2 LANDROVER Series 2A (sldej light) 1971, SWB. 3 man cab. t New 750 xl6 tyres. New rear canvas, very tidy, reliable vehicle. $3650. Phone 516-702. . LANDROVER Series 2 t/cab, r Valiant slant 6 motor, free a wheel hub. a good performer. 1 $3295 or low dep. Terminus. Ph. 65-586, a.h. 35-453. LANDROVER 109 in C and C. Brand new for Immediate ! - delivery at old price from ’■ $15,604. save $1074. N.Z.M.C. Rangiora. 8334 or Chch direct line, 277-460 a.h. 8781 Kaiapoi or 7437,8020,8217 Rga. LMVD. 2 LANDROVER 1954 Mkl LWB FWH Holden 186 Motor, steel 1 canopy as Is, $650. Ph. KI 7419. . LANDROVER SWB hardtop. A real looker with extra wide i. wheels etc. Mechanically excel. $4995 or $l7OO dep. Cornerways Cars, cnr Ferry and Ensors Rd, ph. 890-266. k a.h. 853-948. ] LARGE furniture van. Apply 60 Stanmore Rd. LEYLAND Mastiff 5M2400. 1976. tandem drive 6.1 cu. m tipper, 10-speed Road Ranger motor, full recond. Ph. 227-922 Bus. LEYLAND Mastiff 5M2400, 1976, tandem drive 6.1 cu. m tipper. 10-speed Road Ranger motor, full recond. Ph. 227-922 Bus. LOW loader, rear load artlc trailer unit, single axle with bogie axle and quick release turntable, very tidy chassis, as is, offers. Ph. 7261 Kaiapoi. MAZDA B 1600 regd 1980. 1 careful owner, only 18,000 km. flatdeck with drop sides, Moonstone, $B5OO low dep. finance arranged. Tench Bros, Datsun. LMVD, cnr Manchester St and Cambridge Tee, ph. 790-631. MAZDA B160<) ute. 1979, $6250. Ph. Melhven 28-573. MAZDA 81600 Ute, 1978, 39,000 km, excel, cond. $6300 0.n.0. Ph. 855-650 MAZDA 81600 ute, only $l2OO dep. at Avenue Autos, 550 | Moorhouse Ave, ph. 62-272. a.h. 486-459, LMVD. RH lm MAZDA 81600 utility, 1974 model to be sold by auction on account of Central Canterbury Power Board, this Wednesday, September. 16 at 11.30 a.m. Turners Car Auctions, phone 61-807 Licenced Auctioneers. MAZDA 81600 1977, alloy dropside flat deck, used as car. faultless cond. Ph. Springston 844. a.h. 716. LMVD. MAZDA ute 81600, 1974. complete with high-rise canopy, excellent cond., $3490. Curtis Auto Sales. LMVD. 301 Main South Rd, ph. 499-692. MITSUBISHI Canter, recent overhaul, very good condition, fitted with hydraulic hoist. $4950. Ph. Mosgiel 4788 evenings. MORRIS TFGK3O. Good order. Newly painted. Canopy. $llOO. Ph. 597-891. MORRIS J2 van, 1963. Floor change, 1622 c.c„ sound, ideal for tradesman. Ph. 227-922 bus. MORRIS J2 van, 1963. Floor change. 1622 cc. sound, ideal for tradesman. Ph. 227-922 bus. MORRIS Marina. 1975, KG4OO van, very tidy, 60,000 km, $3695 or third dep. balance 3 years. Ray McLean Motors, 266 St Asaph St (High St Cnr). Ph. 67-401, a.h. 518-510, LMVD. MORRIS 1000 van. 1972. only 50,000 miles, great value. $2695. Barrie Walker Motors. Ph. 892-875. MORRIS 1000 van. 1970, popular vehicle in tidy condition. $1795. Barrie Walker Motors. Ph. 892-875. LMVD. NISSAN Patrol, 1978. flat deck, just like new. 1 owner, 16,000 kms, $B5OO. lan Giltrap, Ltd. LMVD, 501 Blenheim Rd. Ph. 489-966, a.h. 8580 KI. NISSAN j’atrol, flatdeck, 1977, excel, history In first class cond. travelled 43.000 km. ideal farm unit, price $6500 available on low dep. Finance, Tench Bros, Datsun, LMVD, cnr Manchester St and Cambridge Tee, ph. 790-631. NISSAN 6 ton toiler, 1971. Truck in excellent order. Ideal lor farming usage. Steel drop sides and head board, wooden deck, twin underbody hoist, motor in excellent order, unbeatable finance terms available. $4995. Sterritt Ford, Oamaru. Ph. 49-900 a.h. 49113. PANEL van. 79. HZ Holden 202, unmodified. 66.000 kms. $B5OO. Finance- available. Ph. 499384. PONTIAC Laurentian ute. 283 VB, spoke mags, a real good driving vehicle, only $990 dep. Carriage Co, 69 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 799-742, a.h. 596-936. RANGE-ROVER panted to buy. Phone 65-889. a.h. 428-764, 528-728, LMVD. STANDARD 10. pickup wanted. Ph. 6415 Kaiapoi. SUZUKI LJSO, soft top. 1977. 32,000 kms. electric winch, radio, heater, roll bar and dual tanks. Excel, cond. $4200. Phone 227-634. SUZUKI pickup. 1979, one owner. 39,000 km, radio, heater, immaculate, $4995 cas or $1250 dep. Trade car or motorcycle. Tommys Yamaha. 362 St. Asaph St. Ph. 63-066 LMVD. Open Sat. morning. SUZUKI STBO 5 door van, 1979, 2 owners, up to 50 m.p.g. in excellent order. 54995 or low dep. Terminus. Ph. 65-586, a.h. 35-453. TANDEM drive Leyland Hippo tractor unit with transporter ramps and turntable and mudguards. This vehicle is on new tyres, in excel cond throughout, $BOOO. Ph..Ohoka 671Lafter.7 p.m. Bus,, Belfast 8042. ' 1