Ownership Flats I MERIVALE: Exciting new I development of 5 luxury town houses, all facing a quiet street, only 200 yards Merivale Mall. Very sunny. 2 dble bdrms plus study (or third bdrmi. Special features include Hardie Tile roof, dble garage (internal access), with electric doors operated I from your car. Lovely ; entrance foyer. 2 toilets, j sep. dining and laundry, • sunken lounge, Corotone I joinery. Upstairs and down-; stairs sundeck to private courtyard. Priced from I $77,000. Be in now before I next wage increase. En- j quiries phone 518-661. MERIVALE, better than a town house, an immac. 3 bdrm property with an extra room, delightful lounge, very sunny and private on an easily kept small section, $75,000. Reg McKenzie, 559-097. a.h. 517594. Merivale Real Estate. MREINZ 9 ■ n ■ MERIVALE, $37,000. First time on market. A stone's throw from the mall is this extremely sunny rear 2 bed. roomed unit in immaculate condition throughout. Spacious lounge, very sunny kitehen/dining, new carpets, etq.. and available for immediate possession. Finance available. Genuine buyers only, please phone the sole agents. Mercer Real Estate, MREINZ. on 66-917 or a.h. 898-563, 488-006, 583-492 or 528-559. SMWIO MERIVALE/St Albans, (handy to Merivale and Edgeware Malls,) lovely 2 storey brick town house, on very sunny corner site, one of .two facing street with garages between. Spacious lounge, galley kitchen with pantry, 2 sunny dble bdrms, sep. toilet beautiful bathroom, completion in 6 weeks, choose you own decoration $46,000. Ph. Trevor Wright, 62-538 a.h. 559-901 Pasley Real Estate, MREINZ. 8 B B B B MERIVALE, for only $40,000 you can own an architect designed 2 storey town house of style. 2 bdrms upstairs with lounge opening on to sunny private courtyard. Chattels include auto. washing machine, refrigerator and new carpet. Don’t miss this opportunity in this popular area. More details from Jocelyn Spiers, David Murray Real Estate. MREINZ, 556-102. a.h. 856-972. 8
NEW BRIGHTON, $24,500. 2 bdrm front flat, one of two, sep. garage. Hoyle Real Est., MREINZ, 429-006, a.h. ■427-034. NORTH Parade, sunny immac. 2 bdrm summcrhill stone flat, one of two facing street, large bdrms and lounge, attractive small chip garden, 2 min from bus and shops. $25,950. For inspection ph. Warner snr, St Albans R.E. Ltd. MREINZ 799-896 any time. HS6 OWNERSHIP flat for our genuine cash buyer required, perm, mats preferred. Windsor to New Brighton areas. Manchester Homes MREINZ, 60-050, a.h. Ron Kiesanowski 527-555. 8 PAPANUI $65,000. Brand new 2 bdrni and sunroom or study unit with sep. lounge and dining room, double garage, 16p. se tion. Ph. Les Whittle, 556-145, Whittle. Knight and Boatwood, Ltd, 44- MREINZ. XF6 B ■ ■ fll PAPANUI, Condell Ave. A truly immaculate 2 bedroom Summerhill Stone ownership flat, completely on its own on an exquisitely landscaped private section. Completely refurnished, new’ carpet throughout. Twin car port, patio, etc. Built for the sun. An excellent buy in this exclusive area for only $39,906. Ph. Brian or Paula Farrow, 66-917 or a.h. 427-040, Mercer Real Estate, MREINZ. PAPANUI, Delightful 2 bdrm Summerhill stone flat completely on its own on an exquisitely landscaped private section in top area. Completely refurnished, new carpet throughout, twin carport, patio, etc. Built for the sun, just on the market, $39,900. Ph. Brian or Paula Farrow, 66-917 or a.h. 427040, Mercer Real Estate, MREINZ. XH6 j PRIVATE sale. Superb two bedroom Town house, bolstered Summerhill stone, Decramastic roof, Alunjinium windows, almost new carpets and drapes. This Town house is 1300 sq ft of luxury living. Not one cent to spend double garage and extreme privacy. $46,500. Only genuine buyers please. No agents. Phone 325-662. HS6 REDWOOD/Papanui. Attractive sunny 2 bdrm Summerhill Stone rear unit in block of two, garages between. Spacious lounge, central heating, immaculate order ■throughout, roomy, sunny backyard. $39,500. Sole agents. Kevin Whiting. Ltd, MREINZ. 794-096, a.h. Whitting 851-724. 9 RICCARTON. Sole agents. Perm. mat. 2 bdrm flats on large section. Excellent drive and fences. 2 blocks of 2, garages in between. A sought after area. Priced to sell at $32,000 and $31,000. Reg McKenzie, 559-097. a.h. 517-594, Merivale Real Estate, MREINZ. 9 ST ALBANS, new luxury 2 bdrm home on its own small site close to Bealey Ave. Beautifully designed, brick home with internal entry to built-in garage, large sunny living dining areas and Ixuury finish throughout. Concrete drives, and paths laid, new boundary fencing. and grounds to be laid opt. Ready for occupation in two weeks, with Inspection a must at $38,765 complete. Ph Enterprise' Homes Ltd. 45- a.h. 584-379, or 582181. STHII
BUILDERS OF FINEST "FAMILY HOMES NEW ZEALAND FAMILY’S REACH: WE BELIEVE we can help prospective purchasers’ with our 3 bedroom home units. Only 2 on each section, complete with garage, concrete paths, drive, clothesline and letterbox. All permanent materials, no maintenance. Prices from $30,000. We have a particularly good range of localities. ■ HIGHSTED ROAD SARABANDE AVENUE GREENOCK STREET SAWYERS ARMS ROAD LAING CRESCENT; HEATHCOTE CLYDESDALE STREET A TRAVIS ROAD BOWER AVENUE PEGASUS AVENUE WARATAH STREET. Four specialised selling staff are available for good sound advice. Evening appointments can be made if required. . • T \ ;< Phone 889-377 bus, 518-429 a,h., 886-466 a.h. 13