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Cars For Sale Cars For Sale Cars For Sale flfl 1977 CITROEN SAFARI CX2400 Remember SPECIAL!! *BUY A USED CAR THIS | 1980 CORTINA GHIA 2.3 !HR Absolutely immaculate. ’ MONTH AND YOU COULD WIN $l5OO I Low kilometres IBH M umcmai C ★ ★★★★★ 77 C0R0NA..... $4999 79 HONDA ACCORD 4DR $11,399 Eb 3 COMMERCIALS 78 PRINCESS HL57999 78 TOYOTA COROLLA Auto $6999 75 COROLLA COUPES4B99 80 MITSUBISHI L 20058499 79 HONDA ACCORD 3D, Manual 81 LANCER GSL 5 speed .. $11,599 74 TRIUMPH DOLOMITE $4799 ■fl 79 LEYLAND 500 KG UTE. $5750 $10,499 75 GALANT 1850... $5599 77 MAZDA 323 ’ “ $6499 KJH ★ ★★★★★ 75 AUSTIN ALLEGROS 3999 76 CORTINA 2000A..55499 73 AUSTIN 1300 Auto s 2999 HONDA CIVICS 79 ROVER 2.6 Manual sl9,499 78 AUSTIN ALLEGROSS999 71 TRIUMPH 2.5 Auto s 4999 73 CIVIC 3 D00R54499 79 COROLLA Auto s 6699 78 PRINCESS HL57999 80 MORRIS 1.758299 bSI 80 CIVIC 5 D00R59699 70 AUDI 100 LS Recond s4999 76 MARINA 1.8 $4999 78 FORD ESCORT 1.1 $5499 KM L/R 76 CIVIC 3 D00R55799 78 SIGMA 2000 $9599 79 FORD ESCORT $7499 73 ISUZU GEMINISS999 Kfei ■ •fl 77 CIVIC 3 D00R56699 78 HONDA ACCORDS9I99 77 MAXIS4S99 80 MAZDA 626 Aut0 510,999 kfl 79 CIVIC 3 D00R57399 77 AUSTIN MAXIS 4299 80 AVENGER GLSS7S99 76 ALLEGROISOOAS4999 Rwl 79 CIVIC 3 DOOR $7999 76 CORTINA 130054899 79 MARINA 1.858499 + * * 77 CORTINA 2000 Auto sBs99 76 MARINA T.C55499 ****** VW ctatIMIWMOIK 77 DATSUN 120Y55699 79 ALLEGRO L.E55799 K/l flfl STATION WAUUNb 76 CORONA2OOO $5499 72 MARINATCCOUPE ....$3199 MINI CORNER KTI Iwfl 79 TOYOTA XT Auto $10,499 72 TR | UM PH 2000 A . $4499 79 MIRAGES6B99 IiDMARI acooa 79 MORRIS 1.7 Manual $8999 75 VAUXHALL VIVAS3S99 79 MIRAGEGLXSB999 77 CLUBMAN $5999 MM Kfl 80 CORONA XT ESTATE .. $11,199 77 ALLEGROS4B99 74 VAUXHALL VIVA $3499 80 MINI 1000 $6499 ■M 78 CORTINA 2000 $7899 75 COROLLA SR COUPE $4999 74 TOYOTA CORONA $4799 79 MINNOW) $5999 RH ia X, I™ 77 SIGMA GSLS7799 73 DATSUN 180854999 78 CLUBMAN 75 COROLLA SI W $5599 S|<3MA GLX510 ,999 78 CORTINA 2000 L $7899 7 ® JJ " J-E. $6399 ml 79 LADA 1500 ESTATES6S99 78 CELESTES9399 78 HONDA ACCORDS 9699 78 M1N1100055399 flfl Kfl 80 COROLLA ESTATES 9499 77 MAXI 59,000km5 54699 37 FORDYS3999 ******
DATSUN 120 Y SSS. 1976, only travelled 65,000 km and looks as new cond. Not many of these models around, so be quick. $5999 or $3600 dep. Auto City, 217 Ferry Rd. • DATSUN 120 Y station waggon. 1979, 3 door. White with 64,000 km, by 1 owner. Immaculate $5999. Cockram Motors. Ltd. 515 Colombo St. Phone 62-644, a.h. 228-089 or 497-899 LMVD. DATSUN 120 Y station waggon, 1978, finished in lovely ember red with brown trim only 39,000 km, as new throughout — be quick, $6995. Marine Motors, 13 Nursery Road (around corner Ferry-Nur-sery Roads). Phone 60-666, LMVD. DATSUN 120 Y SW 1976, 80,000 miles, radio and heater. Recent overhaul. Two owners. Very tidy. Urgent sale. $4500 0.n.0. Phone 6474 Kaiapoi. DATSUN 120 Y, 1975, 69;00(J kms. excellent condition, $3990. Ph. 556-707. DATSUN 120 Y 1975, tidy and original, 70,000 km, privately owned, $4795. Cable Price Toyota, cnr Lichfield and Durham Sts, Ph. 797-840, or a.h. 556-287, 852-886, LMVD. DATSUN 120 Y, 1978. 42,000km5. finished in Pastel green with 'parchment trim, economical. roomy $6599. N.Z.M.C., 87 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 44-426. a.ll. 324-835 or 517-509. LMVD. DATSUN 120 Y, 1977. 2 owner. 