Public Notices NO. 522 WATER AND SOIL CONSERVATION ACT 1967 _ NORTH CANTERBURY' CATCHMENT BOARD AND REGIONAL WATER BOARD APPLICATIONS FOR GRANT OF RIGHT NOTICE is hereby given by the Board of the receipt by it of the following applications: 4299: J. W. and M. J. COLLINS. SPRINGSTON. to take 820 cubic metres of water per day. 6 days per week. 3 weeks per month at the rate of 19 litres per second from a 152 mm well approximately 12 metres deep on properly corner of Collins and Chrislchurch-Leeston Roads for spray irrigation purposes. Replacing right NCY' 730283. 4300: .1. W. and M. J. COLLINS. SPRINGSTON. to take 820 cubic metres of water per day. 6 days per week at the rate of 19 litres per second from a 152 mm well 12 metres deep on property corner of Collins and Sargents Roads for spray irrigation purposes. Replacing right NCY 730282. 4301: A. L. and T. J. BUTLER. BROOKSIDE. (a) To take in all 10.770 cubic metres of water per day at the combined rate of 122 litres per second from two 305 mm wells 80 metres deep on property LeestonDunsandel Road for border dyke irrigation purposes. (bl To take 23 cubic metres of water per day at the rate of 0.5 litres per second from a 305 mm well 80 metres deep on property Leeston-Dun-sandel Road for dairy shed purposes. 4302:1. L. DEANE. Templeton, to take 180 cubic metres of water per day at the rate of 2 litres per second from a 120 mm well 37 metres deep on property Meadowlands Road for spray irrigation purposes. Replacing right NCY 720245. 4303: J. T. WOODS. GREENPARK. to take 909 cubic metres of water per day. 2 days per month at the rate of 19.7 litres per second from a 152 mm well 18 metres deep on property River Road tor spray irrigation purposes. Replacing right NCY 720187. 4304: R. G. and B. M. GEDDES. GREENPARK, to take 1642 cubic metres of water per day. 15 days per month at the rate of 38 litres per second from a 152 mm well 21 metres deep on property Hudsons Road for spray irrigation purposes. Replacing right NCY 720189. 4305: J. J. RYAN. TAI TAPU. to take 1296 cubic metres of water per day. 6 days per week at the rate ol 30 litres per second from a 152 mm well 39 metres deep on property Tai Tapu-Lincoln Road lor spray irrigation purposes. 4306: A. K. CHAPMAN. ELLESMERE, to take 080 cubic metres of water per day. at the rate ol 17 litres per second from either the Silverstream or McGraths Creek at property Leeston-Christchurch Road for spray Irrigation purposes. NORTH CANTERBURY CATCHMENT BOARD AND REGIONAL WATER BOARD 4307: CAM RJVER IMPROVEMENT SCHEME IN RANGIORA COUNTY, to dam parts ol the Cam River and Southbrook Streams by the construction of stopbanks to control water within the river banks and alleviate flooding of adjoining land. In conjunction with the stopbanking: which can raise water levels within the banks by up to 0.5 metres, flood gate drainage culverts will be installed where necessary for drainage of adjoining lands. Maximum proposed height of stopbanks above ground level approximately 1 metre. 4308: ELAXTON SWAMP PUMPING SCHEME IN RANGIORA COUNTY, to discharge up to 70.000 cubic metres ot water per day at the rale of 800 litres per second to the Kaiapoi River downstream of the Kaiapoi Rangiora Railway line bridge, from the proposed Elaxton swamp pumping station. Purpose: flood relief in the Elaxton swamp area. 4309: OHOKA SWAMP PUMPING SCHEME IN EYRE. COUNTY, to discharge up to 15.000 cubic metres ol water per day at the rate of 170 litres per second to the Cust Main Drain downstream of Skew bridge from the proposed Ohoka swamp pumping station. Purpose: flood relief in the Ohoka swamp area. NOTE: These applications relate to works which are proposed to be carried out over a period of five years. An application for Government approval and assistance for the schemes is being considered in Wellington and the actual starting date will depend on when that approval is given. 4310: R. S. A. CHAFFFY, TAI TAPU. to dam Whitelaw's drain by means of a 1 metre high earth dam on properly Gerkins Road for stockwater and floodwater control purposes. SUBMISSIONS OR OBJECTIONS The above applications may be examined at the office of the North Canterbury Catchment Board corner Latimer Square and Worcester Street Christchurch during office hours. Any body or person may at ay nine within 28 days of this notice lodge with the Board written submissions on any application or an objection to any application. Everv objection shall be on the ground that the grant of an application would prejudice the objectors interests or the interests of the public generally and shall be made In writing setting out the grounds on which tile” objector relies. Every objection shall be supported by a statutory declaration verifying tne contents thereof. Written submissions or objections to tile above applications will be received by the Board not later than 5 p.m. Monday. October 12. 1981. ST ANDREW'S COLLEGE OLD BOYS' ASSN COUNTRY GOLF TOURNAMENT THE Annual Tournament will be held al the Ellesmere Golf Club on Sunday. September 20. commencing at 12.30 p.m. Entry fee SlO. Please post or telephone your entry to Mr R. B. Allan. Southbridge, te. Sou 726 or the undersigned. St. Andrew's College- tel. 559-045. A. J. F. BEANLAND. Secretary
Page 34 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 34
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