Situations Vacant ARE YOU UNEMPLOYED? IF YOU are keen to work hard can present a pleasant business like approach, are between the ages of 17 - 25. and can start immediately. Phone 795-968. Between 9.30 a.m.-12 noon. CASHIER CLERK AS part of the Canterbury Building Society's continuing branch office expansion programme. we are about to open another new branch in Christchurch and have a vacancy for a Cashier-Clerk (22-40 years). The new branch is located in Merlvale and on appointment the successful person will receive a total of three weeks' in-house training in Head Office. Christchurch. The applicant we select will be required to go out, talk to people and sell our products so the person we are looking for must be sales orientated, well groomed, have a pleasant and outgoing personality and really enjoy meeting and dealing with members of the public. Because employment will include Cashier-Clerk duties within the Branch Office, this person must also have had clerical experience (preferably including handling of money) and be able to use a typewriter. Hours of employment will be 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. daily plus late night Thursday involvement. If you have the experience and personal qualities we are looking for and are genuine in seeking interesting employment and job satisfaction, we shall be pleased to hear from you. Applications which will be treated in strict confidence, are to be made in writing giving brief details of appropriate personal, education and work experience, telephone number and be addressed to: The Personnel Manager, P.O. Box 1259, Christchurch. CANTERBURY BUILDING SOCIETY CHATHAM ISLANDS COUNTY COUNCIL MECHANIC A VACANCY exists on the council staff for a qualified married mechanic to work in our well equipped workshop. Housing is available at a nominal rental. Details of plant and conditions may be obtained in the first instance from Mr B. Pease of Royds, Sutherland, McLeay. Christchurch, Phone 67-449. M. O. DACOMBE, County Clerk. Waitangi, Chatham Islands. EMPEROR-FIJI FIJI Base Indigenous Sawmilling and Logging Company has immediate vacancies for: 1. GENERAL MANAGER The General Manager, with sawmilling and logging experience, responsible to the board of Directors for overall Management and control of the Company. Duties include management of Sawmill and logging staff and operations, contractual commitments, including local and export sales, llason with land owners. Government staff and contractors. 2. SAWMILL MANAGER Considerable practical experience with band sawmilling required plus capacity to plan and oversee all operations in the sawmill, yard and timber sales. 3. TIMBER ACCOUNTANT A qualification equivalent to Society of Accounts of Fiji is desired with experience in all phases of commercial accounts. Appointee responsible for costing, invoicing, and debtor, credit control, plus staff. Experience with timber operations essential and a part qualified applicant with experience will be considered. 4. LOGGING MANAGER Responsibility includes Management and control of Company and contract logging, roading and log transport operations, the supervision of local staff, infield llason with land owners and contractors. Experience with tropical hardwood crawler and skidder, logging operations essential including knowledge of road planning and construction. The Company offers initial contract of 3 year term at attractive salary, with housing and associated benefits. Including free annual leave, ex patriate travel. Address written application, with copies of references to; P. F. OLSEN AND CO. LTD, P.O. Box 1127. Rotorua. FOOD PROCESSING PLANT OPERATOR WE REQUIRE the services of a practical person in the 25 to 35 age group to be employed as a Plant Operator. Previous factory experience, or a work knowledge of pasturislng plant will be an advantage. Above award wage will be negotiable after completion of a training period. For interview ring Mr. D. Parker 526-177 after 8-30 a.m. COMBINED CO-OP DISTRIBUTORS, LTD, 472 Cranford Street, Papanui. HANDYMAN WE require a person who can assemble furniture and repair metal frame chairs on a part time basis. Must have own vehicle. Please telephone:— Miss Bishop. 50944 (bus. hours) KITCHEN ASSISTANTS Saturday to Wednesday—33hours per week—7 a.m.-2.30. Monday to Friday—l7 l -.- hours per week—4.3o p.m.-8 p.m. Term work only. Phone:— MISS WILLS (after 10 a.m.) 790-667. KITCHENHAND KITCHENHAND Required for Prebbleton Tavern. full time, split shift. We require a person with long term interests only. Interviews between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. Phone 496-031. LEGAL SECRETARY EXPERIENCED typist required for one of our partners. Please telephone 799-940 for an appointment. CAVELL LEITCH PRINGLE AND BOYLE, Solicitors. 164 Hereford Street.
Page 27 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 13 July 1981, Page 27
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