Wantedtoßent A better listing service for owners and landlords. No charge—no obligation. All areas required—you select your own tenant. Home locators. 307 Manchester St. Christchurch. Ph. 50-744. D A call to Kevin Whiting. Ltd. MREINZ. will ensure prompt personal and efficient service. if you have a good quality flat or house to let. All properties inspected by Mr Whiting personally and all tenants Interviewed. A full management and rent collection service is available if desired. Further details phone 794-096 or call 11 Victoria Street. A.H. Whiting 851- STC 0 ■ Bffi BRIGHTON, house or flat wanted to rent. 1. 2. or 3 bedrooms. Anything considered. Ph. 858-533. BUSINESS couple, no children, require a 3 bdrm house with garage In Riccarton/Spreydon area. Ph. 371 r 264. CAN you help? Middle aged couple, good references, require urgently house, cottage. within 20 miles of Chch. one to ten acres. Ph. 252-648. CHEF requires cottage near to beach, must be clean and tidv. Ph. between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. 324-250. COUNTRY cottage or house - Darfield, Templeton, Rolleston area. Ph. 518-633 or 35-705 evenings. COUPLE with 1 child requires 2 bdrm house or flat. Sydenham, Opawa or Linwood area. Ph. 325-072. FULBRIGHT scholar and wife require 1 bdrm flat close to University of Canty. Ph. 517731. FURNISHED 1 or 2 bdrm flat or house, Fendalton, Burnside area by professional man. Character reference available. Ph. 588-289. ext 814. GARAGE for temporary storage of restored classic sports car. Preferably Beckenham. Cashmere area. Must be secure. Ph. 327-701. GARAGE wanted in Avonhead area for storage of vehicle. Phone 429-184. HORNBY modern flat required 'by N.A. Gent. References available. Please phone 793975 today. HOUSE or flat to rent. 2 or 3 bdrms, young married cple. Ph. 324-627, after 10 a.m. HOUSE or flat 2-3 bedroom urgently required for married couple with school age daughter, prefer St AlbansCity area. Phone 63-195. HOUSE, twenty miles radius of Christchurch, for mature couple. Please ph. 33-383. HOUSE: unfurnished 4-5 bedrooms required by mature family in N.W. area for approx. six months. Please phone 598-668 after 12.30 p.m. INTERESTED in renting or leasing small shop on main road, Papanui, St Albans or Shirley areas. Phone 524-969. LOST: one cottage being demolished — can you help with replacement model In Lincoln and surrounding areas. Please Ph. Lesley Jones, 585-029 ext 818 (bus. hrs). MATURE couple with highest references require 1 or 2 bdrin house, townhouse or flat, no pets, children and happy to garden. Prefer Sumner or Redcllffes. Hills but will consider any good area. Ph. Lyons 796-280 bus. or pvte 266-289. MATURE woman with house trained cat wants a one bdrm unfurnished flat with carport or garge. In St Albans or Papanui. Will pay up to $4O. Ph. 325-196. MIDDLEAGED man wishes to obtain 1 or 2 bdrm unfurn house or flat within 3 mile radius city. Character refs avail on request. Can pay fair rental. Careful tenant. Ph. 68-488 evenings. MT PLEASANT or vicinity. Unfurn. flat or house for single professional woman (incoming Presbyterian minister. Mt pleasant Church). At least 2 bdrms, rent to $6O. Ph. 841-186. ONE or two bdrm unfurnished flat for responsible married couple. Reference available. Ph. 892-070. PROFESSIONAL single person requires one bdrm cottage in beach area to rent on long term basis. Ph. 516-361. SELF-CONTAINED flat or bedsitting room. Reply, 122 Sullivan Avenue. Christchurch. SHED or garage required for storage, approx. • 400 sq. ft. Must be secured and lock up. Sydenham area pref, or Central. Ph. 597-788 evenings. SUMNER house with character wanted by Christchurch businessman. For an interview phone Sumner 5526. THREE bdrm unfurn. house or flat, north-west area, for adult Vietnamese family, very good tenants, ref. available. Ph. 527-405. THREE bedroom house, unfurnished or partly furnished, required by married couple for 18 months from January 1982. Prefer: Merlvale, Fendalton. St Albans. Reply — Dr F.' Bubner, 19 Versailles Street, Wellington. TWO bedroom house, flat, responsible house proud couple,, long term in south west area of city. Must have garage. Ph. Nigel 796-146. TWO professional females require 2 or 3 bedroom house or flat, references available. Ph. 325-749. TWO women wanting to rent an unfurn 2 bdrm house or flat, references avail. Phone 852URGENTLY required by working couple. 1-2 bdrm flat or house. Hornby area. Willing to pay up to $45. Ph. 61-582. WANTED 2 bdrm flat/house for approx 8 months, within two miles of the Airport if possible. Ph 585-674. YOUNG couple marrying early Nov. requires respectable one or two bdrm flat with garage. Non smokers. Ref. readily available. Ph. 31-539. YOUNG professional couple require house in PrebbletonLincoln area. Reply 4650. "Press." ATTENTION LANDLORDS AND HOME OWNERS FULL management service available, short or long term. Leave your worries with us. We will look after your investment by:— COLLECTLNG RENTS REGULAR INSPECTIONS PAYING ACCOUNTS. ETC. Remember these costs are tax deductible. Phone Jeanette Couglan. Jollifies Real Estate. Ltd. MREINZ. 66-347, a.h. Alan Candy 859-259. WS LANDLORDS HAVE you a flat or house to rent? Let us offer our complete service. We will find you a suitable tenant. We can manage, collect rents, inspect and maintain. 21 years of experience counts. For further details: PHONE 67-095. M.D.Giera&Co. RS I n z. fqPMEFiL v T.G.HEALY & ASSOC WS
Page 22 Advertisements Column 8
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 22
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