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For Sale GARAGE sale. washing •> machine. Hoovermatic. $l5O. « Prestcold fridge. $250. China t cabinet $lOO. b. and w. TV. * $5O. Vinyl lounge suite. $450. ’ Vacuum cleane'r. $3O. Polar- : iod camera. $2O. Hairdryer. ' $lO. Iron and ironing board. $5O. Single bed and mattress. ' $3O. Mazda car. 808, 1973. $4650. Ph. 830-560. GARAGE sale. Car parts includi ing Chev. manual, bell housing. fly wheel, clutch, starter < motor. Also slot car track. > formica table and chairs and ’ odds and ends. Apply 5 Branksome Pl. Parklands. GARAGE sale. Carpet and un--1 derlay. 14ft x 12ft (2), blue/ , black stipple and mushroom pink. Carpet rugs, curtains. * lined and screen. 2 fire , screens, light fittings, shades ( (2). Tatter.sfield 6 bar beds. - quantity primus cylinders. Men’s, ladies' and children’s, 8-16 year old, clothing. Boy's chopper cycle, in excellent order. Ph. 524-361 or Springston 833. ■ ■ ■ ■ . GARAGE sale. Colour TV $650 * 0.n.0.: refectory table, seats ’ 10. $250; IBM Executive typewriter $650; radio/cassette J $l5O 0.n.0.; wheelbarrow ; (light) 15; modern oil paint- , ings; sk s; poles; golf clubs. . trtindler and bag; blow dryers: Conray heater $3O: bathroom scales $5. 18 Stor- < mont Place. Avonhead. GARAGE sale. Good quality gar- . age sale. 4 Bentwood chairs, round Colonial table. Mopeg. - cane and potteryware. etc. ’ Call Saturday morning, flat ■ 2. 256 Worcester St. GARAGE sale. Glassware, orna- " ments. camera, girl's and ' women's clothing, green- ’ stone jewellery, spliter box. ’ lounge suite, make-up, toys. ' books, etc. 38 Lambeth Crescent, Saturday after 8 a.m. GARAGE sale. Household goods. Pot plants. Knitting > machine. Colour TV. Call F2, 109 Geraldine St. Ph. 67-293 Saturday and Sunday. GARAGE sale. Lawnmower, doors, fridge-freezer, table, chairs. Kenwood, china, antiques. sundries. 198 Dyers Pass Rd. after 9 a.m. No cheques. GARAGE sale. Ladies coats and . frocks, children's toys and clothing. English baby Burco boiler, cabinet dryer, lots of odds and ends. 16 Beatrice t Place. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday. ‘ No cheques, please. GARAGE sale. Lounge suite. ■ gold 4 sealer and 3 reclining ' swivel chairs $425. Hexagonal ' dining table. 6 high back ' swivel chairs in gold Drayion j $450. 2 oak single beds and * wires, alto saxaphone. Akaai tape deck, pool table, Honda stepthrough. clothes SW and OS. Paint, child's see-saw. ■■ Morris car 1956 $5BO. 38 Mathers Rd. Hoon Hay. .■■ ■ ■ GARAGE sale. Large amount of ' household and garden im1 plements including rotary ' mower; Fuji bush cutter with nylon attachment; oak du- , chesse: chatter seat; 700 red ; bricks: fire surround, film . drying cabinet; fridge; old , panel doors: model A MK 3 .< Zodiac and Morris 12 parts. 2 144 Simeon St. GARAGE sale. Oak double bed and mattress. Pedigree pram. < cot and mattress, bouncinette. Atlas rangette. ballet i shoes for 5-7 yrs. Britex cur * seat, all in good condition. 12 Chevron Place, off Greers ’ Rd. GARAGE sale. Portable colour TV. car radio cassette player, sewing machine, glassware, stuffed toys, clothes and lots of other items at 358 Papanui Rd. after 9 a.m. GARAGE sale. Raleigh 20. divan bed. push button car radio. Wardrobe, kitchen cupboards. sft 5 inches long. 4ft wide. Children's toys. Walkie talkies. Train set. clothes, odds and ends. Ph. 228-086. 63 Santa Rosa Ave. GARAGE sale. Something for everyone. Sat. only from 9 a.m. 51 Pembroke St. GARAGE sale. Trikes, highchairs. carrycots, sit in rocking horse. 