Public Notices MOUNT HERBERT COUNTY COUNCIL NOTICE OF ESTIMATES AND INTENTION TO MAKE AND LEVY RATES PURSUANT to the provisions of Section 121 of the Local Government Amendment Act (No. 3) 1977. public notice is hereby given that tne Mount Herbert County Council has approved estimates of income and expenditure for the period commencing on the first day of April 1981 and ending on the 31st day of March 1982. and that the estimates are available for public inspection during ordinary office hours at the Council's offices, cnr London and Canterbury Streets. Lyttelton. The total rateable capital value of the property on the Valuation Rolls is $23,839,300. Pursuant to Section 52 of the Rating Act. 1967 and the Local Government Amendment Act (No. 3) 1977. further notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the Mount Herbert County Council, at an Ordinary Meeting to be held on the 27th day of July, 1981, at the Council Chambers. Church Bay. at the hour of 1.30 p.m.. to make the following rate for the year commencing on the first day of April. 1981, and ending on the 31st day of March. 1982. GENERAL RATE: Under the provisions of Section 136 of the Local Government Amendment Act (No. 3) 1977. a General Rate of .68169 c in the dollar on the capital value of all rateable property in the County of Mount Herbert. The said rates to be due and payable to the Mount HerbertCounty Treasurer on the I3th day of August. 1981. at the Mount Herbert County offices, cnr London and Canterbury Streets, Lyttelton. The Valuation Rolls and rate records for the County of Mount Herbert and a full copy of the above estimates are open for inspection by ratepayers during office hours at the Council office.
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 70 of the Rating Act 1967, a rebate of 5 per cent shall be allowed on County General Rates paid on or before the 11th day of September, 1981. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 71 of the Rating Act 1967. an additional charge of 10 per cent shall be added to all rates unpaid at the expiration of six months from the assessment thereof. The last day for payment of rales without the 10 per cent penalty will be the 12th day of February 1982. DATED at Lyttelton this Ist day of July. 1981. D. A. HILLIER. Town Clerk. MALVERN COUNTY COUNCIL LOCAL RECREATION AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SCHEME FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO COMMUNITY ORGANISATIONS APPLICATIONS for subsidies, grants and loans under the 1981/82 Local Recreation and Community Development Scheme are now being called by Hie Malvern Countv Council. A wide range of community groups and voluntary organisations concerned with the promotion of recreational and community activities are eligible to apply. This includes groups catering for arts, crafts, and other cultural interests, active and passive recreational and community activities, and sports. Application forms and further details of the scheme may be obtained from the office of the Malvern County Council, with whom applications close on August 21. 1981. B. W. PERRIN. County Clerk. REFUSE COLLECTION. RESIDENTS are advised that collections will resume on Monday July 13. Please leave refuse bags outside properties at 7.30 a.m. on what has been your usual collection day. If not collected, please leave out the following morning until collection is made. A. J. W. LAMB. County Engineer. LYTTELTON HARBOUR BOARD CONTAINER TEHMINrtu Containers Unpacked AOTEA. Voyage 8039 MOLU 5751437. OCLU 0287126. JLAU 561757, JLAU 561791. JLAU 563348. SCXU 2725074, NZCU 0012127, JLAU 269917. N.Z. PACIFIC. Voyage 1119 OCLU 2643503. LGJ 03554. OCLU 0193475. KANNGOUROU. Voyage 1117 LGE 05073. OCLU 2633594, INTU 2175500. Storage charges commence 16.7.81. Wanted to Purchase A competitive quote for all your modern or good used furniture from Smiths City Market's Trade-in Centre. Kindly telephone 798-100. ext. 867 for our buyer to call. Houseloads a specialty. MTWHS AIR rifles, pistols. .22 rifles, shotguns and sporting goods bought. Hutchinson Whites. 189 Tuam St. Ph. 794-600. MWF ALL good used furniture, home applicances. musical instruments, sporting goods, golf clubs, etc. bought. For prompt no obligation quotes, phone Hutchinson Whites. Ph. 794-500. MTWS ALL saleable items accepted at Smiths City Market Auction Department. Market your surplus goods in New Zealand's largest Auction Rooms. Up to four specialised Room Sales weekly. Ph. 798-100, or call for advice about cartage. Smiths City Market, Ltd. Auction Department, 88 Montreal St. MTWS ANTIQUES. Old china vases, plates, ornaments etc. Royal Doulton. Royal Worcester etc. Old jewellery, old watches and clocks, old lamps, post cards, silver and brass, old or antique furn. Infact anything old or Interesting. Please ph. 794-645 or 297-831 Robert Clark. Licensed Buyer and Valuer. AUTOMATIC Washing machine. Fisher and Paykel. W’Way, Savaday. Frlgidaire. Hoover and National preferred, top prices paid for late models, ring for a free and prommpt valuation. M. W. Trading Store. 574 Colombo St. ph. 60904. BABY'S pram, push chair, car seat, high chair. Ph. 891-361. BEST Cash for ornaments, china, crystal, dinner and tea sets, fancy cup. saucers, jewellery, fur coats, baby’s, childrenswear, smart clothing, Ph. 64-840. Fair Deal, we call, pay cash. BOTTLES, bottles, bottles. We buy bottles, brass, copper, lead, batteries, radiators, cast iron etc. Will collect yard, open Mon.-Frl. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 79 Wrights Rd. Addington, or phone 478-980 or 598-163. BOTTLES, Bottles, Bottles, plus all metals, baths, batteries. Prompt home collection or bring to recycling yard. Open 7 days a week. Yard hours 9 a.m.. 1 p.m. daily. 32 Shortland St. Ph. 892-692 any time. Licenced Dealer. D
Page 31 Advertisements Column 3
Press, 13 July 1981, Page 31
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