Cars Wanted FIAT 125 for pvte cash buyer, must be late model. Phone 554-027. FIAT 128 wanted by private cash buyer Phone 383-723. FORD Falcon station wagon. 70-76. low mileage, good condition. Ph. 486-265. FORD Zodiac. Mk 4. 1971-72. manual. Reply with details to Ford Zodiac, C/- Box 3. Greymouth. GENUINE cash buyer want Hillman Hunter or Morris Marina 1800, 1974 - 76 low mileage only Phone 388-267. HILLMAN Hunters wanted now for wrecking or repair,, top prices paid. Ring now, or come and see us at City South Auto Spares, 33 Wordsworth St. for an instant cash offer. Ph. 797-170, a.h. 427-538 or 35-956. HILLMAN Super Minx, 1966 model with 1725 cc motor, body must be In good cond. Top cash price paid. Phone 596-095. HOLDEN HG, 186 motor, manual, 2 owners, low to ' med. miles. Must be immaculate condition. Genuine private buyer. Ph. 428-602 after 6 p.m. HOLDEN HQ auto, Kingswood or Premier, 74 - 75 wanted, must be in good all round cond. private cash buyer. Phone evenings 855-565. HOLDEN HQ car or station wagon. No objection to mechanical problems. Priced accordingly. Ph. Ranglora 6225. HOLDENS all models, Kingswood Belmont, Premier, buying now. Paul Chaney Motors, Ltd. corner Moorhouse Ave and Lancaster St. Ph. 65-889, a.h. 428-764, LMVD. HOLDEN Statesman wanted, top cash paid. Carriage Co. 69 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 799-742, a.h. 327-827. HOLDEN station wagon, 1970 or later, privately, reasonable. Ph. 855-405 or 486-976. HOLDEN V 8 ute, or 4.1 Falcon Ute. Ph. Mosglel 4788 evenings. HONDA Civic, low kms, private. Ph. 5UM.5306, Monday. HONDA Civic, required now. Smithburn Motors, 27 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 64-057. D IMMEDIATE cash for tidy cars and station wagons from $5OO to $5OOO. Existing H.P. paid out. we will sell on your behalf. Ph. today Metro Auto Court, Ltd. Phone 63-373 a.h. 516-785. D JAGUAR XJ6 Series I or II buy. Ph. 65-889, a.h. 428-764, LMVD. JAGUAR XJ6 series I, top cash price paid. Carriage Co, 69 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 799-742, a.h. 327-827. JAPANESE waggons and cars, coupes, 4-cyl. Smithburn Motors, 27 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 64-057. D MAZDA Rotary coupe, wanted to buy. Phone 527-672. MAZDA rotarys all models, genuine top prices paid. Carriage Co, 69 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 799-742, a.h. 327-827. MAZDAS 808 and 929, cars and waggons, required today. Smithburn Motors. 27 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 64-057. D MAZDA 323, 4 door hatchback. Ph. 276-118. MGB GTs, Midgets, etc. wanted urgently. Ph. 69-475, Chch Sports Car Centre, 77 Moorhouse Ave, LMVD. MG miget or B, wanted to buy, anything considered. Phone 41-780. MINI car or station, wagon wanted by private buyer, in good cond., up to 1966. Ph. Kirwee 621. MINIS and 1100 s and 1300 s required now. Smithburn Motors, 27 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 64-057. D MINIS wanted for wrecking at Mini Spares and Repairs, 73 Wrights Rd, Addington. Ph. 389-788, a.h. 35-819. SW MINIS wanted. We pay the most. Select Auto’s (Mini Centre). 231 Colombo St. Ph. 371-402. LMVD. D MINI Traveller or van, any condition. Ph. 384-623. MINI wanted up to $2OOO, consider one needing repairs. Ph. 5043 Ranglora. MITSUBISHI Galant, 1972 to 1974 or other small car up to 1600 cc. wanted by pvte cash buyer. Must be good cond. Ph. 276-076. MITSUBISHI Mirage, low km. wanted by private cash buyer. Please ph. 526-7844. MITSUBISHI Mirage, low km wanted by private cash buyer. Please ph. 526-784. MORRIS Oxford series 3 van wanted, must have good motor. Cash buyer. Phone 63656. NEW car buyers, set our price for your car before you trade-up. It will be worth your while. Call or phone Paul Chaney Motors, Ltd, corner Moorhouse Ave and Lancaster St. Ph. 65-889, a.h. 428-764, LMVD. PRIVATE buyer requires small Jap. car. Low kms. Approx. $4500. No dealers please. Phone 517-005. PRIVATE cash buyer for Austin or Morris 1100, with good motor and clean body. To approx. $l3OO. Ph. 499-709. RALEIGH prepared Datsun 1200 or similar, or road car considered. Ph. Oamaru 48-867 pvte, or 48-467 bus. RANGE Rover SII around 1975 model wanted. Cash buyer. Ph. 327-827 after 6 p.m. RANGE Rover 1972-75 required by private buyer. No dealers please. Ph. 518-586. ROVER 2000, must be excellent condition. Ph. 852-741. SINGER Vogue, 1966 model, with 1725 c.c. motor. Body must be in good cond. Top cash price paid. Ph. 596-095. SUZUKI Fronte, we wish to purchase two of these vehicles, please contact John at Car Consultants. Ltd, 51 Main North Road. Ph. 529-017, a.h. 596-490. MVDI. SUZUKIS wanted. Any well maintained, late model Suzuki cars wanted urgently by Manchester Fiat, 50 Manchester St. Ph. 799-470. LMVD. STC TORANA 1900 SL or Toyota Corona. 1974-76. Ph. 884-245. TOYOTA Corolla Coupe, Datsun 1200 SSS. cash buyer to $4500. Ph 31-697. TOYOTA Corolla or Corona. 5door, 79-80 wanted by private cash buyer. Ph. 486-753, a.h. 516-145. TOYOTAS. Corolla, Corona cars, coupes, waggons, wanted now. Smithburn Motors, 27 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 64-057. D TRIUMPH Stags, TR6s, Spitfires and most other sports cars wanted desperately. Sports Car Centre, 77 Moorhouse Ave, LMVD. TRIUMPH 2000 and 2.5 TCs, top price paid. Carriage Co, 69 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 799-742, a.h. 327-827. TRIUMPH 2500, late model, either manual or auto., must be good for client. Top money paid, 1974-78. Paul Chaney Motors, Ltd, corner Moorhouse Ave and Lancaster St. Ph. 65-889, a.h. 428764, LMVD. TRIUMPH 2500 TC required by private cash buyer, manual with overdrive preferred. Mileage up to 50,000 km. Please phone 35-244. VOLKSWAGEN Beetles buy, good cond., damaged, rough or not going. 3618 Tuam St. Ph. 66-473. SWF VW cars wanted for wrecking, any model or condition. For top prices consult the VW specialists, Storer Motors. Phone 583-371 or a.h. 888-808. WS VW wanted to wreck anything bought, best price. Auto Salvage. ph. 66-806, a.h. 558-671. VW 1300. late 60’s, good cond., cash. Ph. 489-514. WANTED immaculate low mileage cars, 4 cylinder priced from $3OOO to $lO,OOO. Instant cash paid. Boats and Motors, Ltd, 514 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 60-214, LMVD. STC WANTED, 72-75, 4 cylinder car, good cond. mod. mileage, private cash buyer. Phone 852-812.