AjaxGKN. 300 400; AHarvev.3ooo 285; Alliance. 1000 126; AFCoop. 3700 340; Allflex. 6000 130; AMBislev new. 400 230; ANBeaven. 1400 145. 200 146, 1700 147. ll‘ 2 pc; cvpf. 300 125; 16pcCV. 1000 142 and new, 3600 140. 22.100 141; ANZBankNZ, 1900 368. 2300 370. 200 367; ABarnett. 100 315: Atlas. 7000 46; 500 45 and pi. 3600 45; Autocrat. 200 285; Ballins. 4000 129 and Cpf. 800 110; BingH. 200 85; Brilv. 2100 485. 200 475. 150 490. (5000’478). 1300 480, 1500 482. 100 493, 1000 495, 4300 500, 250 502. 1000 505; BOS, 400 75; BHP. 50 2450; Bunting. 200 152. 200 160; CPD. 6900 373; CFM. 1500 355: Can Tim. 100 375; CBAFin. 50.400 315; Cart Holt. 50 440; Ceramco. 1600 304; Chenerv, 500 345. 500 350; ChPress. 500 390. 100 385: Cityßeal. 600 47; CoJvWat. 1200 125; Command. 200 175; CCL 1600 290. 1200 287 and new. 500 285; Con Metal. 1000 160; Crown. 2300 227. 1000 228; DalgetvNZ. 400 290: D and K. 3500 66. 900 67. 500 65: DIC. 1300 220 and Cpf. 100 165; DMcLWaI, 2000 102 and 84 nts. 1600 75; Domßrew. 9500 140. 1400 141; Donaghv. 200 305. 200 300. 1300 310; DRGNZ, 300 115; Endeavour. 400 210; FTC. 2200 132. 500 135: Feltex. 2500 163. (2600 164), 4400 162 and 16pc cvpf. 900 172; Firestone. 100 152; Fletch. 10.200 252. 21.900 251, 15 pc cvpf. 500 105 and 16 pc cvpf. 500 430; F and P, 2300 320, 800 318; Fountn. 500 90; FrtwSvs, 1800 200; Gear, 200 60; GBCem, 300 70. 200 68; Goodman. 100 468; HB. 500 280; Hauraki, 400 128; HBFarm, 700 310 and new. 300 305; Hawkins. 100 105, 100 100; H and P. 500 500; HBerry, 1600 178. 24.100 180; Holeproof, 450 500; HumeNZ. 11.300 165 and pf. 1500 40; Ind News. 8900 240: JSmith, 35.200 87 and pf. 800 60; JEdmond. 500 240; JBurns. 200 93; JNathan. 500 140; JRattrav. 1000 275; LWR. 4200 86, 4500 85; Lanes. 1700 96; LDNathan, 3700 235 and cvpf. 200 235; Lion. 9800 150. 6200 152. lOpc cv pf. 300 155. 1300 156 and 12pc cv pf. 2000 120: Mainzeal pf. 700 120. Marac. 650 410; MOBrien. 200 65; Montana. 200 158: Mot Holds. 3500 205: MSI. 6000 99 and cv pf. 600 100; MotTrad. 2000 76. 200 75; Mt Cook. 500 190. 5000 193; Natlns. 600 300; Neil. 6200 91; NZCement. 900 135; NZFF cv pf. 200 170; NZFP. 1750 410. 10.550 412: NZI
cvpf. 100 285; NZMotßod. 300 85; NZMC. 13.600 197: NZNews. 1000 235: NZRefin. 200 160: NZSB, 87.000 95. 1100 94; NZSteel. 1800 227. 100 226 and new. 200 213. 400 215. Odiin. 700 99. 7300 98. 4400 97, 12‘zpc cvpf. 1700 75 and nts, (14.000 118): PDL. 500 220: PhilImp. 11.100 230. 8600 232: PrintPac. 300 217. 700 216 and cvpf. 200 180: ProgEnt. 1000 480: Prop Sec, 53.800 230; QuillM. 1000 120; Reid Farm. 1000 350; RHellaby, 3000 99. 100 100; RepcoNZ. 1000 90: Revertex. (500 305): RexCons. 2800 300: RheemNZ. 800 225; Rothmans. 6000 150, 700 151; Scott. 1500 95; Skellerup. 1500 395. 500 392. SFM. 6100 285: Spedding. 5900 73; Steel Tube. 100 144. 1100 143: Sucklnd. 17.500 160; Teltherm, 2100 153: TJEdmond. 300 300; Tollev. 700 200; TNL. 7400 114; TptNC 13‘ 2 pc cvpf 500 115. and 15pc cvpf. 300 113; L'EB. 600 126, 1100 125, 12pc cvpf. 1100 110 and 15pc cvpf, 2500 72: WaitakiNZ. 500 250. 1200 252: Wattie. 265. 300 180. 300 179. WilkinsD. 10.000 440; WNeill. 4300 118: Winstone. 9400 74. 12.400 75, and cvpf. 1000 53; Yates. 2650 440, Bridge Min. 100 132, 4500 130: Con Min. 6000 19; L and M. 400 37. 300 38; SCMin. 2500 38 and rts. 400 18. 587 20.
Special sales.— Frtwavs. 18.000 199; WNeill. 9800 120.
Press, 17 July 1981, Page 7
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