Cycles, Buy Sell RALEIGH 20,3-speed, good cond., $B5: also Raleigh 20 track bike. $75. Phone 381-178. TEN speeds. Healings, red. green, blue. 5277. Raleigh Arenas, yellow. $275, green $289. Morrison Monarks. 23in and 21in frames. $360. Hire Purchase. ‘: deposit. All available now at John Bull Cycles. 149 Manchester St. Ph. 67-408. D THE Pennyfarthing cycle shops have over 1000 cycle's in stock. 8.M.X., 10 speeds, childrens, al! makes, models and colours. Low dep. easy terms. 17 Victoria St. Ph. 799-720 and cnr Manchester and Tuain Sts. Ph. 791-520 open Sat 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. D WANTED, 10-speed and 5-speed cycles. Top prices paid for good machines. Smiths City Market. 142 Armagh St. ph. 69-858. WS
For Sale AT Graveston's. latest 4-seater lounge suites, several models to choose. All reduced. Priced from $295. all latest new fabric. Graveston's Sydenham. Ph. 64-939. cash or terms, open Saturday. 9 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. AT Graveston's, furniture and household effects all reduced to clear. Dble bdrm suite $129, lounge suites from $45. odd duchesses, taiboys, compactums. china cabinets. Beds and mattresses etc. Open 6 days, 4.30 p.m. Ph. 64-939. cash or terms. BABY Cacoons. new. complete with mattress. $2O. Phone 557-965 BABYLONIAN baskets for spherically sophisticated decoration in hanging pot plants are now available from Wooiston Mini Contractors. 125 Maces Road, also Leisurecraft Centre, Worcester St. City. MWS BABY’S Supermarket for used or cut price. New prams to potties. Open 5-1/2 days. 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Late Thursday. Saturday, 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. We buy. sell or trade In all baby gear. H.P, terms. 7680 Riccarton Rd. Opp. Avenue Cinema. Ph. 43-416. SW BACKACHE. Arthritis and rheumatism sufferers see the new Dreamwood Easysleeper. It supports you In the right places and soothes those aching limbs and joints the natural w’ay. It’s so easy and so good. Exclusive to: Bedding Specialists. Ltd. cnr Colombo and SI Asaph Sts. Chch 1. Phone 794-916. MWS BARGAINS. Double and single beds. dressers. tallboys, trikes, bikes, radios, dolls prams, many more. Dave’s Market, 661 Gloucester St. MTW BATHROOM unit. Bath consisting enamel over steel, shower cabinet doors, porcelain basin with cabinet. In excel, order, $2OO 0.n.0. Phone Rangiora 5147 after 5 p.m. BEDROOM furniture, new, save $2O-$3O per unit. Full range in mahogany or walnut, taiboys up to 10 drawers, lowboys, duchesses, compactums, bed cabinets, headbords. etc. Only at Gravestons Syd. Ph. 64- cash or terms. Open Saturday. 9 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. BEDROOM suite, Mediterranean style, as new, plus Queen size base and mattress, $B5O. Ph. 427-695. BEDSPREADS by Millie Jean. Quilted with heavy dacron equivalent to 2-3 wool blankets. complete with frilled pillowcases and cushion. Now available from New Brighton Pier and 449 Colombo St. D BILLIARD tables and accessories, unbeatable value. Drake Ind. Phone 50-509. D BOOKS, 22 volumes. Readers Digest condensed books, perfect cond. Phone 557-119. BUNKS, white wooden, converts to 2 singles, good cond, $165. 12ft x 10ft carpet square, cream background with coloured rose pattern, good cond, needs shampoo, $BO. Antique wash stand, tiles, etching, 2 drawers with brass handles, lovely piece $270. Ph. 228-225 after 3 p.m. CALCULATORS. Complete range of pocket, commercial and scientific, sold and serviced at Geo. Berryman Ltd. 77 Ferry Rd. D CARPET binding and fringing specialists. "While you Walt" service. $1 per metre with no extra charge. Rose’s Carpets Ltd, 425 St Asaph St (East of Fitzgerald Ave.) Ph. 795-730. D CARPET binding and fringing specialists. 85 cents and $l.lO per metre, "while you wait” service. Rose's Carpets, Ltd, 425 St Asaph St (east of Fitzgerald Ave). Ph. 795-730. CARPET overlooking and fringing. Competitive rates and specialist service. We can handle rugs and carpels, any size. Take advantage of our experience, and save the wear and tear on your carpets. Give us a ring at Casswood Textiles. 348 Tuam St. Opp. the Testing Station. Ph. 65- Hours Mon-Fri 8-5 p.m. Sat. morn. 9-12.30p.m. D CARPETS, secondhand. We are N.Z.’s biggest secondhand carpet dealers, and as such we are always buying good used carpets, any size from 10 sq. metres to 10.000 sq. in. Call us for a fair and competitive quote without obligation. Casswood Textiles. Ltd, 348 Tuam Street. Ph. 65-500. MTWHS CARPETS, second-hand, hundreds to choose from in good cond, including rugs and squares. We are new Zealand's biggest second-hand carpet specialists. Before buying any used carpel compare our prices. Casswood Textiles, Ltd. 348 Tuam St. Ph. 65-500 opposite Testing Station. We also pay top prices for used carpet, room or house lots. Open 8 a.m.5.30 p.m. weekdays and Saturday 9 a.m.-12.30 p.m. D CARPET your home today with a carpet from Lichfield Carpets huge range. Free making and laying is our special offer at our new shop, top of the escalator. National Mutual Arcade, next to Woolworths in High St. Phone 62-629. WS CARPET. Action Rug Co, 466 A Tuam St, overlooking. 80c per metre. Fringing $1 per metre, while you wait. Ph. 899-053. D CARPET. A large range of used carpels all of which have been shampooed. Top prices paid for used carpets. Room and house lots. Hours 9 to 5.30 Sat, 9 to 1. Roses Carpet. Ltd. 425 St Asaph St (east of Fitzgerald Ave). Phone 795730. D CHEAP reading. Sara's Secondhand Books, 181 High St. next A. J. Whites. COINS, banknotes, tokens, war medals, badges. Don't miss the Stamp and Coin Fair, Christchurch Town Hall Conference Room. Monday. July 27. 10 a.m. to 8 and Tuesday, July 28. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free admission. COLFIX Bitumen Emulsion for paths and driveways. Sprayers for hire and we can deliver your chip requirements. Phone 497-063. WS CONCRETE premix, $6.50 per trailer load or bulk orders delivered. Phone Belfast (23)8179 bus. WS CRACKED cylinder heads, blocks, machine parts. Permanent guaranteed repairs by Metalock. Ph. 69-71)5. WS CUSHIONS. Beautiful drayion patchwork and other fabrics. All sizes, extra large to small. A real bargain. Apply ill Cranford St. DBLE bed. inner sprung mattress, $65: sngle beds and mattresses from $25. at 160 Selwyn Street. DEMOLITION materials, bricks; clean and unclean, timber, iron, beams 12 x 4. 30ft long, manv other items. 350 Port Hills'Rd. Hours 9-4 weekdays. 9-102 Saturdays. Ph. 65-214. WS