H I*l B<tfgg=^ B M lKT>^rfl ESO ® JXX 178 Cashel St., Christchurch.
IRRIGATION BRIGGS IRRIGATION LTD Are pleased to announce the introduction of a fixed boom irrigator to be known as the BRIGGS LINEAR-RAIN this is in addition to the range of top selling BRIGGS ROTO RAINERS A very simple easily maintained irrigator incorporating all the well proven features of the ROTO RAINER of which 120 have been sold in New Zealand. The LINEAR-RAIN has been developed and proven in Australia by Uptons Engineering Ltd who have sold 90 machines to date outselling all other fixed boom units combined. RING, WRITE OR CALL TO DISCUSS YOUR IRRIGATION REQUIREMENTS SALES FIGURES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES PUBLIC DEMONSTRATION SOON BRIGGS IRRIGATION LTD P.O. BOX 93, ASHBURTON. PHONE 4231 A.H. 4406
’ 5 >jß' F^®^\; TTbV’ o>. I hwWW* fff b&fc W & ■ * ■ j Wk Mi O>ftfe s 'W 1 ! V Ws Wp- :s w I w mCm Mp>U / j I I WS Ur£Jn «w« fc W1 | | NORSE WJLfIF ■a . i g WEAR 8 I WORK JERSEY <ET?FMM I <3 crew neck, hardwearing 100% wool. MWWMfIM !g I SWANDRI JACKETS t& IS v3| | 100% pure virgin wool, medium weight with Wtt Jjjf JMBv m | extra yoke across the shoulders and upper g I chest. H I .BnMMBMpaWOI rural b I WVlr ■ HUM I TTri Mcs service B I ■naManiaMO [stores g I CANTERBURY, MARLBOROUGH, NELSON B
Page 8 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 17 July 1981, Page 8
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