For Sale BEDS, everything new. and repairs. at Brownie’s, est. 1939. bhone 65-531. BEDSIDE cabinet. 545. Phone ' 894-298 BED, single, mahogany. Queen Ann stvle. with spring and mattress. $5O.Ph. 891-458. BED single. Foam mattress. $45. Ph. 856-731. BEDSPREAD, double, professionally quilted, pale gold silk, suitable antique or modern bed. $BO. Ph. 585-455. BEDSPREADS by Millie Jean. Quilted with heavy dacron equivalent to 2-3 wool blankets. complete with frilled pillowcases and cushion. Now available from New Brighton Pier and 449 Colombo St. D BEDSPREADS 2 single Van Tona tan - orange with white fringe, as new. $35 pair. Phone 227-817. BEDS single coffee table. Oak sideboard, leadlight doors, duchess, all good order. 160 North Avon Rd. BEDS, Sleepwell double mattress and base. $220; Sleepyhead single mattress and base. SI3O. Both with castors, 0.n.0. Ph. 384-752. BEDS, twin and innerspring mattresses, excel, cond, $lOO each 0.n.0..A150 car ramps $lO, panel door $5. 97 Marshland Rd, Shirley. BEDS, two single with wire base $l5 each. 6 Rapaki Road. BEDS: 2 single with mattress. Vono type wire, white painted head. $35 each. Please phone 388-676. BEDS, 2 single wire bases, white headboards, very good cond., $45 each. 1 rubber mattress, armchairs - need recovering. Phone 528-602. BENCHES, solid kauri. Sizes from .8 x 2.7 metres up to 1.4 x 4.3 metres. Good cond. Suitable for work bench, taylor’s bench or timber is reuseable. From $lOO. Ph. 50-801 or call 68 Lichfield Street, Mon. to Sat. BERNINA sewing machine 830, 1975-76 model, excel, cond. Had very little use $550. Ph. 792-829. BIKE parts, many makes and models. Offers. Call 120 Quinns Road. BILLIARD tables and accessories, unbeatable value. Drake Ind. Phone 50-509. D BIRD cage plus wrought iron stand, $2O. Ph. 889-808. BLACK and Decker hedge trimmer, also trimmer attachment. Car roof rack, number 5 gal. petrol tins, travelling trunk, Stanley Mitre box Hll4. Raysole plugs male (3). Ph. 228-277. BLACK and white television, 26 inch screen, also table and four chairs. Phone 517-897. BLAZE Co. heater, 12 months use, $250 0.n.0. Ph. 768 Cust. BLOCK garages. Phone us for a • price list. Skyline Garages, Ph. 488-704. STC BLUE 5 seater lounge suite, good cond. $9O 0.n.0. Phone 882-364. BOOKCASES wooden, $3O and $4O. Ph. 554-908. BOOKS, comics and magazines, buy, sell and exchange at Richmond Book Exchange, -"-330 Stanmore Road. BOOKSHELVES, 80 sizes, new unpainted. Sheppard and Co.. 602 Colombo St. Phone 60-246. THS BOSCH electric power tools for home handyman and industrial use at Dennistons, 164 Hazeldean Rd. STC BOWLS, Hensellte. standard sin plus 4 and 2 bowl leather bags. Excel, cond. $lOO. Ph. 389-524. BREAKFAST bar. split level. For more details phone Loburn 751. BRICKS Clinker. 20c each. Ph. 554-991, BRICKS, second hand. 25 cents each. Ph. 159 K Dunsandel. BRICKS used approx. 1000, $7O the lot. Ph. Sefton 892. BRICKS, used, good cond. Ph. 62-870. BRICKS used reds and fire bricks for sale. Ph. 389-874. BROCADE lounge suite, gold/ brown colour. Good cond. $350 0.n.0. Phone 588-238. BROTHER 588 . knitting machine, complete, as new. ph. 857-812. BUGGY built for hunting. Ideal for lambing. All steel frame and pen. On box section chassis. 2 gearboxes. What offers? Ph. 860 Parnassus. BUILDERS pole. $3O. ph. 881-347. BUILDER’S shed, Bx 6. $lOO. 20 Sidey Quay, Ph. 6305 Kaiapoi. BUILDING of timmber dismantled in sections. Plycopine floor, corrugated iron roof, can be transported by car and trailer. Assistance to erect and transport is av ailable. Very suitable for a batch size 20 feet by 40 feet. Trusses form a pitched roof. Windows and doors in weatherboard walls. For further particulars ph. 489-667 Christchurch. BUNK set Colonial style, convertible to single beds, as new $3OO, Ph. 884-216. BUNKS, wood, painted white, $55. Phone 596-454, not Sundays. BUTCHERY equipment: Large range of new and used bacon slicers, mincers and meat bandsaws- available. Phone 64-593. a.h. 556-524. BUY Penthouse, paperbacks. Mayfair. Sara's, 181 High St, next to A. J. Whites. CAMPING stoves and access., spares and repairs. All popular makes. Blllens, 175 High St. Ph. 795-007. STC CAMP oven, good cond. 11 Thorneycroft Street. CAMP stretcher $l2. Phone 857782. CARDED wool, while Corriedale, all ready for spinning, $8.40 per Kg. Glendarren Trading Co.. 9 Liverpool St. CARMEN heated rollers. Unused. $35. Ph. 799-721. CARPET, a bigger and cleaner range of shampooed used carpet at realistic prices. New mats and rugs, all sizes. Roses Carpets, Ltd, 425 St Asaph St, (east of Fitzgerald Ave). Ph. 795-730, hrs 8-5, Sat. 9-12. We pay more for good used carpet. D CARPET approx 14 mtrs, Axmlnster, good order. Offers. Ph. 326-177. CARPET autumn tones, good cond. 18 x lift 6, also 9ft x 4ft hall piece. Ph. 583-123. CARPET binding and fringing specialists. “While you wait" service, $1 per metre with no extra charge. Rose’s Carpets, Ltd. 425 St Asaph St (east of Fitzgerald Ave). Ph. 795-730. D CARPET floor rugs. The largest range and selection of colours and sizes available. Circular. ovals and oblongs up to room sizes. Casswood Textiles. Ltd. 348 Tuam St, Christchurch opp. The Testing Station. Open Saturday. 9 a.m.. 12.30 p.m. 8 a.m. 5.30 p.m. weekdays. STC