Situations Vacant LYTTELTON CLUB INC. SECRETARY MANAGER THIS chartered club which has a membershp of 1000 invites applications for the position of Secretary Manager. Conditions of appointment and schedule of duties can be obtained bywriting to:— The President. LYTTELTON CLUB INC. P.O. Box 92. LYTTELTON. ; DEPARTMENT OF * TRADE AND INDUSTRY CHRISTCHURCH t ADVISORY OFFICER ( A VACANCY exists with the ) Christchurch Office for a graduate, preferably in Commerce. The Departments role I is to assist the promotion and < development of Industry. ’ Trade and Exports in New Zea- < land. 1 For further particulars please contact: , MISS C. E. TUCKER. Telephone 793-280. J DRIVER HT. mature honest, reliable tor variable hours. Mainly evening. . Phone 517-281. GLASS BLOWERS , £ WANTED for work in our I Hokotika Factory. Commercial e and free torm blowmg.Good t wages and condition. Phone 1261 Hokitika (collect). or write to:— THE MANAGER. HOKITIKA FREE FORM GLASS COMPANY, . BOX 185. HOKITIKA. HONEST AND RELIABLE 16 or 17 year old person REQUIRED for live-in position Monday to Friday in North Canterbury township to mind school aged child, also light . household duties. Wage and ! board. , Write ZPSI9, “Press" Office. ‘ ( l HOUSE HELP A reliable person to maintain a ■ well appointed central city ■ home. 3 mornings per week initially, non smoker preferred, references would be an advantage. Reply in writing to: House Help. P.O. Box 458. Christchurch. HOUSEKEEPER COUNTRY position. Must have driver's licence. Good wages to person who is prepared to help outside. “ Write “Press" ZP9934 HOUSEKEEPER IS there a woman, who would like to live in the country, keening house and helping on lunn at peak tunes. One or two children O.K. Close to all services. Reply to: •HOUSEKEEPER." c'- P.O. Box 3. GREYMOUTH. JOHNSTON PANEL AND PAINT CONTRACT spray painter required. Immediate start. Phone 797-487, a.h. 881-892. JOINER QUALIFIED tradesman, joiner required to work m our mod. workshop. Good condition and wages offered to the right person. PHONE 389-870. A.H. 228-462. PAUL RENWICK JOINERY, LIMITED. OFFICE JUNIOR LEGAL OFFICE THIS position would suit a person interested in starting a career in secretarial or clerical work. Applicants should apply for an interview by lelepnoning. 791-740. WESTON. WARD AND LASCELLES, Barristers and Solicitors. 123 Worcester Street. CHRISTCHURCH. PAINTER MUST be experienced. Parttime or week-ends. Immediate start. Telephone 596-702 any time. PART-TIME EXPERIENCED sales person for Fashion Shop, must be bright and out going and over 30 years preferred. Please reply to:— 542, "Press" PLUMBER FOR domestic and. space heater installation. High standard workmanship required. Tidy and sell motivated person. Please apply in person to: Mr Loader GEORGE FRY AND SON. 53 Victoria Street., or Phone 50-647.
Page 19 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 11 September 1981, Page 19
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