Fruit, Plants, Produce ALPINES and perennials for rock gardens, herbaceous borders. ground covers. • banks etc. Glen Avon Gardens. 148 Panorama Rd, Clifton Hill. Closed Sundays. STC APPLES: Granny Smith. Golden Delicious. Gala, Jonathan, Sturmer, potatoes. Coringa Rd Orchard, Yaldhurst, off Western end of Ryans Rd. Closed Mondays. APPLES: Red Delicious. Sturmers, Glengariff Orchard, Wards Rd, Tai Tapu, off Tai Tapu/Lincoln Rd. Open every day. D APPLES, Sturmer. 9 till 5 dally. Townshends. Landsdowne Valley, Halswell. APPLES, crisp, juicy, sweet. Delicious. Granny Smith, Sturmers. Winter Cole and Nellis pears, potatoes. Shenley Orchard, 656 Wairakei Rd (back of Russley Golf Course). Closed Sundays. , THS APPLES. First grade Delicious and Golden Delicious, large cases 56.80, small cases $3.40. Sturmer large cases $6.40, small cases $3.20, Winter Nellis Pears, small cases $4.90, 3kg $2.20. Please bring containers, closed Sunday. W.D. Mottram, Stafford Orchard. 64 Prestons Road, (off Main North Road.) Redwood. APPLES. Splendour, Red Delicious, Braeburn, Richard Ames, pumpkins, fresh eggs. Coldstream Orchard, North side of Rangiora Golf Course. Open 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Closed Sundays and Mondays. APPLES. Sturmer, Kidd’s Orange Red, and Golden Delicious. Arbuckles Orchard, 626 Marshland Rd and Main Sth Rd, Weedons. FS APPLES, Ist grade Ballarats, long keeping cooker, reduced to $4 large case, $2 small case. W.G. Freeman, 49 Tuckers Rd. Papanui. A. Cox and Son Nurseryman, bedding vegetable and indoor plant growers, 15 Wychbury St, Spreydon, off Lyttelton St. open Mon. to Frl. and Sat. morning. STC BEDDING Plants, Giant Pacific Polyanthus, $4 per box of 30 ■ plants. Vegetable plants etc. Open 7 days. Emmitts Nursery. 179 Weston Road. BEDDING plants, vege plants and seeds. A gooa selection of varietys suitable for planting now. Floraland Nurseries, Ltd, 204 Burwood Rd. also at 147 Pages Rd, open 7 days. BLACK CURRANT cuttings. Daniels Late September, Hatton Black, reduced tb clear, $4 per 100. Phone Darfleld 88-558. BORONIA Megastigma, the fragrant brown boronia;. small plants In bud now, a bargain at $1.25 each. Large plants also available $4.50. Floraland Nurseries, Ltd, 204 Burwood Rd, also at 147 Pages Rd, open 7 days. CABBAGE trees and purple flaxes, nice plants cn special, just $1.95. Floraland Nurseries, Ltd, 204 Burwood Rd, also at 147 Pages Rd. Open 7 days. CARROTS, unwashed $1.50 a case. Washed $2 a case. Caulis, cabbages. ’ potatoes. Bring containers. 95 Grays Road off Avonhead Soad. CAULIS 40c, silverbee: curlykale 40c kg. carrot 30c kg, cabbage, swedes 45c, spinach 35c, onions 90c kg, pumpkins 35c kg. sprouts $1.20 kg. lettuce 75c, Chippewa i otatoes 25c kg. $2.50 sugar bag. Everything fresh at 954 Hi rewood Rd Open all day Saturday. CHAFF sacks (90) No. Is, $1.30 each. Ph. 497-431.
FLOWERING PEACHES AND ALMOND THESE VARIETIES are beginning to flower in town now and feature depth of lower colours and profusion of blossom. Most are good for picking and a few bear edible fruits. They are best planted amongst other shrubs or against walls to act as a summer filler and to display their blossom to advantage. Prune back after flowering to ensure maximum blossom next year. We have in stock these varieties. FLOWERING PEACHES PRUNES CLARA MEYER: Extra large fully double blooms of soft rose pink. HIAWATHA: Large single pink flowers, small edible fruit and coppery purple foliage. SANGUINEA PLENA Bright crimson cerise double flowers crammed onto every branch. FLOWERING ALMOND PRUNUS POLLARDII A vigorous hybrid with profusion of single scm soft rose pink flowers. Last well if picked in bud. These are all big 2 year plants and priced $7.95 each or $5.95 for four. PEAT, POTTING MIX, SPAGNUM MOSS, SPRAYS, FERTILISERS, KINPACK, BLOOD AND BONE. SEED POTAOES BEDDING PLANTS NOW AVAILABLE CHRISTCHUCH NURSERIES, 116 PHILPOTS ROAD (Off Innes Road). Telephone 852-386 OPEN SEVEN DAYS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY LOOK FOR TRUCK ON INNES RD AT WEEK-END. SPECIALS PRUNUS NIGRA, only $lO. (In flower now.) LARGE EVERGREEN TREES, from $7.50 to $l2. MCCORMICKS NURSERIES 38 ENGLISH STREET (Off Yaidhurst Road).