FIAT 128. 1975. medium miles, exceptional condition, economical, test drive today at $3895 or $2360 dep. Brian Clark Auto. Ltd. 24 Fitzgerald Ave, Ph. 63-724, a.h. 584-372, LMVD. FIAT 128, 75, med. kms. yellow, black trim, AA inspection invited. Value at $3795. Four Cylinder Centre, 251 Colombo Street. Ph. 371-067. a.h. 897481 and 381-314. FIAT 130; top of the line luxury model, auto, trans., air cond., tinted elec, windows, this car is in immac. showroom cond. Available service check and niech. report available, only $9990 or $6OOO dep. Carriage Co., 69 Moorhouse Ave, ph. . 799-742, a.h. 596-936. FIAT 132 GL, 75, original in white with red trim, 70.000 miles, a real drivers car, look $4195. $2520 dep. Mecca Motors, 826 Colombo St, ph. 799-575, a.h. 555-181. FIAT 132, 1974, Exceptional European sedan. Four Cylinder Centre, .251 Colombo St. Ph. 371-076 a.h. Barry 897-481, Bevan 381-314. FIAT 1500, Crusader, 1967, tidy car, good condition, as is, where is, $l6OO 0.n.0. Call al Flat 3, 1 London Street. FIAT 1972, 124 Sport. Mediterranean blue, mags, 20w. per channel stereo, interior and exterior in good cond. 17,000 miles on recond. engine, $5OOO 0.n.0. Ring Patearoa 856 collect. FIAT, 1974, 128 SL Coupe. 49.000 miles, immac. cond. $4650 0.n.0. Ph. Fairlie 8154. FIAT 500, recond motor, clutch, receipts avail. New tyres. Damaged body. Good going order. $7OO 0.n.0. Phone Sprmgston 866. FIAT 500, 1969 model, or later. Please phone 31-596. FIAT 850 Saloon, 1968 model. Good condition. $ll5O 0.n.0. Apply 6 Hartford Street, Burnside. FORD car dismantlers. 147 Maces Rd. Phone 842-319. Can we help you? FORD Cortina estate, 1966, tidy condition, ideal family car. Motor just had rings and bearings. Metor to be run in. $1499 or terms. Alpine Auto Court, 447 F’grry Road. Ph. 897-418 LMVD. FORD Cortina, Mk 2, front right hand damaged, otherwise good condition. $l3OO. Phone 515-009, ask for Stuart, Room 65. FORD Cortina MK IV, 1600,1977, one owner, immaculate Daytona yellow, AA test welcomed, $5895. Smithburn Motors, 27 Moorhouse Ave. ph. 64-057. FORD Cortina “S". Every extra, a car of distinction. Test drive today ’at Sockburn Motors. LMVD, ph. 44-129 any time. FORD Cortina 1.6, 1977 model, 98.000 km by 1 owner but priced to sell at $4195. Carthy Motors, Ltd, 166 St Asaph St, ph. 796-450 any time, LMVD. FORD Cortina 1965, receipts for motor, needs painting. $995 cas. or $6OO dep. Tommy's Yamaha, 362 St Asaph St. Ph. 63-066. LMVD. FORD Cortina 1980. European 1.6 model only 19,000 kms. This is the latest model. An immaculate vehicle. $10,299. N.Z.M.C. 87 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 44-426, a.h. phone 517-509 or 324-835. LMVD. FORD Cortina, 1976, 1.3. Two owners, 47,000 km. A very popular model in absolutely fabulous condition. Must be one of the very best available. $5300.12 month warranty. Pn. Ross Chapman, McLaren Motors. 108 St Asa nh St, 798940, a.h. 45-967. LMVD. FORD Customline, 1956, most factory extras, recond. motor and box. receipts avail, tne best in town, $3950. Ph. 499508. Genuine enquiries only. FORD Escort Super 1969, IWOcc motor, cam free flows weber carb mags, air shocks, red paint work and black trim. A real smart looker, $3699 or terms, Alpine Auto court, 447 Ferry Rd. Ph. 897-418 LMVD. FORD Escort 1.3 L 1976, 66.000 Km, radio fitted, 2 private owners, $5299. Sandyford Cars, cnr Sandytord and Colombo Sts, Sydenham, Ph. 65-838, a.h. 791-816. LMVD. FORD Escort 1.3 L 1979,22,000 km. Cream with brown trim, radio, $7695. N.Z.M.C. Rangiora phone 8334 or Chch Direct line 277-460, a.h. 8781 Kaiapoi or 7437, 8020. 8217 Rangiora, LMVD. FORD Escort. 1100. 1958, white, many extras, very tidy, $2600 0.n.0. Ph. 427-627. FORD Escort 1300 Auto. 1975, burgundy wine, tan trim, as ' new condition, any test, value $4495. Smithburn Motors. 27 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 64-057. FORD Escort, 1976, I.3GL, 54,000 kms. 1 lady owner, $5850. Phone 859-606, Saturday only. FORD Fairlane ZF, bronze with climiris trim. Power steering, plus other extras. Really in lovely condition. $5999 or $3600 dep. Auto City, 217 Ferry Rd. FORD Fairlane. 1973. white, burgundy trim, vinyl rooi. Every extra. Excel, cond. 55790. Sinclair and Pyne. 74 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 489-852. MVDI. FORD Fairlane Compact, 1965, powered by recondnioned high performance Mustang 289 — and C 4 auto, tidy cond. luxury and power. $2OOO. No oners. Private sale. Ph. 898828. FORD Falcon station wagon, 1973, 4.1 motor overhauled to be run in, radio, towbar, radials. 74.000 miles. $4200. 12 monins warranty. Arthur Burke. Ltd. Amberley. Ph. 48121, a.h. 48-oOb Amberley. LMVD.