; Cars For Sale TRIUMPH Herald. 1963. 62.000 miles. Two previous owners. Excellent cond. SJ2OO 0.n.0. Phone 41-946. TRIUMPH Herald 69. 13/60 tidy $1745. Trevor Crowe. 160 Ferry Rd. Ph. 797-967 a.h. 515-580 LMVD.. TRIUMPH Herald convertible. This is a sought after car. $1990. Phone 69-475 -Chch Sports Car Centre. 77 Moorhouse Ave. LMVD. TRIUMPH Herald. 1966. immac. cond. new paint and overhaul, owner going overseas. must sell this weekend. $4OO. Apply 908 Rockinghorse Rd Sat. and Sun. TRIUMPH Herald estate. 1963. heater. 1200 motor, a nice tidy economical s.w.. faultless mech. $1299 or terms. Alpine Auto Court. 447 Ferry Rd. Ph. 897-418. ■ ■ ■ ■ TRIUMPH Herald Estate. 1964. new battery, plugs, w.0.f.. workshop manual. Economical multi purpose vehicle. Suit shopping or child delivery. $5OO 0.n.0. Please phone 69-878. TRIUMPH Herald. 13/60. 1970. 80.000 miles, exceit condt. $l4OO 0.n.0. Ph. 45-432. TRIUMPH Renown. 1952. recent valve grind, good cond. No telephone time-wasters please. Ph. 325-191. TRIUMPHS if buying selling or requiring expert workshop service and spares contact the specialist. Hillview Motorsales and Service. 5 Opawa Rd. Ph. 62-231. a.h. 327-295. MVDI. TRIUMPH sports cars. Buy and sell. Ph. 69-475. Chch Sports Car Centre. 77 Moorhouse Ave. LMVD. TRIUMPH Stags. TR6s. Spitfires and most other sports cars • wanted desperately. Sports Car Centre. Ph. Wellington (collect) 849-286, a.h. 883-033. LMVD. TRIUMPH Stag. 1974, manual overdrive, hard top. soft top. Ph.. 69-475. Chch Sports Car Centre. 77 Moorhouse Ave. LMVD. TRIUMPH TC 2500, 1975. 83.000 miles, in good order, auto, with power steering, radio, stag grill model, painted brown. $4600 0.n.0. Please ph. a.h. or weekend 842-325. TRIUMPH Toledo. 1975, only 38.000 miles by 2 careful Chch owners and immaculate $4495 at 55 Ferry Road. Phone 61-936 MVDI. TRIUMPH TR4. 1963. Red with wires. A rare car. Ph. 69-475. . Chch Sports Car Centre. 77 Moorhouse Ave. LMVD. TRIUMPH TR6. 1974. $7490. Chch Sports Car Centre. 77 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 69-475. LMVD. TRIUMPH TR6. 1971, Gold with wires. This car would be the best in the South Island. Ph. 69-475. Chch Sports Car Centre. 77 Moorhouse Ave, LMVD. TRIUMPH Vitesse 1964. 66.000 miles. 2 owners, good original cond. Ph. 516-916. TRIUMPH 13-40 Sedan. 1969. 3 owners, motor overhauled, new radiator. 74.000 miles. Extremely tidy. $1650. Phone 48-606 Amberley (collect). TRIUMPH 1300, white with red trim, roomy, and economical. In excel, cond. (only 56.000 miles). $2495. Mac's Autos. Ltd.'36O Cashel St. Ph. 66-069. a.h. 596-798. LMVD. TRIUMPH 1500 Toledo 1975 model, only 47.000 miles, a tidy economical car only $2995. Sydenham Park Car Sales, cnr. Lincoln and Moorhouse, ph. 799-199 a.h. 596-529. TRIUMPH 1975 2.5 TC auto, only 39.000 miles. An immac. example, only 56495. Sydenham Park Car Sales, cnr Lincoln and Moorhouse. Ph. 799-199 a.h. 596-529. TRIUMPH 1976. 2.5 TC manual, overdrive. Finished in sable with tan trim. R and H, very tidy, only $5995 at SPCS city depot. 