Tenders Ministry of Works V*7 and Development . NEW ZEALAND CONTRACT HD 1374 • TONGARIRO POWER . . DEVELOPMENT RANGIPO POWER STATION WAIHOHONU INTAKE GATE FRAMES TENDERS closing with the Secretary, Head Office Tenders Board. Ministry of Works and Development. P.O. Box 12003. Wellington North. Telegrams: Tenders Comworks at 4 p.m. on Tuesday. October 20. 1981. are invited for the above work comprising the supply, manufacture and delivery ofone only intake gate frame. The frame is for a 3m x 3m waterway and consists of machined stainless steel faces held by stainless steel cap screws. Stainless steel bar and cap screws will be provided by the Ministry of Works and Development. Tender documents are av ailable from the Secretary. Head Office Tenders Board. Ministry of works and Development. P.O. Box 12003, Wellington North. Tender envelopes- to be marked "HD 1374". OIL AND PETROL STORE TENDERS are invited for the construction of an oil and petrol store, at Totara Flat. Headquarters for Granville SF47 which is 42 kilometres north of Greymouth. The building is constructed of concrete masonry, with concrete slab floor, timber deck, and timber framed roof. The conrtact includes plumbing, drainage and electrical. The building floor area is approximately 31 square metres. The site work must be inspected before tendering by arrangement with Buidling Overseer. New Zealand Forest Service. Conservancy Office, corner Sewell Street and Gibson Quay, Hokitika (phone 1225) Hokitika. Plans and specifications will be made available upon receipt of a 525 deposit from New Zealand Forest Service. Conservancy Office, corner Sewell Street and Gibson Quay. Hokitka. Tenders are to be submitted in a sealed envelope and forwarded to the Conservator of Forests, New Zeaand Forest Service. P.O. Box 138. Hokitika by: Noon on Monday, October 5. 1981. J. P. Fitzgerald Conservator of Forests. OTAGO ELECTRIC POWER BOARD PAERAU GORGE POWER SCHEME CONTRACT C2 PENSTOCK INTAKES AND FISH SCREEN STRUCTURE TENDERS are invited for the construction of two Penstock Intake structures and the Fish Screen structure for this scheme which is located approximately 30km south of Ranfurly. The work includes the installation of steel liners in the penstock intakes, approximately 700 cubic metres of reinforced concrte. 20.000 cubic metres of earthworks and miscellaneous pipework and steelwork. Prospective tenderers should apply to the undersigned for plans and specification. A document deposit of S5O is required. Tenders will close at the offices of the undersigned at noon on Friday. October 2.1981. ROYDS SUTHERLAND MCLEAY LTD. Consulting Engineers. 71 ARMAGH STREET. P.O. BOX 870. CHRISTCHURCH. PAVING SEALING PLANT HIRE AGGREGATES CONSTRUCTION TELEPHONE 599-145 ISAAC CDNSTRUCTIDIV STC PICTON MECHANICAL DEPOT OFFICES AND AMENITY BUILDING ESTABLISHED principal contractors are invited to obtain registration documents for the construction of new office and amenity building. Contract documents will only be available to those contractors who register. The two storey building is 404 sq m in area. Construction is in steel frames, aluminium glass and concrete panel wall cladding with interior framing in timber. Registration application documents are obtainable for the District Engineer’s Office. (P.O. Box 337), Christchurch Railway Station. Registration aplications close with the District Engineer at the above address at 4 p.m. on Wednesday. September 23. 1981. Railways SIX BAY GARAGE REEFTON SF 193 HQ TENDERS are invited for the construction of one six bay garage, at Forest Headquarters in Reef ton. The building construction consists of. timber posts, three sides of building framed and sheathed with vertical boarding and corrugated iron roof. The contract includes stormwater drainage. The area of the whole garage is approximately 105 square metres. The lowest or any tender is not necessarily accepted. Planfi and specifications will be made avalable upon receipt of a S2O deposit from New Zealand Forest Service. Conservancy Office. Corner Sewell Street and Gibson Quay. Hokitika. For site inspection before tendering, arrange with New Zealand Forest Service Building Overseer at the above address or phone 1225 Hokitika. Tenders are to be sumitted in a sealed envelope and forwarded to the “Conservator of Forests. New Zealand Forest Service, P.O. Box 1:18. Hukitka by: Noon on Monday. October a. J P. Fitzgerald. Conservator of Forests.
Page 35 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 35
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