ESCORT i3ooc.c. . automatic 1976. Sparkling yellow delly paintwork with unmarked light tan interior. Only one owner from new and travelled only 42,000 miles. A wee gem for $5299. O'Connell McKay Motors, 223 Moorhouse Avenue. Phone 50-584, a.h. 856-284, MVDI. ESCORT 1300 L station waggon, 1977, blue. 35.000 km, very tidy order. s629s.l?irie Motors, a.h. 515-582. LMVD. ESCORT 1300 L, 4 door, metallic paint purple, bone trim, any inspection invited $4495. Four Cylinder Centre, 251 Colombo Street. Ph. 371-067, a.h. 897481 and 381-314. ESCORT 1300 van, 1971, recond. motor, new paint, very good cond. $3OOO. Phone 41934. 0 ESCORT 1300 XL, 1971, tidy popular vehicle. $2999. Auto Sales, ph. 894-989, a.h. 889-751, LMVD. ESCORT 1600 GT. 1969. very fast, $2990. Ph. 69-475. Chch Sports Car Centre. 77 Moorhouse Ave. LMVD. ESCORT 1970. 1600. recond. motor and gearbox, stereo cassette, mag wheels, new tyres, tidy cond. $2BOO 0.n.0. Ph 252-724. ESCORT 1971, 1300 XL. Finished in yellow with red interior, radio, heater, radials. $2590 al 59 Ferry Rd. Ph. 68-004 a.h. 842-074, LMVD. ESCORT 1974,1100. nice orig. car in spotless cond. t/out, compare the price, only $3190 or $1920 dep. Carriage Co., 69 Moorhouse Ave. ph. 799-742, a.h. 596-936. ESCORT 1978, 4 door, 1 lady owner, economic 1.1 engine, absolutely as new, just 20,000 km, finished in a pretty blue. $6495. Carthy Motors, Ltd, 166 St Asaph St. Ph. 796-450 any time. LMVD. ESCORT. 2 door, 1977, excellent cond. Four new tyres. Brand new warrant. $4500. Phone 899-529. ESCORT 2 door 70. tidy and original throughout, runs very well, look, $2195, $1320 dep. Mecca Motors, 826 Colombo St. ph. 799-575, a.h. 831-649. LMVD. FAIRLANE, ZD, 1971. 53.000 miles, all extras, excel, order, $5500. 625 Marshland Rd. FAIRLANE 1972, metallic Zircon with beige vinyl roof and matching trim. Power steering. radio/cassette. only 58.000 mis. $4200 dep or $6990. Park Lane, 85 Moorhouse Avenue. LMVD. FAIRMONT Coupe, 72. 302. towbar, mags, air cond. r/h $6499. Jim Rouse Motors, 199 Ferry Rd, 68-946, MVDL
Page 24 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 24
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