For Sale MBH ELEGANOAND LUXURY THE THEME AT MILLIE JEAN Millie Jean's American and European designs ore either mode from our extensive range of fabrics or we will make up from your own materials. Our service to you is totally Sersonol and our designs exible enough to ensure totol satisfaction and pleasure. Our bedspreads are quilted with dotton equivolent Io 3 wool blankets. King ond queen sizes our specialty. for your convenience we ore now retailing in on area with few parking problems. This will ensure thof you hove time to select the bedspread you have up to now only dreamed of owning. OPEN lOam - 4pm DAILY SATURDAY 9.30 am - 6pm 18 BRIGHTON PIER V PHONE 881-807 J sl2s \\ HURRY! THE POWERFUL ONE BE QUICK AND BEAT THE PRICE RISE! VICTA VCI6O SPORTS What makes Vieta so different is what makes Vieta so good. ‘Famous patented zip starter •Powerful 160 cc motor. •Unique cutting disc. •Uncloggable wide' rear chute. ’Automatic safety flap. • Fingertip throttle control. *Snorkel Air Filter. *lO cutting heights. New price expected to be $525. 6 only left at the old price of. . . $399.95 UPPER RICCARTON 3 WAIMAIRI R 0 PHONE 487*468 K CHURCH CORNER . A SWIMMING POOL PAINT Toubmans Swimming Pool Paint •Single Pack •Quick Drying •Exceptionally Durable •For masonry and concrete pools $31.83 PER 4 LITRE ONLY $24.95 SAVE $6.88 UPPER RICCARTON 3 WAIMAIRI RD PH 487-468 CHURCH CORNER OPEN SAT MORNING \ / a SM FIIK. Put o Oreamwool Mattress Overlay on your bed and enjoy luxurious comfort, natural warmth and health benefits that are unobtainable in other types of bedding. Many sutferers of backache, rheumatism, joint and muscular ailments ore getting genuine relief ond comfort from sleeping on Oreamwool. Satisfaction guoranletd. Smgle bed size - $99.00; double bed size $138.00. See all the Dreomwool products rt! BEDDING SPECIALISTS LTD CORNER COLOMBO AND ST ASAPH STREETS. PHONE 794-916 1 MW'S TELEPHONE ANSWERING MACHINES TELEVISION and Radio Services have new Code-A-Phone models. Phone 895-515 any lime. THS [The name you can trust! THE COMPLETE HOME CLEANING SYSTEM Cash o' terns E'eC!'Oly' l FlOO' !*, Ca'j.'tH Cleaning Euu>i •• e”t Free h Demons!'jt - s Phone 68 422 143 Victoria St Christchurch
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Press, 12 September 1981, Page 40
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Page 40 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 40
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