56,000 km, popular transport. Yellow, brown trim, good value at $5599. Cockram Motors, Ltd, 515 Colombo St. Phone 62-644, a.h. 228-089 or 497-899 LMVD. DATSUN 120 Y 1975, orange with mag. wheels. A real good looking one for $3995 with six month or 10.000 km valid value warranty. A. C. Rhodes Datsun, 334 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 45-099, any time LMVD. DATSUN 1200 coupe 1972, best offered, one owner since late 1972, genuine 26.000 miles $5199. Gary Cockram. Ltd, Tuam and Durham Sts, LMVD. DATSUN 1200 SSS 1973. green, radio and heater, tidy example. $3999. Magnum Motors, 540 Moorhouse Ave. Phone 65-177, LMVD. B B B B DATSUN 1200 S/W, 1974, high mileage, but in tidy condition and mechanically excellent. $2BOO. Ph. 227-287. DATSUN 1200 S.W., 1973, only 66,000 miles, glacier white, very tidy example. $3795 or $2280 dep. John Poelman Motors, Ltd, 55 Rlccarton Rd. Ph. 487-105, a.h.- 519-724. DATSUN 1200, 1973. Higher mileage but tidy and runs very well. $2200 0.n.0. Ph. 385029. DATSUN 1200, 1973. a very tidy popular little car. radio and heater. Only $3395 at SPCS city depot, 541 Colombo St. Ph. 65-798. a.h. 886-89(f. DATSUN 1200, 1972, moderate miles, radio, heater, sound mechanically and otherwise, must sell . weekend. $3150 0.n.0. Ph. 324-535. DATSUN 1200, 73, mod. miles. Mechanically sound, ph. 371-563. DATSUN 140 J GL, 1973, R and H, $4999, $3OOO dep. at Avenue Autos, 550 Moorhouse Ave. ■ Ph. 62-272 a.h. 486-459 LMVD. DATSUN 140 J Jap ass, tinted glass headrests, only 65.000 km, immac. throughout $4990 Stephen Jones Motors, 360 Cashel St, Phone 66-094, a.h. .428-722. DATSUN 140 Y Coupe SCX 1979 43,000 km, 5 speed, radio, a popular model in showroom coditin, $8695. N.Z.M.C. Rangiora phone 8334 or Chch Direct line 277-460, a.h. 8781 Kaiapoi or 7437, 8020, 8217 Rangiora, LMVD. DATSUtI 1560 Utility, flat deck, 1971, very tidy, economical to run, ideal tradesman, runabout. $2999 or terms. Alpine Auto Court, 447 Ferry Road. Ph. 897-418 LMVD. DATSUN 1600, 1973. two owners, low miles, the best for sale $3995. Dodds Motors, woodend, 603 Woodend. DATSUii 1600, 1969. blue mat. with matching trim. Great value at $2495. Cable Price Toyota, 385 Colombo St. Ph. 797-843. a.h. 326-422. DATSUN 1808 automatic 1979, 1 owner only 12,000 ,miles. Fitted with radio and mudflaps. This car would be the best of its kind available anywhere, with- mileage to match. $9700. Inspection at your yard at 334 Riccarton Road is a must. A. C. Rhodes the home of Datsun. Ph. 45-099, any time. LMVD. DATSUN 1808 GL, 1977 white with matching blue cloth trim all luxury extras. 50.000 miles, immaculate. $5795. Marina Motors, 13 Nursery Road (around cnr FerryNursery Roads). Ph. 60-666, LMVD. DATSUN 1808, sedan, blue, bone trim, $4895. Four Cylinder Centre, 251 Colombo Street. Ph. 371-067, a.h. 897-481 and 381-314. DATSUN 1808 SSS Coupe. 52,000 miles, Jap. assembled with auto transmission see this today. $5299. N.Z.M.C., 87 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 44-426, a.h. 324-835 or 517-509. LMVD. DATSUN 1808 SSS coupe, 1979. Jap. assiJm. . 17.000 km. 2 owners, has everytning. Tectyl rust-proofed, red with yellow factory stripe, immac. cond. Only a few of this model are in the country. $12,500. Ph. 588-329. DATSUN 1808 SSS Coupe 1978, late shape, only 25.000 miles, five speed manual Japanese assembled, metallic blue with dark trim. A real eye catcher at $9995. only from A. C. Rhodes, Ltd. 334 Riccarton Rd, Ph. 45-099 any time LMVD.
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Press, 12 September 1981, Page 24
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1,124Page 24 Advertisements Column 3 Press, 12 September 1981, Page 24
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Page 24 Advertisements Column 3 Press, 12 September 1981, Page 24
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