Exciting finish likely to club badminton
The A-grade inter-club badminton competition is building up to an exciting finish this season, with two rounds to play. Hagley I and Railway I both had 8-0 wins on Saturday in the ninth round of the competition. That enables Hagley to retain its five-point advantage over Railway at the top of the table. The two will meet in the final round on August 8 in what is shaping up to be a grand-stand finish to the competition. Next Saturday, in the penultimate round, both will be hoping for clean-sweep wins in order to keep the pressure on the other. Railway has the more difficult task, against South Brighton, while Hagley will meet Bryndwr 11.
Disregarding the top two teams, the competition this season has been remarkably close. Only 15 points cover seven teams at present. South Brighton retained third place on Saturday with a very narrow win over Hagley 11. The teams were level at four matches and nine games each before South Brighton was adjudged the winner on a points countback.
The most absorbing match in the contest was Craig Crossweller’s No. 2 men’s singles against David Bell, which the youthful Crossweller eventually won in three games. However, Bell gained some revenge when he successfully partnered Bev Leopold to beat Crossweller and Adrienne Williamson after dropping the first game. Railway I and Hagley I were not the only teams to record maximum points on Saturday: Bryndwr I had its first 8-0 win of the season, beating Christchurch in convincing fashion. Three singles wins put
Mairehau on the right path in its match against Bryndwr 11. The only loss was suffered by Noeline Sintes. who was well beaten by Debbie Sherlock.
Peter Whiting proved to be the anchor man for Mairehau, win ning the men’s doubles with Eric Ogier and prevailing over David Reid and Julia Saunders, with Jo Terrace, to help Mairehau to a 53 win. Knox beat University by default. Points with two rounds remaining: Hagley I 123. Railway I 118, South Brighton 98. Bryndwr I 61. Knox 59, Mairehau 56. Hagley II 53. Bryndwr II 48. University 41, Canterbury 39. Railway II 36, Christchurch 24. Bryndwar II 3, Mairehau 5 Singles. — S. Tetai lost to P. Whiting, 11-15, 2-15; D. Reid lost to E. Ogier, 16-17, 10-15; D. Sherlock beat N. Sintes. 11-1, Illi J. Saunders lost to J. Terrace, 1-11. 7-11. Doubles. — Tetai and Reid lost to Whiting and Ogier. 9-15, 7-15: Sherlock and Saunders beat Sintes and Terrace. 15-1, 15-5; Reid and Saunders lost to Whiting and Terrace. 11-15, 15-11, 715; Tetai and Sherlock beat Ogier and Sintes. 15-3. 15-10.
South Brighton 200 points, Hagley II 187 points
Single. — G. Prasanna beat M. Chambers, 15-12, 15-11; C. Crossweller beat D. Bell, 15-3. 15-18, 15-12; A. Williamson lost to A. Ross. 1-11, 3-11; R. Adam beat B. Leopold. 11-3, 11-0.
Doubles. — Prasanna and Crossweller beat Chambers and Bell, 15-12. 15-7; Williamson and Adam lost to Ross and Leopold, 10-15. 7-15; Prasanna and Adam lost to Chambers and Ross. 6-15.
11-15: Crossweller and Williamson lost to Bell and Leopold. 15-5, 11-15, 9-15.
Bryndwr I 8, Christchurch 0 Singles. — J. Le Heron beat R. Manderson. 15-8. 17-16: M. Reid beat P. Terrace, 15-7. 15-0; W. Thorpe beat C. Erikson. 11-6. 1012. 11-1; J. Moore beat L. Bassett, 11-1. 11-3.
Doubles. — Le Heron and Reid beat Manderson and Terrace, 1817. 15-12; Thorpe and Moore beat Erikson and Bassett, 15-7. 15-12; Reid and Thorpe beat Manderson and Erikson. 15-8, 14-18. 15-7; Le Heron and Moore beat Terrace and Bassett, 15-5. 15-10. Railway I 8, Canterbury 0 Singles. — G. Miller beat D. Le Page. 15-2. 15-4; A. Duckmanton beat A. Spinks. 15-12. 13-15. 15-6; J. Clarke beat J. Feek, 11-0, 11-1; R. Erskine beat A. Smith. 11-4. 11-1. Doubles.' — Miller and Duckmanton beat Le Page and Spinks, 15-4. 15-12; Clarke and Erskine beat Feek and Smith. 8-15. 15-11. 15-9; Miller and Erskine beat Le Page and Feek 15-9. 15-11; Duckmanton and Clarke beat Spinks and Smith. 15-0. 15-8. Hagley I 8, Railway II 0 Singles. — D. Ross beat G. Sercombe, 15-5, 15-10; B. Williams beat G. Rogers. 15-4, 15-12; J. Hood beat K. Rogers. 11-1, 1211; R. Stanton beat S. Wilson. 111. 11-2. Doubles. — Ross and Williams beat Sercombe and Rogers, 15-7, 15-8: Hood and Stanton beat Rogers and Wilson. 15-4, 15-3; Williams and Stanton beat Sercombe and Wilson. 15-6. 15-5; Ross and Hood beat Rogers and Rogers. 15-13, 15.-12. Knox beat University by default.