Cars For Sale CORTINA GT 2000 2 owners/ 66,000 miles, maize yellow with black vinyl roof. $4699. or $2820 dep and $33 per week. Carways, cnr Ferry Rd and Barbadoes SL Ph. 792-675. a.h. 886-627 LMVD. CORTINA GT. ’73. gunmetal grev, 62.000 miles. $4595. Trevor Crowe. 160 Ferry Rd. Ph. 797-967. a.h. 515-580.. LMVD. CORTINA Mark I 1200 L.H.D. what offers. Also Cortina 1500. Carbunitor, call 81 Wairoa St after 1500 p.m. CORTINA Mark I. 1965. 75.000 miles, very tidy and reliable. $l4OO. Phone 585-147. CORTINA Mark 11. 1969. new tyres, mags, good cond. $2200 0.n.0. Ph. 569 Woodend. CORTINA Mk II: choice of two from 51995. sound cars. Any trial. Bruce Retd Motors, cnr Selwyn and Moorhouse. Ph. 69-607. a.h. 830-741. CORTINA Mk HI. 1975. 1300. tidy cond. 90,000 kms. $4OOO 0.n.0. Phone 841-212 or 882-237. CORTINA Mk 111. 1600. seafoam with brown trim, excellent condition. $2595. Sinclair and Pvne. 74 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 489-852. a.h. 899-313. MVDI. CORTINA Mk 111 1300. metallic blue, with vinyl roof. 2000 E extras. Clean, tidy, semi sportv vehicle. $2BOO 0.n.0. Phone 526-822 CORTINA MK II 1970. Seafoam with black trim, just had rings and bearings. $2299. Car Consultants, Ltd, 51 Main North Rd. Ph. 529-017. a.h. 524-386. 596-490. MVDI. CORTINA Mk 11. 1968. recond. motor, radio, heater, t-bar. Tidy cond. $1725. ph. 516-549. CORTINA Mk 1 iSOO. average cond. Very reliable. $750 0.n.0. Call 69 Greenpark Street. CORTINA Mk 1. 1966. very tidy throughout. Sl2OO. Ph. 498-255 after 11.30 a.m. CORTINA Mkll. 1970. a nice ear. good tyres all round. $2OOO 0.n.0. Ph. Bel. 8158. CORTINA Mk 1. 1964. GTISOO motor. Weber and freeflows, good tyres, motor in excel, cond., body and interior needs tidying. As is. $650. No offers. Ph. 856-312. CORTINA, Mk 2. verv tidy. $lBOO 0.n.0. Ph. 889-363.’ CORTINA Mk 3. automatic. 1972. A beautiful looking car finished in teal blue with contrasting trim. Travelled only 69.000 miles. Definitely better than average. Be quick. $3599. O'Connell McKay Motors. 393 Ferry Rd. Opp. Edmonds “Sure to Rise", Ph. 896-596, a.h. 859-001. LMVD. CORTINA station wagon. 1975. 2000 manual. $4299. Select Autos. 58 Manchester St. Ph. 66-193, a.h. 487-773. 894-843. LMVD. CORTINA station wagon, late 1979. 2 litre, only 35.000 km. inspect al Ron Rutherford Crs. 198 Yaldhurst. Rd. Ph. 427-898. a.h. 429-186. MVDI. CORTINA station waggon. 1.6. 1977, European only 53.000 miles, red, $6600 or $3960 dep. Graeme McVlcar Ltd, 55 Riccarlon Rd. Ph. 487-106, a.h. 277-664 LMVD. CORTINA S/W. 1977. latest model, only 47.000 km. finished in brigade red, spotless throughout. $7999. Sockburn Motors. Ph. 44-129 any time. LMVD. CORTINA S/W, 1974. 2.0. 2 owners, very tidy condition, radio, heater, $4599 or $2760 dep.. $3l p.w. Carways. Corner Ferry Rd and Barbadoes St. Ph. 792-675 a.h. 886-627 LMVD. CORTINA S/W 2.0 L. 1978. European. 45.000 km. air adjustable shocks, tow-bar. etc. $8250. Ph. Methven 28-591. CORTINAS: 1973 1600 L; clean, tidy vehicle. $3299. 1973 2000 GT: many extras, mint condition. $5499. 1976 1600; two private owners, arriving soon, $4599. Auto Sales, Ph. 894-989 a.h. 889-751, LMVD. CORTINA wagon. 1977, European. 69.000 km, white. 2 owners, new radials. Would consider a trade. Finance can be arranged. $6595. Ph. 884-170. Saturday morning or Sunday. CORTINA. AU models from 1300 through to 2000 cc sedans and wagons, Late model and early, you can't afford to miss these. On display from $3999. Sockburn Motors. Ltd, Ph. 44-129 any time. LMVD. CORTINA 1.6 1977, just 45.000 km, 1 owner, irridescent blue, beige interior. aquajet radials etc. faultless, $6999 or $4200 dep. Mini Car Cnr, cnr Fitzgerald Ave and Ferry Rd. Ph. 66-379. a.h. 858-324. MVDI. CORTINA 1.6. 1977, European model. Daytona yellow, with tan trim, 1 owner, 60.000 miles. Good buying at $5995. Marina Motors, 13 Nursery Road (around cnr FerryNursery Roads), Phone 60666. LMVD. CORTINA 1300, 1975, 68.000 km. Immac. cond. $4199. Select Autos, 58 Manchester Street. Phone 66-193. a.h. 487-773. 894-843. LMVD. CORTINA 16L. 1975, auto. Facelift model. 89.000 km. harvest gold with viny) top. Great value, compare $3999. Sandyford Cars, cnr Colombo and Sandyford St. Ph. 65-888. a.h. 324-548 LMVD.
Page 31 Advertisements Column 8
Press, 15 August 1981, Page 31
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