Tenders (fX Ministry of Works and Development SH 1: RD 16: WAIANAKARUABIG KURI SHAPE CORRECTION (McKERROW ROAD TO FINDLAYS ROAD SECTION) RP 618/1.65 to RP 618/3.15. CONTRACT 1334/D THIS WORK consists of the costruction of a shape correction course of 3480 cu. m (M 4 and Sub : base), the first coat sealing of 1.5 kilometres of highway. Tenders for the above workclose with the Secretary. Tenders Board. Ministry of Works and Development, P’O. Box 451. Dunedin, at 4 p.m. on Tuesday. September 1. 1981. Tender envelopes to be marked "CONTRACT 1334/D." Contract documents are available from the Contracts Clerk, Ministry of Works and Development. Government Life Building. Dunedin. New Zealand ML/ Forest Service SILVICULTURAL TENDER ASHLEY FOREST WRITTEN tenders are invited for the thinning to waste of 49.0 ha P.radiata. Lot 1 Cpt 152 49.0 ha (1) The contract shall be on standard New Zealand Forest Service form D 43 which must be signed within 14 days of acceptance of tender and before work commences. (2) Tenderers should inspect area before tendering. This can be arranged through Forest Ranger R. B. Thacker. Ashley Forest, phone 8015 Rangiora. from whom details of work can be obtained. 1(3) Work must start on or before September 4 and be completed by October 16. (4) Tenders should state price per hectare. (5) Tenders should be enclosed in a sealed envelope clearly endorsed “Silvicultural Tender— Ashley Forest" and close with the Conservator of Forest. New Zealand Forest Service. P.O. Box 25022. Victoria Street. Christchurch at 1 p.m. on August 26. 1981.
' SUB-CONTRACTORS SUB-CONTRACTORS preparing prices for the following contracts are requested to contact us with their quotations on or before noon on closing dates:-
Rangiora Town and Country Club, closing 19/8/81. St George’s Hospital alterations. closing 13/8/81. Gymnasium block Darfield High School, closing 1/9/81. D.S.I.R. Cereal Food House. Lincoln, closing 1/9/81. Hornby Post Office conversion, closing 25/8/81. J.J. CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD, 102 Champion Street. Phone 64-429. @ Site investigation. © Post and Pole Holes. @ Foundation Holes. @ Augers from 225 mm to 750 mm dia., depth to 6m. contracting limited TELEPHONE 887-169 RICCARTON BOROUGH COUNCIL TENDERS FOR PURCHASE OF ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLES PURSUANT to section 356 ol the Local Government Amendment Act 1978 tenders are hereby invited for the purchase of the under-mentioned Motor Vehicles abandoned on Borough Streetsd and at present held in the Council yard at 199 Clarence Street where they may be inspected. The highest or any tender not necessarily be accepted and same will close on August 28, 1981 at 4 p.m. with: TOWN CLERK. Riccarton Borough Council. P.O. Box 8000. RICCARTON. Schedule Vehicle: Vauxhall Victor Registered No.: C9217i Last Registered Owner: D. Diggs Dated at Riccarton this 12th day of August. 1981. T. N. NEATE. Town Clerk. RICCARTON W. M. C. SUPPLY AND LAY CARPET TENDERS are invited to supply and fit new carpet in the main bar and foyer areas of the Riccarton Workingmen’s Club. The tenderers are requested to quote in 2 sections:— (a) Supply. (b) Lay. Quotes stating quality, grade arid sample to be submitted to the General Manager by 5 p.m. August 28. 1981. G. SANFORD. General Manager. Riccarton W.M.C.. 668 Wharenui Rd. TENDER RE-LOCATION OF DWELLING TENDERS will be received until 4 p.m. on Friday, September 18, 1981, for the re-siting of a wooden dwelling, situated in Timaru City. Contractors will be expected to re-site the house, and complete all work and services, as required, by Timaru City bylaws, and leave the dwelling ready for occupation. Further details may be obtained by contacting: D. W. Workman. 82 King Street. TIMARU Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Page 29 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 15 August 1981, Page 29
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