ESCORT 1300 van, 1973. an economical tidy van, only $2900 or $lOOO dep. Carriage Co.. 69 Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 799-742, a.h. 596-936. ESCORT 1600 van, 1973, Roman bronze metallic, mags, hlback seats, great value here, only $l6OO dep. at 55 Ferry Rd, ph. 61-936, MVDI. EX Army Chev 4 x 4, 3 ton, blue flame engine, excellent body and mechanical condition, i good tyres, offers. Ph. 7261 Kaiapoi. FALCON ute required in $2OOO to $3500 range. Paul Chaney Motors. Ltd. ph. 65-889. a.h. 428-764. FALCON XA ute. late 1973, 2 owners, 75,000 miles, full canopy. $5199. Low dep. Immac. cond. Paul Chaney Motors. Ltd. cnr Moorhouse Ave and Lancaster St. ph. 65889. a.h. 428-764, LMVD. FALCON XB ute, 250. auto, Bert Govan Motors, Ltd. Phone 50-397,. a.h. 519-871, 93 Manchester St, LMVD. FALCON XB 200 ute. figlass canopy, low kms and in immaculate cond throughout, only $1990 dep. Carriage Co, 69 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 799-742. a.h. 596-936. FALCON XB 250 ute. ultra white with body mouldings, mudflaps etc. Absolutely immac. only $5490 or $lB9O dep. Carriage Co. 69 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 799-742. a.h. 596-936. FALCON XC auto ute. 1978. 1 owner, 72.000 km, radio/mags, etc. A really good one, $7499, low dep', available. Paul Chaney Motors, Ltd. cnr Moorhouse Ave and Lancaster St, ph. 65-889. a.h. 428764 , 584-969. LMVD. FLAT deck 20ft with twist locks, $BOO. South Pacific Motors, 117 Main Sth Rd. FORD. Bronco, 1978, 1 owner, 23,000 miles, 351 VB, 4 speed, spike wheels, metallic paint, best 4WD buy on the market, only $19,900 or low dep. Carriage Co.. 69 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 799-742 a.h. 596-936. FORD DlOOO. 1969. 1967 Dodge. K9OO. 1967 Bedfo-d Tractor unit and 12 yard semi trailer tioper. Phone Tai Tapu 831 Sunday. FORD DBOO, 1972. tandem drive. Front body hoist. Steel drop sides. Very tidy order. $B9OO at lan Giltrap Ltd. LMVD, 501 Blenheim Road. Phone 489966 a.h. Kaiapoi 8580. ■ ■ ■ ■ FORD Escort vans, 1975 and 1972 models. To be sold by auction on account of Central . Canterbury Power Board, this Wednesday, September 16, at 11.30 a.m. Turners Car Auctions. Ph. 61-807 Licenced Auctioneers. FORDSON, 1948, tidy, spare motor and parts, offers. Ph. 778 Tai Tapu. FORD Trader, 16in wheels, Ige deck and canopy, very tidy, $l5OO. 625 Marshland Rd. FORD Trader, 1965, flat deck petrol, $l5OO. Rex Russell Ltd. 20 Raymore Rd. Ph. 890-430. FORD Transit, flat deck, 1976. 1 owner, like new. 90,000 km. $3995. Barrie Walker Motors. Ph. 892-875. MVDI. FORD Transit van. 1967, 78,000 mis, recent recond. Falcon 170 motor. Tidy, $1550 0.n.0. Phone 841-282. FORD Transit 100 van. 1978, R.S.L doors, one owner in good cond. $4500 at lan Glltrap, Ltd, LMVD, 501 Blenheim Road. Ph 489-966. a.h. Kaiapoi 8580. FORD V 8 pickup truck, 1947, $4OO 0.n.0. Ph. 383-750. FORD 1211, 1973, truck with F. 0.8. hoist, steel drop sides, new motor been fitted, In excellent cond., $9500. lan Giltrap. Ltd, LMVD, 501 Blenheim Rd. ph. 489-966 or a.h. Kaiapoi 8580. FREEZER truck. 1973 Cabell Nisson Artic unit complete, excel. cond. 16ft freezer and chiller unit, ideal portable cool store, contact J. A. Bisset, ph. 8569 Waimate. HOLDEN HT utility 1970, excel, riiech. cond. $2995 or $lOOO dep. at 55 Ferry Rd, phone 61-936, MVDI. HOLDEN H.Q. ute. auto, radio, heater, canopy, very tidy. $3995 cash or $lOOO dep. Trade car or motorcycle. Tommys Yamaha. 362 St Asaph St. Ph. 63-066. Open Sat. morning. LMVD. HOLDEN Kingswood V 8 auto ute. 1974. fully recond. auto and motor (over $l6OO spent), mag wheels, the very best, only $lB9O dep. Carriage Co., 69 Moorhouse Ave. Phone 799-742, a.h. 596-936. HOLDEN Kingswood HZ 1979, 1 owner. 202 manual, $9199. Easy terms, 12 months, 29,000 km warranty. Blackwell Motors, Rga Ltd, Ph. 8237 LMVD a.h. Allan McKenzie 882-751 Chch. Jim Cook 6383 Rga. HOLDEN panel van with Chev. Caprice conversions, 350 V 8 auto, one of the most eyecatching vans in the country. Only $9990 or $2990 dep. CarriageCo.,69MoorhouseAve.Ph. 799-742, a.h. 596-936. LMVD. HOLDEN utes buying this week, top prices paid. Carriage Co., 69 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 799-742. LMVD. HOLDEN, 1978. HZ Kingswood, 202 ute. radial tuned suspension, 47,000 kms. San Remo gold. Bridgestone tyres, radio. $B5OO. Ph. Steve 49-980, a.h. 71-228 Oainaru collect. HOLDEN, 1979, Kingswood HZ 308. V 8 auto ute. 40,000 kms. radial tuned suspension, unprocurable new, power steer. $lO,OOO. Ph. Steve. 49-980, a.h. 71-128 Oamaru collect.