Boats, Buy and Sell MARINE engine. Chrysler M4I3L. VB. brand new. unused. Marine rated 280 b.h.p. at 4000, 390 ft/lbs torque at 2800 A mighty power plant that will drive anything from a 20ft runabout’ to a large cabin cruiser, and a saving of thousands on current new price, at $2850 delivered. For more details contact. Southern Marine Gear. ph. 279 Picton. or write P.O. Box 44. Picton. MARINER 5 h.p.. special L/S. only 3 left. Save $lB6 - our price $715. Ideal for trailer yachts. Ch. Ch. Marine. 243 Dyers Rd. Ph. 849-372. MARLBOROUGH Rapier 1974 Chrysler 90 h.p. p.t.L Tidy cond. $4499. Dep. $l5OO. Magnum Marine. Cnr Pages and Woodham Rd. ph. 897-099. MASTS, spars, fittings, rigging, deck gear, components only for cost saving, or fully fitted up ready for stepping. Free priced rigging schedules. Christchurch and South Island rep. calls and deliveries. Aitchison Yacht Masts. Box 274. Ph. 2670-690 Manurewa. STC MERCURY outboard repairs. See your Mercury sales and service centre. Christchurch Marine. Ltd. 243 Dyers Rd. Ph. 849-372. Open Saturday. MERCURY outboards, available immediately all models from the Electric Thruster to the Mercury 225 h.p. V 6. Sports Marine, Ltd, 507 Moorhouse MERCURY outboards, new and used, sales and service. No matter what horsepower you want, we can offer power, dependability, fuel economy that is second to none. Mercury’ outboards available on *.< deposit and 5 year terms from Sports Marine. Ltd. 507 Moorhouse Ave. MERCURY 115 h.p., power trim and tilt. Very tidy cond. $3385, dep. $l2OO. Christchurch Marine Ltd. 243 Dyers Rd. Ph. 849-372. Open Sat. mom., a.h. 793-011. MERCURY 115 h.p. power trim and tilt 1979, very tidy, very low hours, tilt and trim.'Remote box. $4875. $1650 dep. Christchurch Marine. Ltd. 243 Dyers Road. Ph. 849-372. Open Saturday morning. MERCURY 135, complete with remotes and steering. Reliable and tidy. $2lOO. Apply 89 Cranford Street. Sat. only. MERCURY, 90 h.p. 1/s. 1978. $3200. Christchurch Marine, Ltd. 243 Dyers Road. Ph. 849-372. open Sat morn. MOORING, Clqurch Bay, sale or lease, suitable Bilge Keeler or trailer sailer. Ph. 515-510. MORAY. A full range of these renowned wetsuits for the yachtie, surfie and sailboarder. Survival suits. Racing Sailer, Buoyancy wetsuits. Lady sailer. Long John, Short John, Steamer and Spring styles available. Boots, kneepads and sleeve things arriving soon. Specials each week. Call at Paul Pritchetts Sailing Centre. 10A Newtown St (off Maces Rd). Bromley. NAVIGATION sailing and seamanship taught during five day study cruises aboard 11m yacht in Marlborough Sounds. Also, skippered charters from S3O per person/ day. Free brochures from Captain John Mansell. 8 Capstan Lane. Whitby Wellington. a e ■ ■ NOELEX Trailer Yacht Association Social Evening. September 16, 1981. 8 p.m.. Castle Eden room. Aranui Motor Hotel. $lO double. $5 single, supper included. All yachtsmen welcome. NOLEX 22, 8 h.p., Crysler. good sails. 4 berths, tilt trailer, for quick sale $B5OO 0.n.0. Ph. 554187, Sunday. OATBOARD wanted. 8-10 h.p.. short shaft. Phone 583-462. OK sailing dinghy, excellent cond.. plus launching trolley, and registered, warranted road trailer, will sell separately. Ph. Scargill 709. OLD twin cylinder. British motor boat Co. water cooled inboard, approx. 4 h.p. with variable pitch prop and shaft, complete. $9O. Ph. 265248. ON the spot finance and insurance available for all fibreglass boats and Mercury outboard motors at Sports Marine, Ltd. 507 Moorhouse Ave. OPTIMIST dinghy, plywood. Just repainted. Sound construction. Ready to sail. Ideal for beginner. Phone 554-219. OPTIMIST .yacht sell, in good cond. $4OO. Ph. Sumner 5129. OUTBOARD motor, 5-15 h.p. Repairs no object. Cash. Please ph. 557-073. OUTBOARD motors wanted to buy, must be tidy. Powerboat Centre. 403 Ferry Rd. ph. 891-146. PAPER Tiger for sale. $9OO. Ph. 559-653. PARKERCRAFT sailing dinghy, complete with sails etc. All in new condition. Can take small outboard for fishing as well. Excellent fun boat. Well below new price. Ph. 388-750. PARKERCRAFT 10ft dinghy, sell, with oars and car top carrier. $625 0.n.0. Phone 585-322. P Class. Good condition, suit beginner, $lBO. Phone 595-148. PELIN Ventura. 20ft Sin cabin cruiser, new, needs windows side, front, gas tank, water tank, bunks, seats, hull, deck, cabin glassed, has 225 h.p. Volvo Penta motor and 3stage Hamilton jet, wired gas detector, depth finder, galley with 2-burner cookers, toilet compartment. For further informaton phone 87-043 mornings. 6 to 9 p.m. evenings. Pukekohe. PHASE 11. excellent condition sail no. 204, had very little use. Complete with good trailer registered and warranted. Price $lBOO. Ph. Rangiora 6776. PHASE 2, fast, exciting 2 person yacht avail, now. $1986. at " Paul Pritchett’s Sailing Centre. 10A Newtown St. off Maces Rd; Bromley. Ph. 842576. PLYLITE fisherman. 1976. Crescent 60 h.p., galo trailer. $3599. dep. $l2OO. Magnum Marine. Cnr Pages and Woodham Rd. ph. 897-099. PLYLITE Pleasure boats. See us first. Ch. Ch. Marine, Ltd, 243 Dyers Rd. Ph. 844-372, Open Saturday. PORTA-BOTE, 10ft collapsible dinghy, sell, $230 or swap for set of golf clubs. Ph. 478-877. PROPELLERS, Marine fittings and outboard parts repaired. Trickyweld. 63-537. a.h. 62-707. STC PROP, 16 x 16 r.h. bronze 3 baldes, excel, cond. Ph. 388945. RIG nets wanted. C. V. Harris. Gressons Rd, R.D.3 Rangiora. Ph. 7832. RIG netting, rope and all commercial fishing supplies. Dyers Wholesalers. Ltd. C/Christchurch Marine. Ltd. Dyers Rd. Christchurch. Ph. 842-230. a.h. 495-810. RUNABOUT, 13ft with trailer. 50 h.p. Mercury motor, oars, anchor and 2 tanks. Excel, condition. $l5OO. Ph. 6457 Sumner. RYAN Craft 17ft deluxe cabin cruiser, powered by an Evinruoe 135 h.p. with power tilt, on steel trailer, comes complete with steering, fuel tanks, ski pole, auxiliary outboard bracket, road and mooring cover. Instruments, an excellent boat in absolutely immaculate condition, must be seen 5699 or $2OOO deposit. Sports Marine. Ltd. 5i)7 Moornouse Ave. SAILBOARDS. Blue Dolphin $790 ano Flyer, an exciting 3 metre jump board for tne expert, $930 are me best value in N.Z. See them at Paul Pritchetts Sailing . Centre. 10A Newtown Street, otf Maces Road. Bromley. SELL, Sunburst building jig. Pn. 383-242.