Machinery Sell Machinery Sell 101' 611-70 HP 2WD Q Cab 514,400.00 720 - 70 HP 4WD Q Cab . . . $17,600.00 900 - 90 HP 2 WD Q Cab slB3oo.oo 900 - 90 HP 2 WD $14300.00 920 - 90 HP 4 WD Q Cab s2l3oo.oo 920 - 90 HP 4 WD 517,700.00 PZ HAY EQUIPMENT In Stock at Last Season's Price CAMPBELL HORTICULTURAL Planters & Seeders in Stock Tractor Marketing Ltd Hanworth Ave, Hornby Phone 497-862 A.H. 298-802
|j TRACTOR MARKETING LIMITED (FORMERLY BARRON MACHINERY) mnainn TRACTORS 150 D, 16 h.p., 4 W.D55980 18D, 20 h.p., 4 W. D 56335 250 D, 27.5 h.p. 4 W.D57963 E2BO, 31 h.p.,2W.D57746 E 382, 41 h.p., 2 W.D510,900 E 384, 41 h.p., 4 W.D512,650 Available Now 11 HANWORTH AVENUE, HORNBY PHONE 497-862 OR A.H. 298-802.
UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT (Bruce Sinclair) YOUNG electric welder, Power Hacksaw. 3in and 4in gate valves, small gate valves. 2 ton air press, chain blocks 1 and 2 ton. water pumps, vacuum pumps, 20 cu ft compressor. 30 cu ft compressor. 2, 1 ton electric crane and rails, winches, fire extinguishers, gear bobbing machine, polishing machines, extraction fans, high pressure fans, rip saw, 2 air breaker hammers, power press, tilting products mixer, 250 ct ft compressor with motor, powder drive couplings, flat belting, reduction motors and 3ph motors. 23 TANNER STREET P.O. Box 19597, Phone 895-186. USED TRACTORS JOHN DEERE 2130 $14,000 Low hours. Hilo trans: wel maintained. FIAT 750/14 $7400 Excellent order throughout. 14 speed. LEYLAND 272 H $7500 2800 hours, as new condition. CASE 970 $BOOO Powershift trans: Clutch o/h etc. LEYLAND 285 $BOOO 85 h.p. 6 cyl: engine, cab. DAVID BROWN 770 $3500 12 speed 11 x2B tyres $5500 LEYLAND 270 $5500 2500 hours, very tidy, new battery. MASSEY FERGUSON 178 $5500 with Jones H.D. loader. LEYLAND 384 $5500 Very tidy with Begg loader fitted FORD 3000 Y $3BOO 11 x 28 tyres, goes well. MASSEY FERGUSON 135 $4500 Multi-power with trip loader. CALL OR PHONE DRUMMOND AND ETHERIDGE. LTD. 109 Moore Street. ASHBURTON. LMVD. Phone 5029 a.h. 83-372 or 6002
Page 37 Advertisements Column 9
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 37
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