Public Notices Public Notices CHRISTCHURCH MEDIA CLUB (INC.) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Christchurch Media Club. (Inc.), will be held in t.he club on Sunday, August 23, 1981, at 10.30 a.m. BUSINESS: —Welcome to A.G.M. — Apologies. —Minutes of the previous A.G.M. —Matters arising. —Correspondence. —Presentation of Annual Report. Accounts and Balance Sheet. —Election of Officers. —General Business. Nominations are now open for the positions of: President., Vice President. Secretary. Treasurer and eight committee members. Nominations will be accepted by the secretary in writing, up to the commencement of the Annual General Meeting. D. J. TAFFS, Secretary.
C.M.T. MANUFACTURER- REQUIRES C.M.T. for nightwear garments for up to 100 dozen per week from early September until the end of October. Please phone:— 893-171.
Do you care about what happens to: Prisoners Prisoners Wives and Families Victims of Crime Prison Fellowship of New Zealand DOES Peter N.G. Blaxall — Chairman of Trustees — Prison Fellowship of New Zealand. — More than 4700 people are committed to prison each year in New Zealand. 1500 are under the age of 20. 1600 20-24 years of age. — Over 50 per cent of all crime is committed by ex-prisoners. — Prisons do not rehabilitate people — prisoners need to know that people care for them and prepared to help them adjust to normal living. We are committed to encouraging members of the community to help meet the needs of prisoners, prisoners families and victims of crimes. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED Visiting a prisoner, writing to him or his family, helping victims of crime or assisting financially. Write for further details:— To Prison Fellowship of New Zealand, Box 23-095. Christchurch. Please send me your brochure:Naine: Address: Note: All donations qualify for Tax Deductions purposes
<MEC> KITE FLYING A WARNING TO PARENTS AND CHILDREN THE DEPARTMENT REMOVES a number of kites from overhead power lines during each kite flying season. Our main concern is for the safety of the children whose kites may be involved. Under certain circumstances a serious accident could occur, particularly if the child attempted to pull the kite free, as this could result in the wires falling to the ground still alive. Make sure that children do not use the type of string used for electric fences with a wire woven through it - on no account use this for kites. The risks are real, and we request all parents, teachers and others who have control of children, to ensure that no kites are flown in the vicinity of power lines. Please abandon any kite that becomes entangled in the wires, and inform the Department, telephone 790-900 ext 767. MUNICIPAL ELECTRICITY OEPT, CHRISTCHURCH
N.Z. MOUNTAIN GUIDES REUNION AND DINNER AT NT COCK, OCTOBER 10/11, TOOT MT COOK, FOX AND FRANZ GUIDES RANGERS, A.I.L. and A.G.L. guides 1920 to 1980 and their climbing friends. For further details write today: REUNION. C/- HAP AND JUNEE ASHURST. MT COOK.
Page 27 Advertisements Column 7
Press, 15 August 1981, Page 27
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