Situations Vacant TOOLSETTER WE REQUIRE the services of a Toolsetter to assist die Departmental Manager in our Press Shop. This is an opportunity for a versatile engineering tradesman willing to accent responsibility and capable of supervising staff. Looking for a secure well paid position: Apply Factory Manager, 66 Princess Street, ' RICCARTON. Phene 4SB-844. TYPIST RECEPTIONIST REQUIRED to start immediately at our Blenheim Road premises. Apply to: Mr D. Rose. '. ‘ Telephone 277-398 MATERIALS HANDLING HYDRAULIC SALES ENGINEER REQUIRED to be situated at our Blenheim Read premises. Apply in writing, > stating experience, qualifications and supply references to: Mr D. Rose, LEES INDUSTRIES S.I. LTD, P.O. Box 8385, RICCARTON. q THE OTAGO HOSPITAL BOARD UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO MEDICAL SCHOOL REGISTRARS IN FAMILY MEDICINE, 1982 APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED from Registered Medical Practitioners for positions as Registrars in Family Medicine. . . Candidates must hold a degree in Medicine from an approved University, have been qualified for two years and be registered to practise in New Zealand. , Appointees to these posts will be required to work under the direction of a General Practitioner in a Practice approved by the College of General Practitioners for six months of the year and in one of the Board s Hospitals for the other six months. , • Conditions of employment are in accordance with the New Zealand Hospital Service Determination for Medical Officers. The current salary scale applicable is $20,216 — $27,127 p.a. (seven steps). Applications on the prescribed fjorm attached to the conditions of appointment available from the Board’s Chief Executive, will be received bv the Chief Executive, Otago Hospital Board, P.O. Box 946, Dunedin, until July 31, 1981. S2O TnrwrirrTWininTTT— ~~
TYPEWRITER SALESPERSON WE’RE looking f.or a Typewriter Salesperson to add to our enthusiastic team of professional?. • . , .. The successful applicant will have had some experience in typewriter selling and know the importance of customer after-sales service. You’ll be in your mid to late twenties and have a pleasant outgoing personality. A. company car will be provided together with an attractive salary/commission package. If you Have the necessary qualifications we want to hear from you. Call Mr Grindrod for a confidential interview in the first instance. THOMSON AND WARD P. O. Box 9349, HAMILTON. Phone 82-679.
THE OTAGO HOSPITAL BOARD UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO MEDICAL SCHOOL REGISTRAR AND CLINICAL TUTOR APPOINTMENTS, 1982 APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED from suitably qualified Medical Practitioners for the undermentioned Registrar positions in 1982. The duties of these positions commencing ’ in December 1981 include the teaching of medical students and carry appointments as Clinical Tutors with the University of Otago. Anaesthetics, Dunedin Hospital. Medical (including: Cardiology, Clinical Haematology, Dermatology Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Geriatric Medicine, Hypertension/Nephrology, Infectious Diseases, Intensive Care, Neurology, Respiratory Medicine, Rheumatology), Dunedin and Wakari Hospitals. Paediatric, Wakari Hospital. Neo Natal. Queen Mary Maternity Hospital. Obstetrical, Queen Mary Maternity Hospital. Ophthalmic, Dunedin Hospital. Surgical (including: General, Neurosurgical, Thoracic Surgery, Cardiac Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery), Dunedin and Wakari Hospitals. . , Accident and Emergency, Dunedin Hospital. Radiotherapy and Oncology, Gordon Bell Regional Clinic, Wakari Hospital. Radiology, Dunedin Hospital. E.N.T., Dunedin Hospital. Conditions of employment are in accordance with the New Zealand Hospital Service Determination for Medical Officers. The current salary scale applicable is $20,216 — $27,127 p.a. (seven steps). Applications on the prescribed form attached to the conditions of appointment avail- . able from the Board’s Chief Executive, will be received by the Chief Executive, Otago Hospital Board, P.O. Box 946, Dunedin, until July 31, 1981. S2O Him —
TAURANGA HOSPITAL BOARD SPECIALIST PAEDIATRICIAN APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED for the position of Specialist Paediatrician to be in charge of the Board’s Paediatric services at Taurapga Hospital. The appointee must be a Registered N.Z. Medical Practitioner, with a higher qualification appropriate to the specialty. The salary applicable will be in accordance with the Automatic Scale for Specialists, at present $30,630 to $38,341. The position is whole or may be negotiated at .8 or .9 part-time. Further particulars, conditions of appointment and application form are available from the undersigned. with whom applications will be received up until July 2, 1981. P D. K. RICHARDSON. Chief Executive. Wl7
Page 57 Advertisements Column 5
Press, 6 June 1981, Page 57
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