Cars For Sale I TOYOTA | 385 Colombo Street Phone 797-843 1979 TOYOTA Corolla coupe, S.R. one owner. 25,000 km, green with gold, pin stripping, and cloth trim, radio and heater $7995 1975 TOYOTA Corona 1600. 67,000 km, finishes in orange with tan trim ... $4595 1972 TRIUMPH Toledo. 43,000 miles, finished in while with blue trim, very tidy $2995 1978 TOYOTA Corona 1600, station waggon, finished in green with rich Iran trim $4995 1973 TOYOTA Corona 1700, finished in white with green trim $3295 1967 TRIUMPH 2000, manual, 69.000 miles, very tidy.. $2795 1975 AVENGER GLS, 55,000 km, finished in bronze with cloth trim, radio and heater $5995 1979 VAUXHALL Chevette, 4 door, only 24,000 km. one owner, as new... $6295 1975 VIVA, 52,000 km, finished in yellow with cream trim, 4 door $3295 1979 DATSUN 1808 auto., one owner, 61,000 km. finished in yellow, with cloth trim $6795 1977 FORD Falcon 4.1 auto., red with tan trim, one owner. Only $6995 1977 PEUGEOT 504 GLA. 2000. auto., very tidy, many extras $7995 1978 TOYOTA Corona 2000 SE, auto., cream with cloth trim, radio and heater $6295 1974 HILL. Hunter. finished. in bronze paint and cream trim $3495 1974 TOYOTA Corona 1800, finished in teal with tan trim $4295 1977 VAUXHALL Magnum 1800, station waggon, 30,000 km. one owner, finished in a rich gold metallic paint $5295 1980 FORD Cortina 2000, station waggon. automatic, one owner, cannot be faulted $10,495 TRUCKS 1970 BEDFORD JI, only 43,000 miles, or 25 per cent over three years $2395 1975 DATSUN flat deck, one owner, or 25 per cent over three years $3795 1976 TOYOTA Hi-lux, well side, one owner, 60,000 km, or 25 per cent three years $4995 LMVD Manchester "AUTOS" 79 DATSUN Sunny... $7995 78 AUSTIN Princess.. $8995 78 STATESMAN $12,995 78 HUNTER Estate... $4995 76 CHEV. Blazer $21,500 76 HONDA Civic $5195 75 AVENGER Alpine . $4195 75 TRIUMPH Toledo. $3595 72 VIVA 4-door $2995 71 FAIRMONT XY ... $4495 71 CORONA (recond.) $3195 73 CHRYSLER LIM... $4995 73 HUNTER (auto.) .. $3295 73 HILLMAN Hunter. $2995 69 CORTINA Mk 2 ... $2195 69 CORTINA Mk II .. $1695 72 CHEV Impala $9995 74 AVENGER 1600.... $3195 72 HUNTER s/waggon $2995 70 VICTOR 20005 L.... $2195 48 MORRIS Series E . $2295 71 VALIANT (auto.).. $29U5 79 TOYOTA Estate ... $6595 66 VALHANT VC $1295 71 ESCORT Vans4l9s 80 GLENDALE C. Van $6995 69 ESCORT 1300 XL.. $2495 73 VIVA Estate $3195 73 VALIANT VJ auto. $3495 68 HOLDEN HK $1795 MOTOR-CYCLES 80 HONDA XR 500 ... $2495 79 SUZUKI 250 GT .... $895 'Manchester "AUTOS" OPEN SATURDAY MORNING 50 Manchester Street PHONE 60-026, 63-814 After Hours Denis Luck 228-086 Laurie Payne 35-129. ALLAN FOWLER/x'VS MOTORS LTD. )A/ ? 75 VICTORIA ST. ( /F ) RANGIORA L.a.v.D. 1979 CORTINA 1.6 s/ waggon, red. mod. km $6990 1979 DATSUN 810. low km, full warranty $7599 1978 (Sept.), FALCON 4.1 auto, one local owner, 40,000 miles $8999 1977 HONDA CIVIC, manual 1 local owner, low kms . $5890 1977 HILLMAN Hunter GL, red paintwork, all extras.. $4699 1976 HONDAMATIC 1 fastidious owner, low kms. Govt warranty $5990 1975 CORTINA 2000, mod. km, all extras $5499 1971 ESCORT van, side windows, can be finance on low dep $2690 1970 MINI K, 1100 CC, Aust, assem. mod. miles $1999 PHONE 7087 24 HOURS - RANGIORA MINI Traveller van, 1962. Tidy condition, heater. $BOO. Ph. 597-506. MITSUBISHI Mirage. Super Shift, 1979, only 22.000 km, all extras. $8399, for a test drive contact Colin McCobb at N.Z.M.C. Used Car Centre, 201 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 790-024, LMVD. a.h. 886-700. MITSUBISHI: N.Z.'s No. 1 selling dealersnip has the biggest selection of new and used Lancers, Galants, Sigmas, Mirages. Celestes. Cooper Henderson Motors, cnr Tuam and Durham Sts. Ph. 790-588 any time: LMVD. D MITSUBISHI 1850. Galant coupe, 1976, red wih tan trim, beautiful cond. Real value at only $5499. Auto City, 217 Ferry Road. LMVD. MORRIS Kimberley 1973, 2 private owners only 49.000 miles aosolutely immaculate m jade green with bone trim, only $1999. Economy Cars, 538 Moorhouse Avenue. Ph. 60440. a.ll 889-446. LMVD