Cars For Sale : Cars For Sale HONDA 80 CIVIC, New Generation 3 Door, Auto, 12,OOOkms, Reds9s99 80 CIVIC 3 Door, Manual, 13,000kms, one owner, Whites9s99 80 ACCORD 4 DOOR, 19,000kms, Auto, White, radiosll,299 78 CIVIC Auto, 37,000km5, Spanish Olive . $6799 78 ACCORD H/BACK, White, 37,000km5, radio. $9599 78 HONDAMATIC HL, 1 owner, 31,OOOkms, Whites7l99 78 HONDAMATIC HL, Carribean Blue, 20,000kms, os news 7699 78 CIVIC, 2 owners, 69,000km5, radials, mags. $6099 76 HONDA CIVIC, Pimento red, 45,000km556299 76 HONDA CIVIC, White, 69,000kms .... $5600 75 HONDA CIVIC, Auto, Bronze metallic, two ownersss999 LEYLAND 79 MINI 1000, Bracken, only 7000km5... 56299 79 MINI 1000, Sandglow, 10,000kms, mints6l99 79 MORRIS MARINA ESTATE 1.7, 34.000km5, radio, towbars7999 79 MINI 1000, 1 lady owner, only 7000kms. Brackens63oo 79 MINI 1000 Only 7000kms, Bracken ... 56299 78 LEYLAND 1275 GT Mini, Bronze metallic, 21,000km555999 78 MINI 1000, 1 owner, 33,000km5, Brassssl99 77 MARINA 400 KG VAN, 44,000kms ....54799 75 MORRIS MINI, 3 owners, 42,000 miles, original tidy c0r53299 OTHER FINE VEHICLES 80 DAIHATSU .CHARADE "XTE", 1 owner, 7000km5...;.59199 80 FORD CORTINA 1.6 S/W. Metallic Blue, latest model, 12,000km.511,299 80 MIRAGE 5 Door, GLX, 30,000km558699 79 FORD ESCORT 1300 L, 4 Door, 9000kms, Blue metallic s 7999 79 TOYOTA COROLLA SR COUPE, 6000kms, as new $8999 78 DATSUN 120 Y SEDAN, 42,000km5, immaculate, orders6s99 78 DATSUN WAGON 120 Y, 45,000kms ... $6499 77 TOYOTA COROLLA SR COUPE, 1 owner, 27,000kms 57299 77 MITSUBISHI LANCER, 2 owners, Orange, like news6s99 77 MITSUBISHI SIGMA GL Auto, 46,000km5, Bright Red. 56999 73 DATSUN 1808 SSS, Auto, like newss299 NEW ZEALAND MOTOR CORP L.M.V.D. Phone 44-426 or 489:914. I After Hours — Paul Dunn 324-835 | Graeme Ritchie 517-509 |
FORD GRANADA 1978 V 6 2.8 litres, petrol injection, manual transmission. Sports suspension, power steering, tow bar. 23.000 miles. Metallic blue. 1 diplomatic owner. German assembled, right hand drive. Spare set tyres (2 new Michelins. 2 Retreads). Good range of spares including several tins body .paint. 517.000 0.n.0. Tel. FAWCETT, WELLINGTON 793-540, or office. Miss Fraser 726-049.
V.W. 71 sell, immac. cond. $3BOO. Ph. 852-103 after 3p.m. Sat. WOLESLEY 1300. 1970. 69.000 miles, red. goes well. 51995. Warren Rogers Motors, 175 Wainoni Road. Ph. 884-248. WOLSELEY 11U0. very tidy condition. popular lady's car. $1599 or $960 dep. Easy terms. Wayne Timms Motor Court. Ltd. Ph. 66-894, a.h. 841-687. WOLSELEY 1100. 1966 one owner. 64.000 miles. Grey with red trim. Original throughout. $1995. Cable Price Toyota. 385 Colombo St. Ph. 797-843. a.h. 326-422. WOLSELEY 1300 auto. 1970. 58,000 miles, excel, cond. 51650 0.n.0. 145 Bower Ave. Phone 883-569. WOLSELEY 1300. Mk 11. auto. 1971, 66.000 miles, original condition, radials. Heater. Alpine Auto Court. 447 Ferry Road. Ph. 897-418 LMVD. WOLSELEY 1300 Mark 11. 1971. 2 owners. 59.000 miles, in beautiful order, white/red interior. first to see will buy at $2499. Paul Chaney Motors. Ltd. corner Moorhouse and Lancaster Street. Phone 65889. a.h. 428-764. 528-728. LMVD. WOLSELEY 1300 automatic. 1969. sparkling Artic white with rich red trim. Only 57.000 miles. A wee gem lor only 52499. O'Connell McKay Motors. 223 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 50-584. a.h. 856-284. MVDI. WOLSELEY 1660. 1622 cc motor. 4 speed floor change. 1964 model, good original condition. runs well. $675 0.n.0. Ph. 68-572. WOLSELEY 18/85. 1970. auto. 55.000 at Car Consultants. Ltd. 51 Main North Rd. Ph. 529-017 a.h. 524-386 and 596-490 MVDI. WOLSELEY 1966. top condition, few owners, good paint, good engine. Phone 516-036. WOLSELEY 24/80 1965. good mechanical order and cond $l2OO 0.n.0. Ph. 478-058. WOLSELEY 6/99 1961. 4 speed with overdrive. Radio and cassette. Tidy cond. Phone 843-049. WOLSLEY 1100. 1966. receipts lor $395. runs well. 5450. 106 Sotnmerfield St. WOLSLEY 1300. 1970. recent overhaul. Receipts. Very tidy. $1750. Ph. 558-803. WOODFORD Glen Toranas (2). XUI. SLR. both cars need work. Inquire Bert Govan Motors. Ltd. ph. 50-397. a.h 298-743. LMVD. ZEPHYR Mk 111. recond. 3 litre V 6. only done 1000 miles, floor change, wide wheels, etc. Pti. 39-253 or 389-674. ZEPHYR, Mk 111. 1965. very tidy condition. rconditioned motor, must sell genuine reason. $950 0.n.0. Phone 35487 or apply at 87 Fisher Ave. ZEPHYR Mk HI. 1965. auto. Runs like a charm. Tidy. $1395. Cornerways Cars. Cnr Ferry and Ensors Rd. Ph. 890266. a.h. 853-943. ZEPHYR Mk IV. 1970. beige with white matching roof. 88.OU0 miles, brown trim. 3 litre motor, completely original inside and out. Priced at $1599 or $960 dt-p. Select Autos. 231 .Colombo St. Phone 37: -1»2. a.h.842-210 or 276-491. I VVD. ZEPmYR Mk 1 tidy, goes well. $995 or swap for another cur. Ph. 855-526. ZEPHYR Mk 111. good cond As is where is. $4OO 0.n.0. Phone 793-239