To Let LINWOOD: 3 bdrm house long term, "must have refs. $lOO p.w. Home Locators, ph. 50711, small fee. MALE and female, professional, mid to late 20’s, to share desirable sunny' Burnside house. Ph. 596-188. MALE flatmate wanted for large 4 bdrm house. Call 60 . Mays Road after 10 a.m. MALE flatmate wanted to share comfortable house with 2 girls, $35 p.w. total expenses. Ph. 857-361 (Shirley). MALE flatmate wanted. 20s. Own room, share mixed house. Linwood area. Rent $l2 p.w. Ph. 899-826. MALE flatmate wanted age 2025. Excellent St Albans flat, fully furnished, all facilities. $11.50 p.w. Ph. 555-918. MALE wanted for B.S.R. $2l p.w. City. Home Locators, ph. 50711, small fee. MERIVALE, 2 bdrm ownership flats, $75 p.w. unfurn. Home Locators, ph. 50-711. small fee. ’ <• MODERN 2 bedroom flat $5O p.w. En suite. 10.30 p.m. Flat 3. 329 Selwyn Street. NELSON. 3 bdrm house, or exchange 1982-1983, for similar Christchurch house" Ph. Nelson 520-130. NORTH Beach. 2 bdrm, self contained flat, lock up garage, small garden. $45 pw. Ph. 841893. ONE bdrm semi furn. flat, St. Albans, close bus and shops, off street parking, $35 p.w. Phone 518-699. ONE bdrm unfurn. flat, Merlvale, nice section, $6O p.w. Home Locators, ph. 50-711, PAPANUI RD close to City, 2 bdrm unfurn. large flat, garage, attractive grounds. $7O p.w. Bond. To view 35 Papanui Rd, 9-11 a.m. PROFESSIONAL flatmate early 20s to share house with 3 others, Riccarton area. Ph. ' 487-416. PROFESSIONAL person, late 20s, wanted to share Spreydon house with two others. Ph. 324-812. RELIABLE, mature male wanted for City 1 bdrm furn. flat, $2B p.w. Home Locators, ph. 50711, small fee. RESPONSIBLE tidy female, required to share lovely upstairs furn. flat, with 1 male aged 37 years. Ph. 891-451 after 12 midday. RICHMOND, 2 bdrm new unfurn. flat. $75 p.w. Home Locators, ph. 50-711. small fee. ROOMS and board available. Call and check our listings. Small fee. Home Locators. 307 Manchester St. Christchurch. Ph. 50-568. D SENSIBLE flatmate for very large 4 bdrm property. Non smoker only please. Ph. 525111. SOUTH SHORE: 2 bdrm and sunroom, short term only, $65 p.w. Home Locators, ph. 50711, small fee. SPACIOUS clean s.c. 2 bdrm brick flat with sunroom, situated North West, handy bus and shops, quality carpets, drapes, otherwise unfurn. Ideal quiet bus. cple, long term. Unsuitable children or animals, rent $2BO per month, bond $2OO. All facilities except garage. Available late Sept. Please reply in first instance to P.O. Box 31036, Christchurch by September 16. STORAGE Space, 1300sq.ft. approx. including small office and sep. room, additional yard area, avail, as extra. 269 A Tuam Street, rental $55 p.w. Phone 555-419. STORAGE space, 1300 sq. ft, approx. including small office, and sep. room. Also additional as extra outside area. Tuam St near Barbadoes St. Building rental $55 pw. Ph. 791-930 or 555-419 a.h. STRAVEN RD: 5 bdrm house, suit group, $l5O p.w. Must look after place. Home Locators: ph. 50-711, small fee. TAI TAPU: 3 bdrm unfurn. house, suit family with one child. $65 p.w. Home Locators, ph. 50-711, small fee. TWO bdrm luxury flats. South Brighton, spa pool etc. $l2O p.w. Home Locators, ph. 50711, small fee. TWO easy going ladies require similar natured flatmates to share Addington flat. $13.50 p.w. Apply 10 Kenilworth St. Sat. afternoon. UNFURN. 2 bdrm town house with small garage and garden Redwood. Good references essential. $6O p w. Ph. 528-338 Sunday 10-30 to 12 a.m. only. UNFURN. 2bdrm and sunroom brick home, Upper Rlccarton, 30p section, lock up garage, dual hot water, sep. shower cabinet and large service areas, carpets and drapes included, very tidy throughout, $7O per week, available 26.9.81 Phone 588626 10 a.m. to 12 noon Sunday only. WAINONI board for quiet person, relaxed atmosphere, $4O p.w. Home Locators, ph. 50711, small fee. WANTED female flatmate. 18 to 23 to share mixed flat. ph. 892-604. WANTED flatmate to share house in Prebbleton, Phone 495-966. WANTED mature Christian female flatmate to share a small 2 bdrm house in Spreydon area. Ph. 388-091. before 2 p.m. WAREHOUSE 1300 sq.ft, approx, including small office and sep. room. Additional yard area avail, as extra. 269 A Tuam Street, rental $55 p.w. Phone 555-419. YOUNG family urgently require house with garden. Ph. 44325. & OWNERS List your vacant flats and houses with Mew Zealand's most complete listing service. NO CHARGE NO OBLIGATION All areas required. You select your own tenant. We are not Real Estate Agents. p D HOME LOCATORS (CHCH) I 307 MANCHESTER ST. | CHRISTCHURCH 1. V PHONE 50-744 / FLATMATES LOOKING for a flatmate’? We have a luge selection in all areas. SMALL FEE TO SEEKER NO FEE TO PRINCIPAL TENANT HOME LOCATORS. 3U7 Manchester-St, Christchurch 1 Telephone 50-711. Open 7 days weekly. WS
Page 22 Advertisements Column 5
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 22
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