VAUXHALL Velox 67. S5OO 0.n.0. Phone 898-187. VAUXHALL Victor. Tidy car with good motor. SB5O or offer. 74 Kerrs Rd. Linwood. VAUXHALL Victor, 1969. good cond. new CCC w.o.f. $l4OO 0.n.0. Ph. 382-262. VAUXHALI| Victor, 1963, new w.o.f, goes well. $5OO 0.n.0. Ph. 518-261. VAUXHALL Victor 101 super. 81.000 mis. engine good, must sell. $6OO 0.n.0. Ph. 327-868. VAUXHALL Victor, FD. 1965. new w.o.f, good battery, new brakes. $550. Phone 585-513. VAUXHALL Victor. 1967. 101 super. Tidy, new W.O.F. Offers. Phone 227-212. VAUXHALL Victor, 1964. as is where is. what offers? Ph. Kaiapoi 7898. VAUXHALL Victor. 1964. very tidy. mech. sound, new w.o.f. SB5O 0.n.0. Call 265 Hills Rd. Ph. 855-767. VAUXHALL Victor. 1971. SL2OOO. 88.000 miles. Good upholstry and carpets. Light Blue. Must sell. $l7OO 0.n.0. Ph. 798-828. VAUXHALL Victor Waggon. 63 tidy, only $795. Trevor Crowe. 160 Ferry Rd. Ph. 797-967 a.h. 515-580 LMVD. VAUXHALL Victor, 1963. tidy. $795 cash or $477 dep. Tommys Yamaha. 362 Si Asaph St. ph. 63-066. LMVD. VAUXHALL Victor. 1970. 2000 SL. recond motor. New clutch unit, good looker, runs well. Road style mags. SlB5O 0.n.0. Ph. 529-007. VAUXHALL Victor. 1969. 3.3. R. and H, 4-speed. In tidy cond. Only $1695 at S.P.C.S, city depot, 541 Colombo St. Phone 65-798. a.h. 887-723. VAUXHALL Victor. 2000, 1971. pale green with matching upholstery. $1990. At 59 Ferrv Rd. Ph. 68-004 a.h. 842-024 LMVD. VAUXHALL Victor 101. 1600 c.c. New radio and electric aerial. Bucket seats, heater, black interior, recent work done on motor. New w.o.f. Excellent cond. $llOO. Ph. 61-474. VAUXHALL Victor. 1600 C.C.. 1964. heater, towbar, very tidy throughout, only $899 or terms. At Alpine Auto Court. 447 Ferry Rd. Ph. 897-418. LMVD. VAUXHALL Victor. 1968. smart red with matching trim, delight to drive, factory heater and towbar, 1 month warranty. only $1499 or $9OO dep. Dave Diggs Motors. Cnr Hills and Shirley Rds, LMVD. VAUXHALL Victor 1600, 1968. heater, a very tidy and orig. example, ideal family car with full 6 seater and 4 cyl. , . economy. $1399 or terms. Alpine Auto Court. 447 Ferry Rd, Ph; 897-418. LMVD. VAUXHALL Victor 3.3 1969. midnight blue with matching trim. 4 speed floor change. 80.0(10 miles, immaculate $2495, Marina Motors. 13 Nursery Road, (around cnr. Ferry-Nursery Roads) Phone 60-666 LMVD. VAUXHALL Victor. 1968. 32.000 miles from new. 1 Chch owner; red with grey interior m outstanding original condition. $2690. Archibalds. Tuam St Division. 166 Tuam St. Phone 62-241 a.h. 325-203 LMVD.
Page 27 Advertisements Column 7
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 27
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