINLESS Steel dairy tank 200 to 300 gals. Phone 489-168. TRACTOR tyre wanted. Il x 28. or 12.4 x 28. reasonable cond. Ph. Duv. 808 collect. WANTED, compressor and paint pot. approx. 2 gallon. Plione 584-429 WANTED, Planet Junior tor fertilizer and weeding. Phone Parnassus 564 evenings. WANTED, small blast freezer or equipment for same. Ph. Motueka 87-648. WANTED to buy No. 3 Chip-master-body and shaft Condition must be good, liner condition no worry. Ph. 427566. WANTED to buy 30 to 40 ton steel grain silos. Phone Ashburton 83-437 collect. WANTED to buy, 4 ton feed bin. Phone 82-243. Timaru. WOODWORKING and sawmilling machinery. Anywhere in N Z. Best prices paid. Phone 30-092 Auckland (collect). WOOL press, barrows or other wool equipment wanted anything considered. Phone 856781. 7 toot hay Crimper, prefer John Deere. Phone Timaru 62-109 collect. 'TRACTORS and implements! combines and front end loaders. Ph. 4019 or a.h. 5228 Ashburton. t * BUYING ALL TYPES OF SCALES. WEIGHBRIDGES AND RATIO COUNTERS RATHGENS SCALES SERVICE. LTD. 339 Moorhouse Avenue. (Opp. Railway Station) PHONE 799-010 Photography AT last, custom black and while printing service now available, high quality developing and enlarging promptly done, all types of work undertaken. Call at Manson and Webber Photographers. 567 Colombo St or phone 61-072. STC AUTOMATIC continuous film processor 35mm-16mm E 6 3(X)m loading, complete with pH controllers. Price to clear $5OOO. Film Services. 39 Matipo St. BELL and Howell 16mm sound projector model TQI automatic thread, only $550. Other Bell and Howell sound models from $156 at Film Services. 39 Matipo St. BUY tripod for movie camera, reasonable. Phone Bel 8809. CANNON Al body for sale, has only had 4 films through it. $750 0.n.0. Ring Patearoa 856 collect. CANON QLI9. fL9. perfect order. $l5O. Ph. 26-5248. CANON 814 XLE movie camera, as new. $575 0.n.0. Ph. 383-243. CASE: large hard padded camera case, mint cond., can hold 2/3 bodies and 5/6 lenses, lockable, deep brown leather look, includes straps. ’ $B7 0.n.0. Ph. 558-842. CHINON 35f - EE. camera sell, as new cond. $l6O. Ph. 583-783. ENLARGER conversion for any international back, 4x5 camera with Linnof condenser head. $l5O. Ph. 595-269. FLASH photography, using direct, fill-in, bounce and computer flash. Course commences September 15. for 3 Tuesday nights, 7 p.m.-10 p.m. $3O. N.Z. School of Photography, phone 795-277. FOR Sale: Hanimex VXL pocket Inst, with flash, $BO. Ph. 888-560. MAMIYA R 867 outfit sell. Excellent condition, at half trade price. Phone RGA 5138. MIMAYA-SEKOR 35mm S.L.R. 1.4 lens. 28mm wide angle lens. 2 x auto tele converter, gadget bag. $3OO. Ph. 529-913. MOVIE Camera Yashica. electro 8. Lod 6. $l2O new. 172 Beach Road. OLYMPUS OM-2 With 50mm 1.8 lens, mint cond.. includes filters, diopter and hotshoe. $595 0.n.0. Ph. 558-842. OLYMPUS Zuiko 50mm f 3.5 Macro lens, $240 0.n.0. Ph. 515-004, Jim, in Room 25. PAXIMAT slide cartridges $2 each. Ph. 887-405. PENTAX MEI. 7 lens, excel, cond. $4OO 0.n.0. Ph. 799-435. PENTAX thread auto lenses. Sun 85 to 210 mm zoom. 14.5 $l2O, Ricoh 300 mm f 5.5 $BO. Kenlock 300 mm 15.6, $BO. Ph. 558-117. PENTAX 3.5. 135 mm telephoto lens and case. $175 0.n.0. Ph. after 8 p.m. 6054 Rga. PORTRAIT phography using flash and studio lighting, course commencing September 17, for 3 Thursday nights, 7 p.m.-10 p.m. $3O. N.Z. School of Photography ph. 795-277. ROLLEI 355. as new. $220. Phone 26-5248. SET extension tubes for Canon $7O 0.n.0. Phone 557-608. TOKINA 100-300 zoom sell, with case. PL and Skylight, as new $320. Ph. 34-964. TOKINA 28mm lens. F 2.8. Olympus mount $B5. phone 799-435. VIDEO Camera and Portapak Course commences September 16 for 3 Wed. nights, 7-10 p.m. $3O. N.Z. School of Photography, phone 795-277. VIVITAR Series 1. 70mm-2iomm F 3.5. Macro focusing auto zoom lens, as new. $4OO. Ph. 588-115. ZUIKO 50milimetre 1.4 lense. As new. $245. Ph. 796-219. $3OOO below cost. Pentax complete 6x7 system. The professional photographers camera with four lenses 75. 105. 200 and 400 mm with carrying cases, lensehoods, magnifier, and many other accessories, new. Great investment against rising prices. The lot for only $3525. Film Services, 39 Matipo St.
Page 41 Advertisements Column 11
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 41
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