Cars For Sale Cars For Sale * 626 AUTOMATIC This New Mode! is now Top of the Line!!! Norsca Green sl4,67s Rembrandt Gold $15,040 * 626 MANUAL Saloon, Sonic Bronze $l3 680 * 323 Automatic Hatchback, White $12,750 Saloon Limited, Red sl2,6oo Saloon Limited, Opal Green sl2,6Bo • TRUCKS 82200, 5 speed, Diesel, Red 510,975 81600,-5.W.8., Flare Yellow sB9so 81600, L.W.8.. Red - $9250 BLUE BADGE EXTENDED WARRANTIES 24 Months or 50,000 kilometres Available On New 626 - 323 - Bl 600 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OF MOST MODELS IMPORTERS ' of MBi - ■■Wife QUALITY ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 19-21 ASHLEY ST, RANGIORA. /? PHONE: 8355 1 A.H. JIM COOK 6383 RGA T - I
HILLMAN Hunter Auto. 1973. Absolutely imtieulate cond. Turbine Bronze metallic, beige trim. T/bar, extra gauges. Rear window heater, radials. Webber carb. Only 55.000 miles. No. finer example available. 53700. Phone 486-346. HILLMAN Imp. 1984. $6OO. Ph. 499-81)6 or 498-221). HILLMAN Imp. WM. excel, order, new w.u.l. $7OO 0.n.0. Ph. 588■839. HILLMAN Imp. 1967. Mk. 11. (rood condition. SBSO 0.n.0. Ph. 584-650. HILLMAN imp. 1965. overhauled motor. Runs well. Lady own>‘d. SSOU. Phone 881-691'. HILLMAN Imp. 1966. Mk 11. new brakes, kingpins and carpels, spotless upholstery, new paint, underseal inside and . out, good motor and gearbox, motor has been tuned tor maximum fuel economy and performance, four near new tyres, new CCC w.0.f.. this car must lie the best of its kind available. SHOO 0.n.0. Call 11 Charles Street. HILLMAN Imp. 70.000 miles, tidy reliable runabout. Good paint and tyres. $650. Ph. 585321. HILLMAN Minxs. One 1964. Series 5 model. One 1963 Super Minx. Both tidy orig. examples. $1295 ano SI 195. Neville Boon Motors. Ltd. 500 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 61-285. 790-868. a.h. 597-721. I.MVD. HILLMAN Minx. 1958. $3OO 0.n.0.. as is wnere is. ph. 843-017 before 11 a.m. HILLMAN Minx 1958. receipts. 3 owners, good cond.. solid, reliable transport. 5585 0.n.0. Pi). 383-826. HILLMAN Minx. 1965. a very tidy ■ example. $1325. Sydenham Park Car Sales. Cnr Lincoln : ana Moorhouse. Phone 799199. a.h. 596-529. HILLMAN Super Minx. 1966. floor change, big motor. S 14(19. Auto Sales. Ph. 894-989. a.h. 889-751. LMVD. HILLMAN Super Minx. 1964. automata-, tidy cond. new tvres. new w.o.f. 5750. Phone 429-539. HILLMAN Supermix 1964. 79.000 miles, mini condition for ns age 51299 or $7BO nep. Wayne Timms Motor Court. Ltd. phone 66-894 841-687. HILuMAN Super Minx. 1963. Excellent body, paint and tyres, new nailery, goon mechanically. new w.o.f. $82.0. Pnone 429-077. HILIMAN Super Minx 1966. I72r>ec. Only 58.000 miles by one owner. Immac. $2195 or terms. Neville Boon Motors. Ltd. 500 Moorhouse Ave. . Chch. Ph. 610-285.790-868. a.h. 597-721. LMVD. ■ ■ ■ ■ HILLMAN super minx 1963 1 ladyowner. exc cond. throughout. 69.001) miles. $1,490. Phone 582-309. HILLMAN van. 1958. and quani.ily ot spares. As is where is. hesi of ter. Ph. 382-862. '■HOLDEN Belmont. 1970. good “ running order, good tyres, 161 ” motor, ph0ne.7468 Kaiapoi. pHOLDEN Belmont 1972. 68.000 miles, excellent throughout, «?■ reason-ante otters considered. - Ph. "28-861. ? HOLDEN Heimtiiil. 1974. Dark < blue wiin a light blue roof, ” ndy condition. 52695. comt- pare tins. Ph. 69-607. a.h. r 830-741. Bruce Reid Motors. . cnr Moorhouse Ave and - LSelwvii St. I.MVD. 'HOLDEN Commodore 4 SI., auto.. 1980. 5000 km. red wnli . brown trim. Like new. $13,495. ■' Cable Price Tovota. cnr Lich- -' iieio anti Durham Street. Ph. * 797-840. a.h. 556-287. 852-886. £'■■■■ HOLDEN Commodore 1980. 4 IT. evlinder. 1 owner, only 12.00(1 ’ kin. $12.1799 12 months. 20.000 * km warranty. . Blackwell 7 Motors. Rangiora. Ltd Ph. S’ 8237 I.MVD. a.h. Allan * Mckenzie 882-751 ChCh. Jim took -’B3 Rga. ■7 HOLDEN EH. V 8 (Ex Holtungl itirltier enquiries Io: Neville t ' Boon Motors. Lid. 5110 Moot- - ouiise Ave. Clich. Pnone 5 61-285. LMVD.
Page 25 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 25
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