Auctions @ PRELIMINARY NOTICE CLEARING SALE STOCK AND PLANT MONDAY, JUNE 29,1981, Commencing At 1 p.m. On account MR N. H. MARSH, Glentunnel. Full particulars in Press, Saturday, June 13 and 20, 1981. PYNE. GOULD. GUINNESS LTD, AUCTIONEERS. LMVD CHRISTCHURCH gjjjjj CLEARING SALE AT HORORATA OF PLANT AND SUNDRIES ON ACCOUNT OF MR J. A. HENDERSON, “Whio Hau,” Hororata ON THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1981, COMMENCING AT 1 p.m. Plant and Sundries: KOMATSU 21A Dozer; Ford 6600 Tractor, 16-spced Rollmaster Cab, 16U0 hours; New Holland 376 C Baler, Taarup 2C6 Hay' Mower; Vanguard Hydraulic Woolpress; 845 Baler; Rushton Post Driver; 13 Tyne Grubber; Duncan 15 Coulter Drill; Tractor Tray and Pen; Grader Blade. Back End Bucket; Powell Harrows; 2 "Sunbeam Shearing Machines; Lister Grinder; Motor Bike Trailer; Tandem Wheel Trailer; Posts; Battens; Wire Netting; Electric Fence Units; Electric Fence Reels; Electric Petrol Pump; Hurdles; Hay Feeders; Footrot Cradle; Footrot Bath: Four 44 Gallon Crcsote; Two 44 Gallon Formalin Drench Vaccine; Wool Table; Wool Bins.
Hay: 1000 Bales Shed Stored Meadow Hay. Outside Entries: 1962 Bedford; 1958 Austin Gypsv; Loading Ramp; Set of Discs'; Tractor Tray; Tractor Tyre and Tube; 1 Willets 4-row Ridger. PLEASE NOTE:— A limited number of Outside Entries will be accepted by prior arrangement with the Auctioneers. Phone F. A. FOWLER, Itororata 709 (evening). TERMS:— Cash, unless prior arrangement is made witli the Auctioneers. CHRISTCHURCH. LMVD. Imusiiw MBE.I.NZ.I j BRELIW'RY NOTICE CLEARING SALE on account MRS S. M. MacKENZIE "LCCHI.NVAR” BENNETTS THURSDAY, JULY 2 COMMENCING 1 p.m. On offer will be approximatelv 2100 Corriedale sheep and a full range of farm machinery and sundries. Entries and enquiries to. G. Diedrichs, Ph. Oxford .322. A. Grimsey, Ph. Rangiora, 7567 G. Lilley, Ph. Rangiora 7331. Or any Farmers’ branch. N.Z. FARMERS’ CO-OP ASSN LTD. OXFORD, RANGIORA AUCTIONEERS. FRaW'RY NOTICE CLEARING SALE 0. S. LANCASTER OKU KU THURSDAY, JUNE 25 A full range of farm machinery will be offered and all outside entries are welcomed. Entries and Enquiries to G. Lilley. Ph. Rga. 7331 A. Grimsey. Ph. Rga. 7u6<G Diedrichs. Ph. Oxford 322. G Henderson. Ph. Amberley 48-266. D. Drennan. Ph. Chch. 59a-717. C. Cameron. Ph. Darfield 88-047. or any farmers branch N.Z. FARMER’S CO-OP ASSN. LTD. OXFORD. RANGIORA Auctioneers
Page 50 Advertisements Column 3
Press, 6 June 1981, Page 50
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