1 or 2 person metal rocker, double swing, twin white Queen Anne beds, matching duchess and wardrobe. 12 x 9 floral carpet. Formica table and chairs, lounge suite, framed prints, car vacuum cleaner, cane light fittings, bits and pieces. Phone 34-128. 49 Penrith Ave. Beckenham. After 8.30 a.m. GARAGE sale. Two family bonanza. Trailer Bx 6 $125. 2 TV's, lounge suite. Polorold camera $lO. 20 watt amp and speakers. $l2O. 2 girl’s Lollne bikes $B5 and $95. Small 2 stroke engine $25. Various tools. Men's, women's and kids' clothes. Material lengths. Kitchen bits. Lenco turntable $25. Tape recorder $2O. Gun books, ammo and belt, bathroom basin and much more. No dealers, no cheques please. From 9 a.m. Saturday. 17 Cullahill St. GARAGE sale. Washing machine, bed couch. 2 stroke motor mower, old oak drawleaf table and 4 chairs. 2 dining chairs, old black and white TV. Cash only, 65 King St. Sydenham, after 8.30a.m. GARAGE sale. 128 Aidershot St. 9 a.m. to 4 Sat. only. Conray heater, pictures, rocking horse. knitting machine, cheap children’s and ladies’ clothing plus numerous other articles. GARaGE sale. 10 Elstow Place. Swayaway swing, slide, chain bike, lady’s bike. 26 inch, writing desk, movie projector and screen. Bmm Film Editor, table lamp, children's toys, books and clothes and misc. Phone 327-934. GARAGE Sale. 14 Cobham St. Modern lounge suite $125. Cabinet dryer, fan heater and dryer, child's bike seal, child's bike with stabiliser 35 yrs. Hoover carpet shampooer and polisher, doll's house, children's toys, china and other household items. GARAGE sale, 167 Huxley St. Sat. after 9 a.m. All household effects, colour TV. 5250. Stereo 575. fish tank, complete with stand. $l5: lounge suite $5O. adults tricycle $l5O, Velosolex 5000. $250, war comics. single innersprung mattress. old cast iron fireplace. Many other items. GARAGE sale 185 Grahams Rd. a good variety household appliances. clothing, cakes, everything must go. GARAGE sale. 2 lawnmowers, rabbit cage. CRI2S. teawaggon. ice skates, table, pram, pushchair, trike, firescreen, etc. Ph. 889-015. 67 Brittania Street. GARAGE sale. 2 x 10 gal glass jars plus other wine jars. 67 Hawke St. Brighton. GARAGE sale: 20A Wildberry Street. Woolston. Not before 9 a.m. Saturday 12th. Glasses and china from 5 cents. Clothes dryer $5. Tape recorder $4O. Stereo $5O. Kitchen cupboard, kerosene heater. jewellery, lampshades. pot plants, cocktail cabinet, day bed. a lamp stand, duchesse and mirror, pillows and cases 75 cents. L.P. records from 20c. Gent's shirts, trousers and jerseys from sc. Plus many other items. GARAGE sale, 236 Wilsons Rd. 9 to 4 p.m. Sat. GARAGE SALE 235 Hoon HayRoad. Childrens books, toys, etc. adults and childrens clothing, after 9 a.m. please. GARAGE sale. 259 A Wairakei Rd. Wooden doors and windows, ski boots, skates, rugby boots. C.B.H.S. rugby jerseys, wall furniture, dining suite; as new, miscellaneous. GARAGE sale, 31 Brookside Terrace. after 10 a.m. GARAGE sale, 33 Suffolk St. Flat 3. Contents of ownership flat. Not before 10 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. Everything must be sold.
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Press, 12 September 1981, Page 39
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1,030Page 39 Advertisements Column 1 Press, 12 September 1981, Page 39
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Page 39 Advertisements Column 1 Press, 12 September 1981, Page 39
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