Public Notices A beautifully appointed large carpeted lounge available for any type of function. Ph. . 555-418. . STC CHRISTCHURCH Sprint Car Driver’s Club Annual Social tonight. Ph. 499-959. GRAND auction. St. Chads Church Linwood 11 a.m. this morning. HYPNOTHERAPY has helped many people overcome their problems. For information ring 324-764. Clinical Hypnotherapist, Ants Parder B.A. (Hons) Dip. Clin Hvp (NSW). C.H.. H.E.C. (California) M.A. S.C.H. STC INDOOR plants for offices, showrooms., etc. Buying is cheaper than hiring for 10 plants or more we will visit quote and set up for you Contact. John Peters. Floraland Nurseries Ltd. 204 Burwood Rd. Ph. 851-030. FS JUMBO flights. Rock bottom fares to Europe and Asia. Daily departures on scheduled service. Ph. 799-007. D LEATHER. Repairs and alterations to leather clothing. Ph. 66-064. RABBIT meat growing seminar — Shirley Lodge Hotel. 7.30 p.m.. October 12. Register now and get the facts. Canterbury Rabbit Meat Producers. Ltd. P.O. Box 5245. RABBITS wanted for processing. cash paid. Good breeding. Stock also purchased. Prices on application, ph. 856-060. 295-878. 295-833. Canterbury Rabbit Meat Producers. Ltd. WE'RE highly optimistic about our Classified ads. Shop our columns and you'll see why! I) WE’RE highly optimistic about our Classified ads. Shop our columnsand you'll see why'D HOUSING FINANCE SEMINAR AT the Canterbury Building Centre. Cashel Street at 7.15 p.m.. Wednesday. September 16. A chance for those contemplating financing a home to hear speakers and questions representing: Housing Corporation. savings banks, building societies, solicitors. Guarantee Corporation, builders, free entry. ’W RUTLAND McPHEE CO. TOP PRICES PAID FOR DEER EYE TEETH Phone 478-767. or Oxford 24-078. Blenheim 27-267. STC ACTION TRAMPOLEEN CLUB CLASSES resume Sat 12th, new enrolments 1 p.m. Polytech hall. Cavendish Street or phone 897-860. ACUPUNCTURE THE CHRISTCHURCH CLINIC 160 HUXLEY STREET. SYDENHAM QUALIFIED ACUPUNCTURIST MS H. Q. KHL'U (Five years overseas experience). Obtain relief from: Smoking Headache Overweight. Asthma Pain on waist Insomnia PHONE 370-717 between 1 p.m. and 9 p.m. for an appointment every evening. Thank you. AIR SERVICES LICENSING ACT 1951 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to Section 27 of the Air Services Licensing Act 1951, the Licensing Authority will hold a Public Hearing at 10.00 a.m. on Monday the 28th day ol September. 1981. in Conference Room No. 1228. 12th floor. Aurora House. The Terrace. Wellington, to consider an application to renew Air Service Licence No. 875 in the name of Air Services (1979), Limited. 38 Bannister Street, Masterton. J. Ashby-Secretary. AIR SERVICES LICENSING AUTHORITY. c/- Ministry of Transport. Private Bag. Wellington. September 4. 1981. CHRISTCHURCH GARRISON BANDS MONSTER FAIR and GARAGE SALE SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. Commencing 9 a.m. at CONTINENTAL HALL. 20 Aidwins Road. THE GHCH DIABETES j SOCIETY I WILL HOLD AN i OPEN MEETING at the DIABETES CENTRE. Hereford Street West. on MONDAY. SEPT. 14 at 7.45 p.m. Pharmacists Earle Shaw and Peter Cook will discuss how Chemists'can assist and advise. All welcome. The Christchurch Branch Of the N.Z. Epilepsy Association Inc. Annual general meeting. will be held on Tuesday September 15. 1981 at 7.45 p.m. in the Lady Wigram (Red Cross) Hall. 33 Cashel St. Christchurch. i PROGRAMME 7.45 p.m. reports - election ot officers. 8.15 p.m. forum - living with a handicap - what voluntary organisations can offer? Panel chaired,by Mr Barry Hawkins. President of co-ordi-nating council for the handicapped. 9.15 p.m. Supper - followed liy film "Understanding the Epilepsies." JOYCE GRIEVES Honorary Secretary P.O. Box 2468 ’ CHRISTCHURCH.
Page 32 Advertisements Column 11
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 32
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