FARM buildings, garages, block work, stockyards. Selwyn Farm Buildings. Ph. 428-115. STC FARMERS: Buy your Novaflo from Mico Wakefield. Ph. 792-890. STC FARM gates, sheep yard gates, cattle yards and all pipe work. Aabaas Bros. Ph. 497859. STC FARM trucks and trailer crates, sizes in stock and made to , order. Aabaas Bros. Ph. 497-859. STC FERGUSON P.T.O. side rake. $2OO. Ph. 598-366. FERGUSON TEA. Very original and tidy cond. $875 0.n.0. Ph. Leeston 533. FIELD King Rotary mower. 23ft cut. All hydraulic driven, ph. 598-366. FOLDER box and pan. 4ft x 14g. Parker Machinery 66-773. ■’■ ■ ■ FOR Agricultural Equipment call and see our great selection at. Anderson's Equipment. Station Street, Leeston. FORDSON super dexta. 3600 hrs, complete with Begg loader, immac. order. Rh-356 Lees- : ton, a.h. 417 Leeston. FORDSON tractor and F’ord baler, $l4OO. No offers.. Ph. 495-818. FORD 5000 Y 1973, 2700 hours, recent repaint, this machine has been owner operated since new. and is in showroom condition. Ph. 727 Oust. FORK lift, Kairangi 1968, 6001 b, Diesel, power steer, side shift, torque converter, safety frame. 2 month warranty, excel, cond. $6OOO. Ph. 585-194 or 525-180. FORKLIFT on pneumatic tyres. 80001 b lift, overhauled motor, etc., $2OOO 0.n.0. Ph. 62-551. a-h. 853-327. FORKLIFTS, new and used, full after sales service. Ph. 792735. Loadlift Equipment, Ltd, Christchurch. MWS FORKLIFT, Stacatruc truck, 55001 b capacity, electric, complete with battery charger. Very tidy unit, $4OOO. Ph. 495-453, a.h. 495-362. FORKLIFTS, 20001 b to 80001 b lifting capacity, sell, petrol diesel, battery, electric and gas operated. Ph. 68-834. Geoff Dench, Ltd. D FOR sale by tender, sawmillers equipment. Refer to,tenders column of today’s edition. FOR sale: Ford baler 530, New Holland chop forage harvester, 4 ton side tipping trailer, Massey Fergusson 165 tractor and front end loader, Case 1070 tractor, Clayson 153 header, I.H. FlBOO full air brakes, 6V 53 Detroit motor, Drott track loader with 4 in 1 bucket, dual wheels 14 x 30, Hamilton 8 ton crane, cattle crate. 21 ft steel. 3 pen with adjustable doors, Bedford petrol 300 motor, brand new, complete: Volvo Penta Marine diesel. Wanted to buy: T.E.A. Fergusson: Hamilton 5 ton' crane 8 ft sheet metal bender and hand operated guillotine, giant disc, five or six a side, Duncan drill, TD9 or D 4, complete with angle blade, extensions for Conner Shea chisel plough from 9ft to 13ft with edge on tine, more listings wanted. Phone 83-500 Timaru, a.h, 84-964 or write to P.O. Box 852 Timaru. GALLAGHER portable battery powered fence energlser, $5O 0.n.0. Ph. 495-178. GEHL fine chop forage harvester FHB4. $l4OO. Phone 518581. GEHL parts. Gehl 600, 400 and 72 knives. Gehl round baler bells. All cheap. John Curtis Ltd. Radcliffe Road. Belfast. Phone 8241. GEHL 72. forage harvester, good knives, excellent order, $1750. Phone 518-581. GEHL 770 windrower, very little work. Phone 518-581. GESTETNER 209, offset duplicator, excellent cond. In-house use only. Reasonable offer accepted. Phone Mr Davey, 886-007 bus. hours. GLASSHOUSES, greenhouses. Duralite houses, from 15 sq. ft to 10,000 sq. ft. free quotes. Aabaas Bros. 740 Halswell Junction Rd, Hornby, Ph. 497-859. STC GNAT spares and 4 W.D. transtrack light tractor’s. Ph. ORVCO, Ltd. 48-461 Amberley. STC GRAVELY sales, spares and service at Hobdays Lawn Mowers, 1036 Colombo St. Sole Canterbury Agents, have good stocks, spares and limited range of tractors and attachments. Ph. 63-924. THS GUILLOTINE Heine, 30in x 18g powered. $l5OO. Parker Machinery 66-773. GUILLOTINE. Aabaas Bros, from Hornby, would like to purchase an Bft sheetmetal guillotine. If you can help us phone 497-859 bus hours, a.h. 43-895. HAWARD big square baler Mk2 only baled about 1500 bales excel, cond. Phone Oxford 24-353. HEADER 780 diesel, excel, cond., ready for work. $2500. Ph. 774 and 714 Tai Tapu. HEESTON PTIO, windrower, good bar. complete with hydraulic ram. $l2OO. Phone 518-581. HERCULES mower, good order, $l5O. Ph. 498-293. HESSTON spares, fingers, tie guards, sections, rivets, etc. Ph. 598-366. HESSTON 6400, Windrower, hay conditioner, cab. 14 ft. front. Phone 598-366 HOMELITE chainsaw service. Contact John Bullock, Phone 43-582. HYDRAULIC rams made to order direct from the manufacturer. Also large centre lathe work done. Ph. 488-671, Circle Track Engineering. 27 Watts Road, Sockburn. STC HYSTER DBL logging winch, suit Cat DB, had very little use. Ph. 495-453, a.h. 495-362. IH 574 standard transmission. Genuine 440 hours. As new. $B6OO. Ph. 478-051. IN need of farm supplies? Check our Classified ads. D INTERNATIONAL 47 baler. 1 careful owner. $2300. Phone 518-581. INTERNATIONAL 401, windrower, complete woth conditioner. excellent canvasses. New battery. $4500. Phone 518-581. INTERNATIONAL heavy duty grubber points, cheap. $2.50 each. John Curtis Ltd. Radcliffe Road, Belfast, phorie 8241. INTERNATIONAL U5Ol power unit, complete from radiator to clutch. Ready for any work, very good order. Ph. 891-958 • INTERNATIONAL V 345. Very good order, can be heard running. Ex-ambulance, being repowered, auto, transmission, 3 stage from the same unit and in very good order. Contact 891-958. IRRIGATION Homersham sin angle tow, $2.60 per ft. Ph. Wakanui 713. IRRIGATION pipes, 4in x 50ft. end tow. $2 per ft. Also MacEwans 4in couplings 10 sets. Phone Willowby 771. IRRIGATION pipes, 40 X 25ft. lengths, of 3in pipe, grasslands couplings, 20 rainmaker 200 sprinklers and rises, new cond. Phone Springston 625.