Cars For Sale WEEK-END SPECIAL SAVE $3OO TOYOTA Cressida. auto.. 1979.1 owner, metallic bronze with tan interior. Only 24.01)0 km. immaculate. Was $11,495, reduced for the week-end to SI 1.195 or $6720 deposit and $306 monthly. BLACKWELL MOTORS. LTD. cnr Cashel and Madras Streets, Phone 795-500. A.H. 486-020. 388-248. LMVD MVDI. /Manchester "AUTOS" 50 MANCHESTER STREET (NEXT TQ COKERS) 78 DATSUN 260 Z P.O.A. 76 TOYOTA Corolla .. $6195. 79 TOYOTA s/w $6495 78 MAZDA 323........ $6795 76 HUNTER Estate... $4495 69 DAIMLER 250 VB.. $5495 72 HQ Kingswood .... $3195 75 AVENGER Alpine . $4195 72 MINI 1000 $2895 70 VICTOR 20005 L.... $2195 72 VIVA 4-door $2995 72 MITSUBISHI 16L. . $4195 70 AUSTIN 1800 $1895 73 HUNTER (auto)... $3295 73 HILLMAN Hunter. $2995 72 CHEV Impala $9995 48 MORRIS Series E . $1995 60 NASH Metropolitan $2495 73 HUNTER $3195 73 M'SUBISHI 1600 4dr $3995 65 VICTOR 101 $1195 72 MARINA coupe.... $3195 73 SKODA coupe $2795 CASH-CASH-CASH-CASH BUYING TODAY MOTOR-CYCLES HONDA XR 500. 1980 Manchester "AUTOS” OPEN SATURDAY MORNING 50 MANCHESTER STREET PHONE 60-026, 63-814, After Hours: Denis Luck 228-086 Laurie Payne 35-129 80 ESCORT Sports 1600, front and rear spoilers, mags, AM/ FM stereo, cloth trim, 1 owner $9500 80 TOYOTA Corona 1.6 S.E. Liftback, 1 owner, 15,000 km, radio, stereo, dark metallic blue, cloth trim, as new $11,999 79 MIRAGE GXL 5doo Super shift, 22,000 km. One owner. Gold, cloth trim $8950 79 FAIRMONT XD 302 V 8 auto., p/steer, electrics, alloy wheels, deep brown metallic with cloth trim, as new $18,995 78 FIAT 128 Bello. Genuine 34,000 km. Showroom cond. Primrose with cloth trim $5799 78 CHRYSLER Avenger 1300. only 17.000 km, as new. green with black vinyl roof, cloth 'trim, only $5999 77 MAZDA 929 estate auto. Jap. assem., stereo. Metallic blue. Every option fitted $7999 77 MINI Clubman llOOcc, 44,000 km, orange with tan trim, as new, only. $4699 77 CORTINA 2000 L Estate, European model finished in primrose with taxi trim, radio, 76.000 km, faultless condition $7999 77 DATSUN 1808, only 68.000 km, radio, orange with off white trim, nice condition, only .... $5999 77 ESCORT 1300 cc van, white, black interior, ' 90,000 km, mechanically very good, available on low deposit or full price $4799 76 CORONA 2000, 2 owners, higher kms but mechanically very sound, cream with brown trim. radio, etc $4999 76 CORONA 1800. 1 owner. genuine 52,000 km and it looks it. every extra fitted, faultless .... $5BOO 75 TOYOTA Corona. Turquise with tan trim, 70,000 km. Radio. Compare this' at $4999 75 GALANT . 1850 GL Coupe, genuine 23,000 km. showroom condition, mid metallic blue, every extra fitted $7199 75 DATSUN 240 K Coupe, 6 cylinder automatic. Japanese assembled with every extra, 1 owner, 66.000 km, deep metallic blue with dark blue trim $6999 75 AVENGER 1600 cc, finished in white with nutmeg trim, genuine 57,000 km, 2 owners $3999 74 FIAT 132, maroon with brown trim, every extra including mag. wheels, 66,000 miles, only .. $4500 74 FIAT 128 Estate, seldom for sale, fitted with Fiat mags, white $3990 72 FIAT 127, cream. brown trim, 66,000 miles, ideal town runabout, only $3099 72 FIAT 127, 1 owner from new. 59.000 miles, nice original condition, only .... $3199 72 HOLDEN 202 Kingswood. radio, metallic paint, looks like S6OOO. our price .... ■ $2999 73 HUNTER, metallic red. genuine 50.000 miles. automatic. just the nicest, only $3250 72 HOLDEN HQ. exchange motor, just fitted new gearbox, bearings. many trouble free miles here S2Boo ARRIVING SOON 73 MINI. Overhauled motor. 70 FIAT 125. Nice one. 74 MAZDA RX2 coupe, 12A motor. > 72 SUBARU FFIG. Nice one. AFTER HOURS: Kevin 887-396 Murray 849-044. LMVD.