541 Colombo St. Ph. 65-798. a.h. 886-896. TRIUMPH 1976 2.5 TC auto, only 53.000 miles. Sable in colour. Immac, only $6495. Sydenham Park Car Sales, cnr Lincoln and Moorhouse. Ph. 799199. a.h. 596-529. TRIUMPH 2.5 auto. P.I, 1973. an immaculate luxury vehicle, finished in dark brown with leather trim, $4500. Ph. Bruce Harrison. McLaren Motors, 108 St Asaph St. 798-940, a.h. 252-967, LMVD. TRIUMPH 2.5 PI auto, power steering, regency red. leather upholstery, luxury motoring here for only 54495. Auto Service Centre, cnr Pages and Woodham Rds. Ph. 894--700 a.h. Bel (23 ) 7347. TRIUMPH 2.5 P.I, 1975. auto, power steer. 48.000kms. ice blue with beige interior, must be seen 56590, Archibalds Tuatn St Division. 166 Tuam St. Phone 62-241. a.h. 325-203 LMVD. TRIUMPH 2.5 TC. Manual O/D. up to S7OOO wanted for valued client. Ph. Stuart. Park Lane Motor Co, 85 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 795-567; a.h. 326-333. TRIUMPH 2.5 T.C. auto. 1976. 56.000 km. Radio.' A very popular model in fabulous condition. Runs like new. 57300,12 month warranty. Ph. Bruce Harrison. McLaren Motors. 108 St Asaph St. 798940. a.h. 252-267. LMVD. TRIUMPH 2000 auto. 1973. 56.000 miles, white exterior with tan upholstery, immac. cond. $3,800 0.n.0. Phone 324-982. TRIUMPH 2000 Mk 11. 1972, manual, white with tan trim, excel. order throughout. $.3990. Stephen Jones Motors. 360 Cashel St. Ph. 66-094. a.h. 428-722. LMVD. TRIUMPH 2000 manual. 1973. 2 owners, attractive tobacco leaf. bone trim. 53995. N.Z.M.C. Rangiora phone 8334 or Chch Direct line 277460. a.h. 8781 Kaiapoi or 7437. 8020. 8217 Rangiora. LMVD. TRIUMPH 2000 Mk 1,1969.1 Chch owner, dark grey with red trim. 4-speed manual. The best for sale, now a collector's item, just 77.000 miles. $3995. Carthy Motors. Ltd. 166 St Asaph St, ph. 796-450 any time. LMVD. TRIUMPH 2000 TC auto. 1970. Beautiful condition, many extras. Fuel atomizer, mags, excellent tyres. $3590 0.n.0. Ph. 384-294 before 1 p.m. TRIUMPH 2000, white, red trim, lovely original cond, $3995. Bruce Reid Motors, cnr Selwyn St and Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 69-607, a.h. 288-574. LMVD. TRIUMPH 2000. 1967. manual with overdrive, in excel, cond. Must sell this weekend. $1895. Offers accepted. Ph. 228-119. TRIUMPH 2000 1972 Mk 11. auto. 58.000 miles, unmarked. $4395. Ray McLean Motors. 266 St Asaph St (High St Cnr).'Ph. 67-401 a.h. 518-510 LMVD. TRIUMPH 2000. 1964 and 1968. Both tidy reliable vehicles. Priced to sell at $1495 and $2195. Neville Boon Motors Ltd. 500 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 61-285. 790-868. a.h. 597-721. LMVD. TRIUMPH 2000. 1971. a most immaculate prestige model travelled only 62.000 miles. Would suit the most fastidious buyer. Be quick! $4299. O'Connell McKay Motors. 223 Moorhouse Ave, Phone 50584, a.h. 856-284, LMVD. TRIUMPH 2500 auto. 1972. 76.000 miles in beautiful order. Sweet creme with tan trim, radio, etc. any trial. 54299. Paul Chaney Motors. Ltd. corner Moorhouse Avenue and Lancaster Street. Phone 65-889. a.h. 428-764. 584-969. LMVD. TRIUMPH 2500 PL. 1975 auto, power steering, 78.000 km. immac. in red/tan' trim stereo/ tape. etc. Look, only $5799. Paul Chaney Ltd. corner Moorhouse and Lancaster Street. Phone 65-889. a.h. 428-764. 528-728. LMVD. TRIUMPH 2500 Pl 1975 (late), auto with power steering, only 51.000 miles, radio and mag wheels, spotless orig. car in ice blue, beige interior. $5995. Phillip Mills. Ltd for Quality Curs. 42 Manchester I St. Phone 50-181 a.h. 588-980. 278-575.
Page 27 Advertisements Column 4
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 27
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