Machinery Sell Machinery Sell USED TRACTORS FOR SALE FORD 6600 78 h.p. tractor, 1350 hours only, complete with Jones D.A. bucket front-end loader, in excel, order. 514.000. FORDSON Major Diesel Wheel Tractor, complete with hydraulic bucket front-end loader. $2600. INTERNATIONAL 574 T.A. Tractor. 68 h.p.. 16speed T.A. gearbox, 3196 hours, 14 x 30 rear tyres. Excel, order and appearance. $6500. INTERNATIONAL 574 T.A. Tractor, 68 h.p., 16speed T.A. gearbox. 1900 hours. 15 x 30 rear tyres. F.A. remote hydraulics. Very good order. 57750. INTERNATIONAL 634 Tractor. 72 h.p.. 8-speed gear box, good order with 38 dual rear wheels. $2500. FORD 5000 Select-a-speed Tractor, power steering. 15 x 30 rear tyres. $4OOO. INTERNATIONAL 706 T.A. Tractor. 94 h.p., 16speed T.A'. speedbox, 15 x 38 dual rear tyres. $5OOO. INTERNATIONAL 674 T.A. Tractor, 78 h.p.. 16speed T.A. gearbox, 18.4 x 30 rear tyres, 1900 hours only. Excellent condition. $9OOO. W. E. GANDER AND SONS, LIMITED, TIMARU. PHONE 82-179. A.H. 82-406 TIMARU.
FOR SALE ON ACCOUNT CLIENT 40. 40ft lengths of 4in dia. end tow irrigation pipes. Complete with wheels and sprinklers. (Ajax couplings). Phone 27-106 Rakaia a.h. Ray Candy 27-165 Rakaia. HYLTON ENGINEERING COLT TOPDRESSER 2 ton. 3 ton. 4 ton Single and dual wheels engine and P.T.O. drives TRUCK MOUNTED Length to suit Deck Mounted Chasls mounted Present stock is a 2 ton P.T.O. model priced at $3819. Chestnut Ave CHRISTCHURCH. Ph. 499548. Wlr | LEYLAND | INTERNATIONAL 674. 1650 hrs. Good all round. 15 x 30. $7250. M.F. 135. M.P.T. Good 11 x 28. $4250. M.F. 148. Excellent 12 x 28 tyres — Warranty. $6500. M.F. 188. Cab. Excellent tyres, check over repaint. $7950 ZETOR 5745. Excellent condition - 4WD. $6500. ZETOR 5745. Good condition - 4 WD. $5700. LEYLAND 270. Good all round, excellent rubber. $4600. NEW AIRWORK LOADERS AND HAY EQUIPMENT AT COMPETITIVE PRICES USED BALERS M.F. No. 12 Baler — Workshop. Checked and repaint, $2lOO. M.F. Nl2 Baler Workshop checked and repaint. $l9OO. M.F. No. 12 Baler - Workshop checked and repaint. $2250. 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON USED BALERS TO CLEAR Distributors for Airwork Loader and Hay Equipment. Howard Rotovators and Rushton Post Drivers. FROM WAIMAK TO CONWAY AND THE WEST COAST. Phone 8334 Rangiora or Christchurch direct line A.H. Sales Ted Ayrton. 48-634 Amberley. Gavin Neale 6661 Rangiora. MACHINERY SALE To be held in the Marlborough Car Club Paddock opp. Omaka Aerodrome. Blenheim. . THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 1981 COMMENCING at 10 a.m. SPECIAL ITEMS: 4 Second Hand Orchard Sprayers to be offered at 1 p.m. 1 1 Konig (K.A.I. Airspeed, electronic cutouts, very good order. 1 Melters (300 g tank. P.T.O. model, very good order. 1 Turbomist (Double sided Airflow P.T.O. model. 1 Made up Speed-Air sprayer (600 g tank. Royal Beam pump, good order). PYNE. GOULD. GUINNESS. LTD Auctioneers and LMVD. BLENHEIM. NPL'T:
" ““ST" Tf-VrW 111 ■ INTEREST FREE TeBiIS AND OUT OF " SEASON DEALS ON ALL NEW IMPLEMENTS NEW EQUIPMENT USED EQUIPMENT I. 574 Standard 4 Wheel Drive Tractor, KERRY 'HYDRAULIC Round Bale 14 x3O rear/1 Ox 24 front tyres. Still at Old Mover, capable of moving 6 round bates p ric . e at one times4bUU HOOPER SERIES 204 29 tyne, 10ft VICON P.S. 400 top dresser, good order, cultivator with Crumbier. Last at HYDRAUL|C Bg|e Feedout BELCHER 3pt Linkage Transport Tray. LZ "u". ,'J Last Season's Price... s29s FERGUSON 7ft offset mounted discs_ J. F. C.M, 165 Drum Mower 5'6" Cut. Old ... .. , ft □ - 52785 HOOPER Giant tandem disc. 20 x 26 Price $3500 s” L s^^ on,fol fiound AG aOUG°J : - ThL - W J E i G -J* VERMEER 603 Round Baler, Al condb BOSTROM - LELY TERRA . ‘'°2 ' ’ ' MARSHALL NOBLE limited ■llli SOUTHBROOK, RAMGIORA PHONE 7921 A.H. HAROLD MARSHALL 7931, ROSS HOBLE CHCH 596 265
Page 37 Advertisements Column 4
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 37
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