Motor-cycles Buy, Sell KAWASAKI 100 trail, plus spares. $2BO. Ph. 389-195. LEATHER replica W.W. Il flying jackets. "Naturalwear.". 87A Cashel Street Open Sat.. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. mws MATCHLESS. 1953, 35OCC. rims well, although needs some attention, best offer. Ph. 14730 after midday. MINI bike Kawasaki 75 ec, 1979. never been olf seal, like new. 2700 km. $6OO. Phone 598-031. MOTOR-CYCLE boots. Rossi, sell $75. Ph. 583-160. MOTOR-CYCLE fever? Shop for what you’d like in Classified. 1> ONE set of motor cvcle blinkers, $lO. Ph. 831-120. OPEN Saturdays all day at New Zealands largest Honda stockists. Whiting and Waltho Otd. 72 Manchester st Ph. 61-157. 60-704. PARK Lane Motor Company will trade your motor bike now, 85 Moorhouse Ave. LMVD. PE 175 C. really tidy. Urgeiii sale, with extras. $B5O. Motor cross boots $lOO. phone 557-398. PRIVATE sellers. Get cash ter your machine today. led Youngman pays cash for motor-cvcles. Phone 384-659 LMVD. PUCH power cycle, very tidy and in good running order Ph. 228-277. SIDECAR on Honda Xi.3;>o Both red/black. Complete price $1950; $650 deposit. Sabistons Motorcycles, Ltd. I.MVD. 527 Moorhouse Ave Ph. 793-934. SIDECAR on Yamaha SRSvH'E both black. A beautiful unit Complete price S33i>o: dep $llO. Sabistons Motorcycles. Ltd. I.MVD. 527 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 793-934. SIDECARS: The SM sidecar has a fibreglass body, torque suspension. 10m mag wheel. Q-D attachments, 3 cu ft luggage space, body-fitted upholstered seat and tonneau cover, suits motor-cycles from 1950 to 1981. Large range of colours-. Destgnmaik Award winning product Sabistons Motorcycles. .’27 Ave. Chch. I’h 793-934 SOLEX. blue model, immac. cond. $2OO 0.n.0. apply io Rawson St. olf New Brighton Rd. SOLEX 5000. exeellent cond $250 0.n.0. Ph. 883-665. SOUTH BRIGHTON. TWO ex. rllent 5 year old units m perfect order are now ottered for sale as owner moving away from city. These I<ca maintenance units are built of stimmerhill stone with Decra roof and aluminium window irames. Features kitchen/dining. spacious lounge, two very good size bedrooms separate shower, toilet etc., these two units could be bought together as ideal to live in one and r> nt the other or sold separately Price $31.5(10 each. Funner details from Paul McEwan id Maison alld Allan Real Estate. Ltd. MREINZ. 797-4:. 1 a.h. 556-853. SPECIAL’ builders. Suzuki GS7SO. 1980. mag wheels, twin pipe etc. $650 the lot. 10 x Russell Ltd. 20 Ravtnond ltd Ph. 890-430. SUSUKI, TCI2S. dual ratio gearbox. never been raced, motor recond 2000 mis ago. excel cond. throughout. $5OO ono Ph. 525-480. SUZUKI. ACSO. 1972. very reliable. $235 0.n.0. Ph. 599-634 SUZUKI ACSO. 1975. excel cond 18.500 km. $370. 17 Birdwood Ave. Ph. 31-607. SUZUKI ACSO. 1976. 10.000 kills Goes well. As is $220 Ph. 499-104 or 498-329. SUZUKI AlOO. excellent eoml 8000 miles. $5OO. Phone 2'.m--645. SUZUKI A5O. 1975. good cond $350 0.n.0. Ph. 882-508. SUZUKI DR4OOT tour stroke trail bike for sale, good cond i 3780 miles. Cheap at 52201 I 0.n.0. Ph. 895-025. I SUZUKI DR4IIOT 1980. like neiv ! tor only $2695 cash or SS99 dep. Ph. 61-158. Whiting and Waltho. Ltd. I.MVD
Page 31 Advertisements Column 8
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 31
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