Sporting Fixtures BELFAST SOFTBALL CLUB ALL Interested persons, male,, female, senior and junior, wishing to play or coach. Registration will be held at Sheldon Park, Belfast. 11 a.m., Sunday, Sept. 13. Any inquiries: Phone G. Philip, 524-677 or 524-588, or M. Combe, 8986 Belfast or 8619 Belfast. CHRISTCHURCH LADIES’ GOLF CLUB (INC.) THE following is the draw for the Cowllshaw Cup to be played at Shirley, on Wednesday, September 16. 1981. No. 1 TEE 8.30 a.m.: Kalkoura. Avondale. Mes. Bruce, Stalker, Nutt, Nelson. 8.42: Waltlkirl, McLeans Island, Harewood. 8.54: Kaiapoi, Hagley, Windsor. 9.06: Rangiora, Richmond Hill, Miss Sullivan. Mes. O’Donovan, Suckling. D. McFarlane. 9.18: Rawhiti, Lincoln, Templeton. 9.30: Russley, Amberley, Miss Donaldson, Mes. McCrostie, Maturin, Miss Weston. 9.42: Corlnga, Methven, Mes. Middleton, Burt. Berry. Lady Adams. 9.54: Ashburton, Hororata, Miss White-Parsons, E. Barker, Miss McMillan, Mrs Waters. 10.06: Weedons, Everglades, Mes. Booth, Gibson, Dick, Aubrey. 10.18: Hawarden, Charterls Bay, Mes. Rutherford,- Bushell, Riley, Miss J. Macfarlane. 10.30: Amur!, Burnham Camp, Kaituna. 10.42: Cheviot, Ellesmere, Mes. Qulrke, Willy, Wigley, Fisher. 10.54: Greendale, Hanmer Springs, Mes. Stemmer, Ward, Chisholm, H. E. Williams. No 16 TEE 10.30 a.m.: Lake Coleridge, Walmalrl Beach, Mes. Austad, V-G. Henderson, Maxted, E. Smith. 10.42: Rakala, Tai Tapu, Mes. J. Anderson. Clifford, Baddeley, Hadley. 10.54: Waimakarlrl Gorge, Scargill, Mes. Booth, Baxter, Buxton, E. Henderson. 11.06: Culverden, Akaroa, Mes. Nicholls, Archibald. 11.12: Culverden, Mayfield, Mes. Smith, Whiteside. 11.18: Mayfield, Akaroa. Mes. Dobson. Mann. GERALDINE SPORTS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL HOCKEY TOURNAMENT To be held at the High School Grounds, Geraldine, on Saturday, September 19, postponement date. Sunday, September 20. Mens flve-a-slde and Ladles six-a-side, 6 grades In each. Trophy for each grade. Refreshments available oh the grounds. Entries close: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, At 8 p.m. with the Secretary, Mrs Carol Dougherty. 36 Connolly Street, Geraldine, Phone GD 444. | RAKAIA R.S.A. GOLF TOURNAMENT IN ASSOCIATION WITH RAKAIA GOLF CLUB INC. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 20 . 18 Holes - P.M. start. Three Grades. Entries to C. S. Gardiner. Phone 27-397, Rakala. WEEDONS OPEN TOURNAMENT SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 20 Entry Fee $lO, includes meal, afternoon tea and excellent prizes. For entries phone M. Quinlan. 495-699 (bus.) Ext 817, 497-117 (home).
Cage Birds BORDER and Red Factor hens $9 each. Ph. 497-822. BUDGERIGAR breeding' house $25. Very good clean cond. Apply 38 Kilburn Street. C 5. CANARIES for sale. Cocks $l5. hens $lO. Ph. 857-822. CANARIES sell, red factor hens, good selection. $8 and $lO. 18 Centaurus Rd. CANARIES, sell. Variety of colours, good, whistlers. Phone 383-525. 35 Samuel St. CANARIES, 2 Yorkshire cocks and other whistlers. Red Factor hens. 1 pair Torquesenes. 1 pair elegents. Ph. 851-087. COCKATIELS, one pair. $4O. Ph. 498FOR sale one male 3 year old cockatiel, $2O. Ph. 7433 Rahgiora. FOR sale, red factor hens and cocks, also large round parrot cage. 16 Bateman Ave. FOR Sale. Roller canaries, hen birds only, 35 Ivory Street. Rangiora. FOR sale; 12 canaries, hens and cocks, all colours. Also 3 compartment cage and two 2 compartment breeding cage, also nest trays, automatic feeders and water units. Prefer sell complete but would consider selling separately. Ph. 327-166. HEN canaries, last year’s birds. Red Factors and varigated colours. sB—slo. Phone 895380. ONE double breeding cage sell $2O also buy a single one. Ph. 887-506. PARSON Finches, pair $5O, males $l5. Cuban, male $lO. Ph. 796-171. SHOW stock, young red cock and frosty hen ready to breed. $36. Ph. 558-613. Eggs, Poultry, etc. BANTAM and 10 chicks. $B. Ph. 599-265. BARRED rock pullets, 3, just laying. $5 each. Ph. 497-519. FOR sale Irge young Muscovey ducks, ideal for breeding, eating, or just pets, $4.50 each. Ph. 525-940. FOR sale, 4 Sydney Silks. 1 sitting. 2 roosters. 1 duck. 1 drake. Ph. 885-870. INCUBATOR or parts, trays, instruction books, etc. Buy. Ph. 499KHAKI Campbell ducks buy. Reply 566, “Press." Rangiora. ■ ■ El ■ LAYING fowls, tinted shavers, in full lay, $2.50 ea. Bring own containers. The Shands Poultry Farm, Shands Rd. 1 mile past Watties. Phone 499856. Closed Wednesdays. MULTIPLO 1000 egg turkey incubator. $B5O. also 1350 egg chicken, $250. Electric 100 chicken brooder. $65. 5 stainless steel 6 ft drinkers with cutout valves $18.50 each. Extra valves $8.50 each. Phone 868 Sheffield. SELL Muscovy ducks, ph. 831-. 120. YEARLING hens, Shaver Red. deep litter, $2 each. Ph. 890 Ohoka. PULLETS. PULLETS WHITE leghorn Australorp pullets. Point of lay. $5.50. Doug Wvlie. KAPUTONE POULTRY FARM. 171 Guthries Road. BELFAST. Phone 7051. PUREBRED Day old chicks. Australorp Rhode Island Red Light Sussex Barnevelder Ancona Light Sussex North Holland Blue All vaccinated. O. C: FROST Phone 496-203 evenings.
Sporting Fixtures BASKETBALL Mens’ Club Finals Chateau Regency v. United Service Aranui SATURDAY, 12.30 P.M. COWLES STADIUM. Fly tying | ionstration! Sports Dept. First Floor, 9 p.m. Friday 18th September Three tyers will show all aspects of this craft. . Experience the fascination of tying your own flies. For this night only our large stock of materials will be offered at 10% discount. EXPERT ADVICE GLADLY GIVEN COME EARLY I 235 HIGH STREET I PHONE 790-520 | | OJ Ji I l I PRESENTS THE h i CONLEY &BLYTH S BOLAM CUP FINAL S ENGLISH PARK SUN 13th SEPTS S KICK-OFF 2.45 pm 8 DB GLADSTONE I z® \ AVONHEAD 8 8 TAVERN A S S Ki six CURTAIN RAISER S 5$ 'H M SUNNYSIDE > KICK-OFF Ipm § V ADMISSION h J . (i; J . ADULTS $1 CHILDREN Free b