.Cars For Sale j e < MITSUBISHI (Wjanssx BCcintiliilly t>ri£ine<?rC‘l The outstanding family car with a giaiu size boot Check the others, then check out lancer. Solid, durable. Lancer is really built to last. Feature for feature you just can’t buy better And right now we have the new GL Model just arrived i s? ? > MITSUBISHI Mitsubishi Mirage is New Zealand's most popular hatchback. 3 door or o dooi it's the best looking hatchback — others have imitated, but none have succeeded so beautifully. Now available with 1981 improvements including even better handling and comfort. And the remarkable 'Super Shift economy is proven here in New Zealand. Mitsubishi Mirage -- for the first time we have good stocks available now. TEST DRIVE NOW! PHONE 790-588 ANYTIME Action Motor F=irm
MORRIS Mini 1000. 1975. 3 owners, 42,000 miles, a nice original tidy car. $3299. N.Z.M.C.. 87 Riccarton Rd. Phone 44-426, a.h. 324-835 or 517-509. LMVD. MORRIS Minor A5O. Current W.O.F. New upholstery. Good tyres. Very reliable and good runner. $550 0.n.0. Phone 885421. MORRIS Minor 1954 Hllight, red, new w.o.f. $550. Ph. 899-565. MORRIS Minor, 1951, good motor, $350 0.n.0. Ph. 794-799. MORRIS Minor. 1952. good going order, tidy throughout. $4OO. Phone 885-387. MORRIS Minor. 1951, side valve, highlight, ideal lady's car, $4OO. Ph. 516-238. MORRIS Minor. 1954. goes well, w.o.f. Ring before 1 p.m. or on Sunday. 515-569. MORRIS Minor, 1953, side valve, w.o.f. Good body, engine needs work. Ph. Rangiora 7973. MORRIS Oxford, tidy, runs well. $450. Ph. 842-479. MORRIS Oxford, 1954, new w.o.f. $450 0.n.0. Ph. 882-115. MORRIS Oxford. 1957, 3 owners, good sound car, $475 0.n.0. Ph. 371-100. MORRIS Oxford, 1964. good conditions, current w.o.f. $950. Ph. 35-206. MORRIS Oxford SII sell, suitable for wrecking $l5O. Phone KAI 7419. MORRIS Oxford 1963, 1622 motor, great condition for its age. value for $999 at Lyndsay Holmes Motors. 447 Ferry Rd. ph. 897-418, LMVD. MORRIS Oxford. 1963, three owners. Body good. Needs painting. Recent clutch and valve grind. New warrant. $495. 0.n.0. Ph. 526-553 morning only. MORRIS Tasman, 1981. 75,000 miles, vehicle is good buying at only $1395 or $837 dep. Neville Boon Motors, Ltd, 500 Moornouse Ave, Ph. 61-285. 790-868. a.h. 597-721, LMVD. MORRIS 1000 Traveller, very tidy. mech. sound, healer, tow bar, $l2OO. No offers. Ph. 887-405. MORRIS 1000 1957. $7OO negotiable. Phone 499-076. MORRIS 1000. 1958. very tidy, goes well. $750 0.n.0. Ph 227375. MORRIS 1000. 1959. runs well. $BOO. 3 Wadeley Road, Saturday only.
IlFmnTyTvzzTVl a class I FEATURES INCLUDE / 1600 cc — 5 speed " •Front Wheal Drive —■ 5 seater . •Independent Suspension 1 •Servo Disc Brakes jT fl —» FA ,~1 I •Twin Braking System r.-JBs—--1 •Radial Tyres —<■ i otF* m ’ •Rust Treated i ——l HA •Body Moulding *Clock I •Radio •Door Mirror 1 •Heated Rear Window I PLUS MANY MORE FEATURES. 1 On Display Now at... !to 514 moorh ° use ave ’ I ICT SOUTHERN CHRISTCHURCH I Sm SI iR ARU PHONE 60-214 | AH 31-273 or 324'300
Page 26 Advertisements Column 5
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 26
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