Fruit, Plants, Produce SUNIGROVE NAVEL ORANGES BUSHfeL carton $17.50 rail paid. 20 or more cartons $l5 each. COLIN SPRATT. R.D. 2 TE PUKE. BAY OF PLENTY. TABLE POTATOES Store graded and dusted. ILAM HARDY RED KING RUA In large sacks and 20kg bags. R. G. ROBINSON. LTD. 17 Sheffield Crescent, (off Wairakei Road). Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. STC Gardening Aids A.A. for garden and landscape supplies, mushroom compost, soil. bark, sawdust, premix. cement sand, paving slabs, punga rails, sleepers, pea straw, trees and shrubs, log rounds. fencing materials, full range screen pebbles. Trailers and concrete mixers for hire. Free loading of trailers or bag lots. Open Mon.-Sat„ 125 Maces Road or phone 849-421 tor deliveries. WFS BACK section for growing veges, free, if kept tidy. Ph. 8059 Belfast. BUY evergreen shrubs or trees. Ph. 429-079 after 5 p.m. CHICKEN manure, dry 5 bags $5. 10 bags $lO. Delivered. Phone COMBINATION fluid or dust sprays, hand operated, light weight, only $23. C. B. Norwood. Ltd. Main South Road. Christchurch. Ph. 495-089. COMPOST (mushroom), truck, trailer and bag lots. Ashlin Mushrooms. Ph. 252-367 or . 252-459. WFS COMPOST. Well rotted, ideal for all gardening. Large bags. $1.95 delivered. Ph. 830-402. Trailer loads from 435 Bower Ave.. Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. STC FENCE posts and rails, top quality, best available, paving slabs, kerbing and all other concrete garden aids. Wlgram Posts, 13 Green Lane (just over’Sockburn Bridge). Ph. 45-420 a.h. 495-431, 495571. Open Sat. till 1 p.rn. FOWL manure and sawdust, decomposed manure. Trailer loads $6 and bags $l. Sawyers Arms Rd, opposite Waimairi rubbish dump. Saturday, 9 a.m.-12 noon. A Belfast Rotary Club Project. GARDEN lime for sale, $2.50 per bag. Thomas Andrews (1979) and Sons, Ltd, 35 Lunns Rd, Chch 4. GUARANTEED 15 year old compost. 5 bags $lO delivered. Areas - New Brighton, Shirley, Redwood and Aranui. Also clean sawdust, 10 bags $B. Ph. 881-000. C.O.D. HORSE manure from slock pile, $3 trailer. Ph. 885 Cust. HORSE manure from $2 trailer load, Templeton area. Ph. 499-045. HORSE manure, with wood shaving mixed. $2 trailer. Ph. 498-581. HORSE manure, S 3 trailer load. Yaidhurst. Ph. 429-272. HORSE manure 10 bags $lO. 5 bags $5. Delivered. Phone 383860. HORSE manure 10 bags for $lO delivered; sawdust 10 bags for $9 delivered. Ph. 555-291. MASPORT home gerdener. almost new $360. Ph. 858-992. MUSHROOM compost, fill your own standard car trailer $5. Truck loads bv arrangement. Phone 499-310. D ONE garden wheelbarrow in good order sell. Ph. 427-833. PAVING slabs, largest variety, compare quality and prices. Sydenham Concrete. 72 Bryon St, Phone 66-815. D PEA straw, suitable compost. $1 bale. Phone 427-136. POULTRY mature, liberally laced with sawdust and ready for immediate use. $1 bag. or 6 for $5. Heaton Intermediate School, Heaton St, today, 10.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. ROCKS for sale. Ph. 497-809. SAWDUST, bark and wood chips. For prompt delivery. Ph. 849-421. D SAWDUST, bark, bark and chip mix, also clean untreated shavings. Truck loads only, prompt delivery assured. Phone Kevin McAllister, bus. 63-559, a.h. 497-280. D ■ BBS SHEEP manure, $2 per large bag, 6 tor $lO. Fletcher Merchants Car Park, this morning. Proceeds to St. John's Church, . Hororata. SOIL, screened ano unscreened. trailer load or truck. Phone 497-809. SOIL (screened and top). Premix shingle, sand. For prompt delivery ph. 849-421. WS STONES, approx 150. suitable rockery. Phone 371-507. TOP soil. $5 trailer load. Phone 857-437. TOPSOIL $5 trailer load, loaded. Ph. 252-317. TRICKLE irrigation pipe, ex Orchard. Pn. Loburn 875. WEANER pigs, sell, $4O. Ph. 714 Tai Tapu. ODERINGS GARDEN SUPPLIES, LTD. BARK chips, soil, mushroom compost and landscaping rocks. 58 MACES ROAD (next to Auto Haulage Co.), PHONE 896-355. STC
MIGHTY 2 DAY CONIFER AND NATIVES SALE BRING IN THIS ADVERT AND WE WILL GIVE YOU 20 PER CENT OFF ALL OUR CONIFERS — pencil shaped, fast growers, dwarf types and ground cover conifers. All colours and sizes. Also 20 PER CENT OFF ALL NATIVES on presentation of this advert — huge exciting range. SALE FINISHES SEPETEMBER 12, 5 p.m. We stock a full range of trees, shrubs, alpines. house plants, bedding and vege plants: tomatoes — troughs and Austratoms — at pleasantly surprising prices. ONLY AT GRANT HAMPTON'S NURSERY AND GARDEN CENTRE 366 NEW BRIGHTO!'- ROAU. PHONE 851-946 OPEN 9-5 p.m. Monday - Saturday I—s p.m. Sunday.
Page 40 Advertisements Column 9
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 40
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